Antagonists Are Very Well-Behaved Today

Chapter 968: Encountering a perverted little green plum 12

Feng Qianjiu sat at the back of the classroom alone.

There is still a long distance from the classmates in the last row. At first glance, he was completely separated from the rest of the class, incompatible with each other, and no intersection.

The classmates wanted to have an intersection with him, after all, the young master of the Feng family.

This is an aristocratic school. Students who can come in are either rich or noble.

No one dares to say that he is the heir to the family, because the illegitimate children are endless.

But Feng Qianjiu is the absolute future heir of the Feng family. The Feng family is the most dazzling family among the classmates.

Everyone wanted to have an intersection with him, but no one dared to take a step closer to him.

It is said that when he was in junior high school, there was a girl who watched too many soap operas, pretending to be an innocent silly white sweet, and wanted to attract the attention of the Feng family young master and be good friends with him.

And dare to touch his arm.

Touch, it's bumped.

Then he was thrown away instantly.

But it doesn't matter, the Great Wall was not completed in a day. Being able to get close to Feng Qianjiu's body is already a great improvement.

Everyone thought that after a short while, Feng's young master might really be taken down by that female classmate tirelessly.

As a result, the female classmate did not come to study the next day.

It is said that there was something wrong with the family's business, and at the same time, he received a warning from the Feng family, so he was busy changing schools, and even the transfer procedures were handled by people.

The dream start between the young master Jingui and the silly Baitian ended in lightning speed.

And it's the end of Tianliangwang's break.

Suddenly everyone knew that the fairy tales were all deceptive.

The young master of the Feng family really doesn't like getting along with people.

Feng Qianjiu is said to have not attended elementary school and has been taught by a tutor. Until junior high school, the elders in the family felt that if they were so isolated from the world, the whole person would be abolished, and they would forcibly send them to school.

It does not require any foreign objects such as grades, only that he can make friends with his peers.

Several years passed in a blink of an eye.

The young master of the Feng family is still the same.

I heard that the reason for this temperament is that something happened when I was young. The Feng family kept secrets about the specifics, and no one dared to get to the bottom of the Feng family's affairs.

Feng Qianjiu looked at Fanxing secretly with a vague look.

In the sight of many attentions, the little boy was obsessed with learning, and didn't notice it for a while.

After waiting for a whole day of class, if I felt a little bit, I looked towards the end.

It feels that among so many spicy chickens, a little cutie is looking at herself.

Let her see, which little cute duck is it?

Oh, it turned out to be the best-looking little one sitting at the back.

[Don't boast, he is not my Lord of War. You boast so cruelly, my Lord of War will be jealous. 】Er Gouzi is also a thing that doesn't hold a good fart, just thinking about deliberately panicking Fanxing.

Not only did she not panic, she tilted her head in surprise.

... "Huh? Little flower, green?"

The pause is so rhythmic, which gives rise to a sense of picture.

Search God: [...] Cub, Daddy knows you are wretched, but I didn't expect you to be so wretched.

It's no guilt when I come to my Lord of War.

Fanxing turned back suddenly.

Feng Qianjiu stared at her for a moment without any defense.

Then there was no expression on his face, no waves, and silently retracted his gaze.

Just calm and calm, as if nothing happened, if it weren't for the search **** has been watching its dad, I'm afraid I would really think that the meeting just now was just accidental.

With this character, it's no wonder that in the original plot, he couldn't be with Fanxing until he died.

Oh, Meng Sao.

Oh, man.

After a whole day of class, the bell rang after school.

As a result, Fanxing was blocked by someone before she could leave the school.

A few girls in high school.

You don't need to ask to know, it must be here to fight against the injustice.

When they stopped Fanxing, their expressions were particularly unnatural, with only indignation, not much arrogance.

At first glance, I know that this kind of thing is not often done.

Fanxing patted his chest like a small seal.


Don't ask why she understands so clearly, of course it's because she is super experienced in blocking people!

Proud and head up.jpg

A few girls are indeed inexperienced. They are all top students in the same class as Yin Zhu in high school. Where did they ever do this kind of stuffiness on the way?

So's quite embarrassing.

Changing to Fanxing will definitely block people in the alley.

"Shi Fanxing, stop."

They were already jammed in front of Fanxing, forced her to stop, and even made her stop.

The boy almost thought he had met a fool.

Stars tilted his head: "You guys, something?"

"Why do you want to treat Yin Zhu like that?" The leading girl with a high ponytail looked gentle and gentle, but her questioning tone was very rude.

He is the bravest among the few girls.

"Which kind of duck?" The little cub asked with wilting, knowingly.

"Just... things on the forum." Gao Mawei said, his face flushed.

The little sister Shi Fanxing is really shameless. She is obviously just a video of being pounced by a dog. She actually took such a disgusting and nasty title.

With so many people now, why would she be ashamed to explain things in detail?

I can only talk about things on the forum, and I am embarrassed to mention that post and the video.

"Oh." Fanxing was curious, and the thief asked Xixi, "What's the matter on the forum?"

Then she said to the search **** in her heart: She blushes, she is shy! And I am not afraid!

Continue to be proud.jpg

Search God: [...] Just... don't know what to say. The girl’s family, is not shy, is there something to be proud of?

Gao Mawei and a few other girls, their faces flushed with a sentence.

"It's the video post you made where the Yin Zhu was pounced by a dog!"

Now is the time when school is over and there are most people. Almost all the students paid attention to the post on the school forum, so the passing students heard about the post and stopped to watch.

"It's the dog, not me." Fanxing is confident. jpg

It wasn't her star cub who pounced on her, why did she ask her why she was like that?

Shouldn't you ask the dog?

Gao Mawei didn't expect Shi Fanxing to be so shameless.

For a while, he was speechless.

But it doesn't matter, they are so crowded that they still have relays.

After the girl with high ponytail was blocked by the stars, a girl with short hair immediately stood up and said: "...Then why do you put the video on the school forum and then use such an obscene name? At a young age, why are you so nasty? Don't you feel ashamed of you, a girl, posting posts with that name?"


Fanxing is even more assertive: "I don't think so."

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