Antagonists Are Very Well-Behaved Today

Chapter 978: Encountering a perverted little green plum 22

Fanxing stuffed breakfast in Feng Qianjiu's desk while no one was in the class.

Then I started to eat the luxurious beef noodles with meat, and the noodles were very fragrant.

Sou Shen felt that she had done a personal thing, at least not when Feng Qianjiu was there.

Otherwise, Feng Qianjiu looked at the dumplings that filled his desk, and then looked at her beef noodles. This breakfast would give him a grudge.

You eat so rich yourself, just give me this?

This is it? ?

"He can't, eat my beef noodles." Fanxing said coldly.


【why? 】

"Because of his poor health, what he usually eats is very light."

Search God was suddenly shocked, [How did you know? ] It’s amazing, my cub, when did you observe this?

Fanxing proudly raised his head.

"I have noticed everything about Xiaohuahua."

As early as the first day after she was discharged from the hospital, she went to class and noticed that a cute little mouse was watching her silently, and she went back!

Silently shut him down.

Even Ergou didn't notice.

Search God: 【……】

What is this... is the power of the legendary love?

What is going on with another bite of dog food for no reason?

Feng Qianjiu came to the classroom a few minutes before class, when the classroom was full of voices.

When he saw the desk next to him, he paused slightly.

The look was a little unnatural.

Because he woke up in the middle of the night and was thinking about how to treat the stars today, his eyes were black and he knew that he hadn't slept well.

Pretending to be calm, walked to the seat and sat down.

The other classmates couldn't hold back, their eyes kept drifting back quietly. Although they didn't dare to be too obvious, they would look at the two people behind with the corner of their eyes when they got the chance.

I'm all waiting to see, when will Feng Qianjiu give Shi Fanxing a little bit more power?

With all the eyes in full view, he turned this little flower into his arms.

Search God didn't know what Fanxing **** was thinking of, and she suddenly became very excited.

Just...inexplicably wretched, you know?

"Ergouya, I feel like stealing..."

Search God quickly covered his pure ears: [Enough, don’t say one word left, I already know what you are going to say, don’t say it! ! 】

"...Secretly make friends." Fanxing tilted his head curiously, "There is one word left? What word?"

[...] What am I... Have you learned how to make sharp turns when drag racing?

"Ergouya, are you, wretched?"


The search **** was silent for a long time.

It never expected that this little **** would have learned how to beat him up.

Even the dog like Dad molested, are you still a human?

Feng Qianjiu opened the desk.

Seeing the breakfast full of dangdang in the desk, I paused for a long time.

It should have been completely unexpected that Fanxing would be so proactive. I moved my seat over before school yesterday, and I even brought him breakfast today.

Completely... didn't give him a chance to react.

Don't ask him why he knows that the breakfast in the desk is given by the stars. The bright eyes of the other party are clearly saying: Look at the breakfast I prepared for you! !

Feng Qianjiu didn't change his color, ignored a pile of breakfast, and took out a book from his desk.

He didn't know what to do.

Now I am panicking a group.

So I can only pretend to be calm and pretend not to see anything.

Unexpectedly, Fanxing was not so easy to pass.

The boy saw the breakfast he had prepared, but he didn't even choose this little flower.

Then, under the desk.

Quietly Mimi stretched out a finger.

Poke Feng Qianjiu's waist, "Do you not like each one?"

Feeling the strength from his waist, Feng Qianjiu's face instantly turned pale.

Obviously, the mental illness is extremely serious, and being touched like this by someone suddenly makes him feel very uncomfortable even if it is a girl who has a good opinion of him.

His stomach was surging from the river to the sea, and his lips were trembling under the spasm.

In the original plot, when Shi Fanxing first came into contact with Feng Qianjiu, he was also unwell in every way.

Despite forced restraint, Shi Fanxing still felt it. So at the beginning, Shi Fanxing misunderstood him and felt that Feng Qianjiu was malicious towards her.

Because of this, it took a long time for the two to solve the misunderstanding.

And this time.

After Fanxing realized that Feng Qianjiu was wrong, he immediately retracted his paw.

Feng Qianjiu got up and went to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, I almost vomited faintly. I vomited until my stomach twitched. Finally, I was weak and leaned against the wall. It took several minutes to relieve.

Since the kidnappers were in the hands of the kidnappers when he was young, they stuffed his mouth with earthworms, insects, and even snakes, and he had a serious psychological barrier.

Can't believe anyone.

I dare not touch anyone.

There is an uncontrollable fear and aversion to the touch of others.

He washed his face in front of the sink, patted his cheeks, and patted the pale cheeks with a little **** color, and then walked out of the bathroom slowly.

Feng Qianjiu decided.

He can't be at the same table with Shi Fanxing, he must keep a distance from her.

If he vomits out in front of all the classmates when he comes into contact with Fanxing, it will only hurt her even more.

Who made him such a monster?

Feng Qianjiu, who decided to keep her distance from Fanxing, wrote a small note to Fanxing after returning to the classroom while no one was paying attention.

You and I are at the same table, about three chapters.

1. It is not allowed to exceed the scope of your own desk.

2. It is not allowed to touch me at will.

3. I am only responsible for tutoring your studies and will not make friends with you.

At least, I won't make friends with you now.

Feng Qianjiu silently added in his heart.

Fanxing held the small note for a long time.

Pao Tsai's first step was rejected.

The boy had never experienced this kind of Waterloo before, of course he was stunned and at a loss.

But without waiting for Sou Shen to speak nicely for his Lord Ares, Fan Xing had already found a reason for Feng Qianjiu.

"He is not in good health and does not want to be known by me."

"Because I'm afraid I look down on him."

"Ah, this little flower is really **** fragile."

[...] It is fragile and not fragile, but it doesn't know, it always feels that this sentence pattern is really **** weird.

Although I comforted myself.

But when I was hit, I was hit. Fanxing remained silent for nearly a day, and he was not so active even in class.

It wasn't until the afternoon that the mood recovered.

He neatly pressed the small note written by Feng Qianjiu into his notebook.

Everything about Xiaohuahua must be preserved.

Xiao Huahua was sick and didn't intentionally make her angry, so she couldn't hold her revenge.

Such a sensible bastard, Search God really feels moved and wants to cry.

Although sometimes the bear is a bit bearish, it is good to be good to Lord Ares.

I like you, so I can tolerate all your imperfections.

I will report to the whole world, but you are a little bit bad for me, I can completely forgive it.

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