Antagonists Are Very Well-Behaved Today

Chapter 985: The little green plum who meets the abnormal bamboo horse 29

After Fanxing was released, he walked towards Shi's father step by step.

Shifu stood there, looking at her impartially.

how is it?

Is it possible that you really dare to do something with your father?

He really didn't believe it!

Fanxing's fists were tightly clenched, and a pair of eyes that were originally clear and bottomless were forced to begin to show blood.

A voice in my heart was roaring, hitting him! kill him!

But reason has restrained her firmly.

Some people claim to be extremely smart and well-mannered, but they are more irritable than anyone when they really encounter problems.

But some people...

Obviously no one has ever taught her, so-called parents, so-called teachers, need to be respected. But she had a trace of bottom line in her subconscious.

can not fight.

She is very angry now and will kill people.

If she could even kill her parents, Xiao Huahua might be disappointed and afraid of her.

Fanxing did not do anything.

Shifu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there is no unfilial piety to the point of being frantic.

As a father, who doesn't love his daughter?

What's more, he only has a single seedling like Fanxing, and he can't wait to give her all the best things and let her receive the best education.

If the daughter raised by oneself has become an enemy, he even wants to do something to his own father.

Do you think he will not feel heartache?

"Tomorrow I will ask the secretary to send you to the juvenile management office, and you will reflect on it when the time comes." Shi's father pressed his eyebrows, looking like a helpless old father with heartache.

Shi Mu suddenly raised her head: "No, I won't agree!"

Although Fanxing did something wrong, she was her own daughter after all.

The little girl's house was sent to the juvenile management office, where was the face to be known?

Even if you want to teach a lesson, you can use other methods. Just teach at home by yourself, you don't need to go outside.

at this time.

Yin Zhu spoke.

"Daddy Shi, I also don't agree with sending Fanxing to the juvenile management office. Fanxing did nothing wrong today. She was just too impatient and mistakenly thought that I had killed her dog. In the final analysis, I was too cruel and did not do anything wrong. It's not her fault."

Yin Zhu's words made Shi's father and Shi's mother extremely hot.

When Shifu spoke so harshly, he was actually more worried about Yin Zhu's heart.

This child is so sensible and distressing.

Obviously I was wronged, but I still have to say good things for Fanxing.

Will there be a better boy than Yin Zhu to Fanxing in this world?

Absolutely not! !

When the father and mother dare to determine!

Because of this, they became increasingly dissatisfied with Fanxing.

What is she doing unreasonably?

What are you picking about?

Why don't you like Yin Zhu? Why is it aimed at him and bullying him? Why don't you know how to cherish such a big person?

In the end, under Yin Zhu's "consolation", Shifu dismissed the idea of ​​sending Fanxing to the juvenile office.

Just said: "You will stay in your room well and reflect on yourself for the next half month."

There is a **** to go to school!

After reading books for so many years, I haven't learned to distinguish right from wrong and behave!

After speaking, he hurriedly took Yin Zhu to the hospital with Shi Mu.

"You kid, you have to hide and tuck if bitten by a dog!"

"If you don't adjust the monitoring, are you not going to tell us to know?"

"Mom Shi, it's not a big deal, so I don't want you to worry about it."

The voice drifted away, and it sounded very harmonious.

Leave only the stars.

Slowly, sat down in a pool of blood.

The servant and the bodyguard looked at each other, seeing this scene, inexplicably feel a strange feeling.

Why are you crazy?

are you crazy.

Isn't it just a dead dog? What do you do to show such a absent-minded and neurotic appearance?

The servants and bodyguards dared not continue to stay in the living room, anyway, now Master Yin Zhu has been sent to the hospital, and there is no need to continue to guard against Shi Fanxing. In that case, what do they continue to stay here for?

Do their own things to chant.

She has such an abnormal look, the ghost knows if she will go crazy and start with innocent people like them.

When only Fanxing is left in the living room.

The little girl was sitting in the blood, hanging her head slightly, touching her hand in a pool of blood.

He picked up a hand of blood, and then watched them slip drop by drop from the palm of the hand.

It seems to be playing some game.

Seeing the God of God was frightened.

At the same time, he was still thinking about it with extreme fear.

Its heartless brats can be calculated like this, hurt like this. Shi Fanxing, who was truly heart and soul...How desperate did she go through?

If the original owner was...

Sou Shen felt that he did not dare to think about it.

I really can't think about it.

If it's her little kid, how long should she struggle alone in all kinds of hopeless environments?

Search God could not help but recall the appearance of Fanxing at the beginning.

The little boy who doesn't know what happiness is.

Don't believe in anyone, always full of vigilant kid.

So lonely, but so good at making fun of the little bastard.

She obviously has such a soft heart...

How did you stop trusting anyone?

How can you be vigilant towards everyone around you?

How did you come up with so many ways to entertain yourself?

She is a little fool who likes to walk all the way to the dark.

As long as she knows who she is, she can keep her heart and soul and trust others. You see, she has identified it as Lord Wars, so she can spoil him with flowers.

If before, someone she believed appeared.

...Sou Shenhao couldn't even imagine what that person did that would make her no more trustworthy, she could only be wary.

The little girl played with blood for a while.

He picked up the dead dog from the ground and brought it to Shi's garden.

I got another **** and started digging. Seriously, he dug a big hole, put the big dog down, and filled in the soil little by little.

The whole process was very silent and didn't say a word to Soshen.

Search God could not hold back: [You still have me, am I not your second dog? Don't be afraid, no one in this world can hurt me, I will always be by your side. 】

[I, your forever second dog duck! 】

Speaking of last, Soshen even sold Meng shamelessly.

But the stars are silent.

Quietly buried the big dog, went back to the room, took a shower, and lay down on the bed.

Finally, before going to bed, he told the search god: "Ergou, I'm fine."

Search God: 【……】

I really believe you have a ghost, the more calm, the more terrifying.

You look so calm, my mother dare to believe what you said is okay?


All in all, I am very worried.

But Fanxing felt that he was really fine.

She felt very angry and very angry just now, as if it was affected by the anger and despair from the bottom of her heart, which made her feel bullied again, and there was no trace of hope.

However, she is hopeful.

She also has a little flower duck!

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