Antagonists Are Very Well-Behaved Today

Chapter 961: Encounter the little green plum of a perverted bamboo horse 5

Fanxing stayed in the hospital for a few days.

Shifu and Shimu come to the hospital for a while every day.

During the period, school classmates and teachers also came one after another to visit the sick.

What makes the boy feel especially irritable is that when these people come to visit the sick, they will mention the same person intentionally or unintentionally—

Yin Zhu.

"Yin Zhu senior in the third year of high school, specially borrowed daily lesson plans from several teachers, so you don't have to worry about falling behind in your study progress. Yin Zhu said that he will make up for you bit by bit at the time." This is from the class. What the study committee said.

"Fanxing, Senior Yin Zhu is really kind to you."

This is what a female classmate in the class had with Fanxing fairly well.

How to listen, how sore.

"Fanxing, I think you are really too much. Senior Yin Zhu is so kind to you, you still have a temper with him and don't want to see him. Do you know how much he worried about you when you were hospitalized?"

So handsome, handsome, and so considerate.

Said lonely: "Fanxing doesn't want to see me. When you go to the hospital to see her, help me see her condition, I'm really worried."

Not to mention girls, even boys, they all feel that hating iron is nothing.

Senior Yin Zhu is a man in the school, handsome, good at learning, and generous in his shots.

What kind of girlfriend can you not find?

Why do you have to hang yourself on the crooked neck tree Shi Fanxing?

Such girls with princess disease are cheap, and they don't cherish good boys.

You should meet a scumbag and cure her scumbag!

Everyone kept reminding her in Fanxing's ears how good Yin Zhu was, how tender and considerate she was, how much she had done too much.

Yin Zhu Yin Zhu Yin Zhu.

This person is a vivid interpretation of what it means to be in the dark.

Although he knew that Fanxing had never seen him since he woke up, he seemed to be everywhere. Anyone who can catch up with Fanxing will involuntarily mention Yin Zhu.

Persuade her for Yin Zhu.

Let her not be a demon.


Have cat cake duck?

No matter how good, can you have her presbyopia?

No matter how good, does she have to like it?

She is so tired of star cubs and has so many good blue children who like her. Does she have to take turns to hug each one of them?

[Wait, so many, what do you mean? 】Sou Shen found a blind spot.

Oh, fucking, awesome, there are so many good blue kids who like you as a bear cub.

Who is there?

Fanxing Tsundere: "I won't tell you."

Silly Ergou, how did she know who else likes her besides Presbyopia?

She only cared about the old flower spent the duck, how can she have time to pay attention to other blue children.

Fanxing is very annoying.

This kind of trouble is completely built up in just a few days after waking up.

I was bored to the bones of this "Big Brother Yin Zhu" whom I had never met before, and perfectly fitted with Shi Fanxing's hatred of the original owner.

After all, the kid is very rebellious.

You pressed her little head and insisted on who she liked.

The more she questioned--

Why duck?

Do you think he is good, why don't you send ducks with others?

Why do you have to push me the little star duck?

I like blue kids who are not good. Isn’t it okay to give the good ones to you?

"They are so anxious, they want to give me the sorrow."

Fanxing's tone is particularly certain.

"He's sure, it's a spicy chicken."

Because if it's a baby, others will want to keep it, so where would you give her a duck?

Search God: ...seems a bit reasonable?

Fanxing will silently register all the teachers, classmates and parents who have been to the hospital to see her.

All are spicy chicken.

I won't play with them anymore.

[Oh, I know, don’t you just want to play with my Lord Ares? 】

Lustful bear cub, don't you know you? In addition to the beauty of my Lord Ares that can attract you, what else can interest you?

Fanxing shook his finger: "No."

Search God: [Huh? ] This bastard, the brain circuit has changed again?

"Oh, I want, have fun with that spicy chicken."

Fanxing looked serious, with a strong domineering aura. Sou Shenhao had to sigh, the child really grew up. It used to be like an elementary school chicken, now it's a secondary two girl.

The only thing it is curious about now is how she plans to have fun with Yin Zhu.

The fifth day of hospitalization.

Fanxing was finally discharged from the hospital.

The little boy was arrogant and arrogant. Seeing that posture, the search **** thought he had seen a cockfight.

[What are you doing so energetic? 】Sou God is puzzled.

Fanxing continued to be arrogant, "I am, I am always ready to fight."

[Girls’ family, let’s be more elegant, and it’s not nice to fight, so we’re always ready to fight. 】

Fanxing suddenly...was very puzzled, "Why do you think I am a star cub, want to be a quality girl?"

[Isn't it just for your sake? A little lady, a little more elegant, more attractive. 】

Fanxing asked sharply: "Huh? You mean, presbyopia doesn't like me enough now?"

Isn't it, she likes what she likes like a star cub?


What am I...

Fortunately, I stopped the car in time. This is simply a proposition!

Bastard, why can't Daddy sorry for you?

He even learned to dig pits for Dad.

Can such questions be answered casually? If the answer is really wrong, you still have to be peeled off by its Lord of War? !

But when you look at her cheating look, you really wonder if she can spit up blood.

Fanxing bought eight meat buns at the entrance of the hospital, ate the meat, and fed the buns to the stray dogs near the hospital.

Eight, hehehe.

Get rich.

Feed the dog, hehehe.


From now on, every day will be a day of working hard to make money, hehehe.

A few stray dogs tasted some meaty smell, and immediately circled around the stars.

Shi's father and Shi's mother had their own jobs to be busy today, so they didn't come to the hospital to pick Fanxing out. But there is no shortage of servants and drivers in the family. A driver comes with several servants to meet Fanxing.

Fanxing looked at a few stray dogs, thoughtfully, and said to the servant: "I want to take them home."

With Wangcai with you, it is easier to save money.

Search God doesn’t know what to say:...

Damn, it gave a hundred faints for this reason.

I can't tell, this little bastard's fearless temperament still has such a particular side.

The servant is a bit embarrassed. With so many stray dogs, is Miss Shi crazy?

Moreover, Yin Zhu used to be bitten by a dog when he was a child. How could Miss Shi feed the dog at home?

Mr. Shi and Mrs. Shi would certainly not agree.

"Miss, these stray dogs are dirty. They have a lot of viruses and bacteria on them. Your husband and wife will not agree to raise them. Also, you should ask Master Yin Zhu to think about it. He doesn't like dogs very much."

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