Antagonists Are Very Well-Behaved Today

Chapter 966: Encounter a perverted little green plum 10

The huge duplex apartment covers an area of ​​nearly two to three hundred square meters, and only a teenager lives alone.

It was empty inside, and whispered to himself, as if he could hear the echo.

At first glance, a young man is a very cold-tempered person, and the breath radiating from his body is like a person made of ice and snow. There is no vitality, no popularity, and no mundane fireworks.

The black pupil was cold and faint, and could not see to the end.

Only when I read the post on the school forum that stirred up waves with one stone, my eyebrows moved slightly.

Her temper...

It seems to be irritable.

Feng Qianjiu opened the chat software on his cell phone, and when his classmates added friends to each other, he added Fanxing.

Then I put her on top, but I never talked about it.

Finger rubbed the top frame.

Rubbing for a long time.

Not a word was sent.

He actually wanted to tell her not to be angry.

However, he had no courage.

Fanxing didn't know that there was a classmate watching him secretly.

I played with the dog in the room for a while, slept for a while, and then started to pack the books that I would go to school tomorrow.

Go to dinner at night.

It is rare for Yin Zhu not to hush her cold and warm her up. It should be because he was pounced by a dog today, and he was nauseous and bad.

Shi's father and Shi's mother didn't know what happened today.

When the couple were eating, they looked at Fanxing's expressions and found that she did not look at Yin Zhu with the same look as before, showing malicious intent towards Yin Zhu.

I even felt a little relieved.

It seems that Yin Zhu personally cooks and greets her to leave the hospital today, which has played a role, and is not so targeted at him.

Sure enough, people's hearts are grown in flesh.

What's more, Yin Zhu's child is so good, even if Fanxing is wayward, sooner or later he will be moved.

"Come on, eat more."

Because Shi Mu was happy, she deliberately gave Fan Xing food with her face.

Star Cub: ...I don't know what this weird old aunt's brain made up, and she suddenly looked good to her.

Go to school the next day.

Yin Zhu has returned to the way he first saw it yesterday. It should have been a whole night of adjustment and his mentality has recovered.

Personally help Fanxing carry school bags, and personally help Fanxing open the door.

Everything is so meticulous.

Shi's father and Shi's mother witnessed this meticulous scene and sent their two children into the car.

After getting in the car of Fanxing and Yinzhu, the driver of Shi’s family said to Fanxing while driving, "Miss, although I am only the driver of Shi’s family, I have to tell you offensively, Master Yinzhu, to you It's really good."

Some middle-aged men, who are getting older, even if they are just drivers, can't help the burning heart of the dean in their hearts.

Always thinking about educating others.

"The young people now, especially the boys, are as considerate and reliable as Master Yin Zhu, not much. Miss, you must be nice to Master Yin Zhu. When you were young, you didn't know what to do People who cherish are easy to regret later."

Yin Zhu is just the old **** sitting beside Fanxing.

The corners of his lips showed a faint smile.

What he enjoys is not the praise of others, but Fanxing obviously dislikes him, but he has to listen to his aggrieved and resentful praise.

He felt her powerlessness and grievance.

He likes this feeling.

When the whole world stands on the opposite side of you, abandons you, isolates you, does not understand you...

My little girl, you know my loneliness.

Fanxing took a meat bun from the crisper and took a bite. Then with a pair of **** eyes, I looked up and down at Yin Zhu, as if looking at something rare.

Yin Zhu was even seen by her, with an inexplicable premonition.

Fanxing swallowed the buns, and said to Yin Zhu in an admiring tone, "It's really thick-skinned."

While speaking, he nodded seriously.

"He praises you so much, your face is not red, you are so amazing!"

Another bite of buns.

He nodded his head again, expressing his self-identity, "Really thick."

The kid has a super skill that no one else can learn.

That is, no matter what she said, even if it was digging a hole, she could speak seriously and sincerely. It seems like this, the phrase ‘you are so amazing’...

Yin Zhuming knew that she was scolding him.

But when she saw that she was so sincere, she was inexplicably suspicious--

Is she complimenting him sincerely?

What a hell!

"Miss, you can't just humiliate Young Master Yinzhu because he is so bullied. If you are known by your husband and wife, you will definitely be unhappy." The driver said again.

From yesterday to today.

All the servants of the Shi family expressed their protection of Yin Zhu, and moved out Shifu and Shimu at every turn.

Ordinary little girls love and respect their parents, but anyone who longs for the affection of their parents, when they hear others say this, they will naturally be afraid that things will be passed on to Shi's father and Shi's mother and make them unhappy.

Fanxing just gave a "Huh".

Extraordinarily curiously asked: "What kind of duck are you at Shijia?"

"Miss, what do you think I do? I am driving now, of course I am working as a driver in Shijia."

"Do you drive with your mouth?" The little boy said so sly, he was obviously waiting for the driver's answer.

"Spend money, hire you to drive. Not spend money, hire you to talk. Keep your mouth shut."

The last four words are both overbearing and unwilling.

The driver has never been so scorned by a little girl in his middle age.

But he is really just a Shi's driver, usually with a lot of mouth, and he feels complacent about educating Fanxing. But now even if he gets angry, he doesn't dare to explode to Fanxing.

So in this world, there are no nosy people who cannot be cured.

The more nosy, the more bullying and fear of hardship.

Yin Zhu watched Fanxing Yilu with interest.

Not only I like it, but I think it's interesting to see the stars like a little hedgehog.

I feel...

The urge to knock her down the abyss again is even more satisfying!

He has studied people's hearts.

Trust-trust broken-rebellious and rebellious resistance-breaking the jar, desperate, fighting to the death-and then unable to resist the pressure and loneliness, gradually quieting-in the end, the heart is dead, motionless and never resisting, Like a puppet doll.

This is the path he has arranged for Fanxing.

And she is now in the stage of breaking the jar, desperately fighting to the death.

He would let her know that all resistance was in vain.

The search **** suddenly haha.

My cub will let you know that perverts are generally lack of social beatings.

Really enter the school.

Only then did Search God realize how depressing the environment where Fanxing was when the original owner was.

It's not campus bullying, but everyone is cultivating her "love education" for the sake of shame...

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