Antagonists Are Very Well-Behaved Today

Chapter 972: Encountering a perverted little green plum 16

The kidnapper told Feng Qianjiu to lie on the ground, dig the soil with his hands without nails, and then forced it into his mouth and let him swallow it.

The earthworms were dug out from the soil, and several dozen earthworms were entangled together, a pile that looked red and wriggling. It was extremely disgusting and wanted to stuff his mouth.

Hang the person from the beam with a rope just enough to get his toes on the ground. Hanging like this lasted for several hours, as if they were torturing animals, they were still laughing beside them.

All these are just the tip of the iceberg.

After all, anyone who can take risks and become a kidnapper is not someone with a lower limit of integrity.

This is a villain like the devil, hired by people. And the employer said that after getting the money, he can tear up the ticket.

In other words, the little boy in his hands is destined to die.

If you have to return the person back after receiving the ransom, of course you have to be entertained.

Since I intend to tear up the ticket...

You can toss as you please, and it will ease the nervousness of the big guy.

Three days and two nights.

All kinds of pranks that treat people as animals are enough to destroy a child.

Feng Qianjiu was considered a good fortune and was eventually rescued.

But the lifelong shadow is left.

When Feng Qianjiu was rescued, he was beaten up and down without a piece of good meat, his eyes were dull and unhuman.

Feng's elder and his grandfather joined hands and vowed to capture the master behind the scenes, otherwise they would not give up.

The result was discovered after investigation.

Oh, it turned out to be a family ugly, which is very embarrassing.

Not only the Feng family’s ugly, but also the Dong’s ugly.

Feng Qianjiu's mother's surname is Dong. When she was pregnant with him, her brother-in-law got involved with her sister-in-law, and the illegitimate child was only one or two months younger than him.

Mrs. Feng's younger sister is obviously a master of skill. The older sister failed to grasp a man's heart, but she grasped it firmly and became the "true love" that was owed.

Both the sister-in-law and the brother-in-law know that although they are shameless, they are all decent people at home.

They want to be together upright, not so simple.

The more you can't get it, the more you are commotion.

The more obstructed, the more affectionate you will feel.

The two felt that Mrs. Feng unfortunately passed away untimely when they were going to sneak in this way for a lifetime.

The two had already negotiated, and they endured for another year.

After the limelight passed, he made an excuse to say that Feng Qianjiu was still young and needed someone to take care of him. After thinking and giving it to others, I don't feel relieved, so I might as well just make do with his aunt.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Feng has not been buried yet.

A couple of children and dogs, they could not hold back the firewood, and turned over and over in the master bedroom.

Feng Qianjiu wanted to enter his mother's room and cried secretly, accidentally breaking the adultery between the two.

First, it was to cover up his own scandals.

Secondly, it is considered that they still have the crystallization of love.

Just don't do anything else...

It's not that the Feng family and the Dong family have never thought of hiding this matter.

But Feng Qianjiu is extremely intelligent.

There is no way to hide it from him.

Although Feng Qianjiu's grandson is dear.


The son was born to the father of the Feng family.

The daughter was also born to the father of the Dong family.

The palms of the palms and the backs of the hands are all meat. Is it possible to send your son or daughter to jail?

And the ugliness of the family should not be publicized. If this is known to outsiders, it will be shocking to the world!

So the two elders together decided to suppress this matter.

Although I am sorry to Feng Qianjiu, the child can never lose his father after losing his mother.

In any case, their two elders will spoil thousands of wine more in the future, which is also considered compensation.

But no one asked.

——Feng Qianjiu, the client, is willing to accept this kind of compensation?

At a young age, he went through such a painful thing. This is Crit One.

It turned out that the pain I experienced was caused by my relatives alone. This was Crit II.

I thought that my father was already unreliable enough. Grandpa and grandpa had become the only people he could rely on. As a result, his last remaining relatives who can rely on chose to shelter his people. This is Crit Three.

All this pain is something ordinary people cannot bear.

No one knows how Feng Qianjiu, a child, went through the darkest moments by himself.

Then step by step, live until now.

Since the kidnapping case, he has been like a lonely ghost wandering outside of this world, incompatible with the whole world, and can't find any sense of belonging.

Can not have feelings for anyone, and resist everyone's approach.

This is not only manifested psychologically, but also physically.

Even the touch of others makes him feel sick.

Nothing can attract his attention, can make him feel interested.

Shi Fanxing is an exception.

Because he felt the same despair from her.

Everyone is forcing her, no one understands her, everyone thinks that the boy named Yin Zhu treats her very well, and everyone thinks she doesn't know what is good or bad.

And she can't argue with her.

Being forced into a dead end, I don't know what to do.

Feng Qianjiu paid attention only occasionally at first.

However, if a boy wants to be tempted by a girl, he has already taken the first step by paying attention to it for a long time.

Paying attention to it, before not knowing it, he put his heart into it.

He will feel worried for her.

Can't help but hope to wipe the haze on her heart.

Will hate Yin Zhu, hate him obviously not like Fanxing, but still torture her!

But he can do nothing.

Because he has a mental disorder.

Getting along with people is a fatal torture for him. He can't cross the hurdle in his heart at all. He actively talks to Fanxing, takes the initiative to accompany her, and warm her.

do you know?

He himself is a piece of ice, and he has no way to warm others.

But the love for Fanxing finally made Feng Qianjiu take the first step when he was almost driving him crazy.

——He took the initiative to make a few words with Fanxing.

——Then used Feng's family to pressure the teacher secretly, and took the initiative to be at the same table with Fanxing.

——He patted her on the back with his hand when she was forced to collapse by others, crying a lot, and fell asleep on the table.

But no one knew that he had patted Fanxing's back and immediately went into the toilet and vomited faintly.

When a girl in junior high school touched his arm arbitrarily, he felt a churn in his stomach. If not for good self-cultivation, he has been restrained, I'm afraid he will vomit in the classroom.

Such a person, like a person, really likes his life.

When Sou Shenhao saw the original world plot, it felt hard for Feng Qianjiu.

Whenever he took a step towards Shi Fanxing, he had to overcome a great psychological barrier.

The speed at which he overcomes obstacles is far less than that of Yin Zhu, and the speed at which he strikes the stars.

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