At the intersection of the British Concession, a dozen Indian soldiers and a British second lieutenant were stationed here.

Their duty was to check the identity documents of the Chinese people entering and leaving.

Not everyone could enter and leave the British Concession at will.

On China's own territory, they had to be inspected by foreigners.

It was simply trampling on the dignity of the Chinese people.

But the proud British did not think so.

An Indian soldier, carrying a Lee Enfield rifle, looked arrogantly at the Chinese people passing by. This is what is called a dog relying on the power of others.

At this moment, there was a commotion in the street in the distance.

This also attracted their attention.

When they looked at the street not far away.

Their eyes widened, full of disbelief and astonishment.

"this....What's this?"

"Tank..tank, this is not our tank, it belongs to the Chinese......"

What they saw were Guardian main battle tanks driving in a line.

The huge gun muzzles had been lowered, pointing directly at them.��

It was like a steel beast driving towards them.

This scene made their scalps numb and their hearts shudder.

Especially the Indian soldiers, their legs were trembling.

If it weren't for the British officers behind them, they would have probably run away.

They looked at each other and didn't know what to do at this moment.

The British officers reacted at this time.

"Call the camp quickly, the Chinese tanks are coming, let them come to reinforce as quickly as possible, and be quick!"

The British stationed a British company and an Indian infantry battalion in the British Concession, with a total of more than 1,200 troops.

They are responsible for maintaining the defense of the entire British Concession.

After the call was made, the camp called back and said that reinforcements would be sent within minutes.

Let them stop this Chinese force.

Although the other party drove the tanks directly, and they only had a dozen people.

The silhouette of the tank kept enlarging in their pupils.

At this time, although the British officer was still a little scared in his heart, he still stood up and stood in the center of the street.

His eyes were fixed on the tank armored group that was getting closer and closer.

The Indian soldiers behind him also stood beside him, pointing their rifles at the tanks.

Behind the five Guardian tanks, a soldier got out of the multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle. jumped out.

They were divided into the left and right of the Guardian tank, also holding up the STG-44 assault rifles and aiming at this group of people.

At the street corner in the distance, civilians were also looking over here.

After knowing that they were the Red Alert Corps, the people felt at ease.

Because these were their own soldiers, they were very friendly to the people.

So they all chose to stay and watch the fun.

And more and more people gathered here.

Looking at the British officer and Asan who were blocking the way.

As the commander, a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

At this time, the British officer took a deep breath, raised his right hand, and signaled the Chinese tank in front to stop.

However, under his astonished eyes.

The tank's anti-aircraft machine gun spewed flames.

Dense large-caliber bullets were fired directly at them.

"Boom boom boom..."

The British officers were shot to pieces by the large-caliber bullets before they could react.

The soldiers on both sides of the tanks also opened fire.

A dozen Indian soldiers were shot to pieces before they could escape.

The order they received was

"No need to warn, anyone holding a weapon is an enemy.

To treat the enemy, you must respond to them with the cruelty of winter..~"

The cruelest thing to treat the enemy is bullets.

The sound of gunfire resounded throughout the British Concession.

The people who saw this scene were stunned.

This is a foreigner, just kill him like this?

Aren't they afraid of the revenge of foreigners?

The people who have been humble for a long time are still full of fear in the face of foreigners.

Seeing this scene, the first thought that came to their minds was not to vent their anger.

But fear, fear of foreigners' revenge.

There is no blood of being a Chinese man in their hearts.

And to arouse the blood and national pride in their hearts, only through the blood of foreigners.

As for any diplomatic incident, Jiang Fan is not afraid at all.

He only knows that this group of people illegally carried guns and broke into the territory of China and should be killed.

Others recognize this concession, but he doesn't.

When all their bodies were dragged away, Guardian main battle tanks entered the British Concession.

They also divided into several groups and went to their respective targets.

The area of the British Concession is still very large.

As soon as the gunshots here sounded, the entire British Concession was immediately alarmed.

Including the consulate in the British Concession.

Consul Li Si quickly stood up and walked out.

Although his name was Li Si, he was not a Chinese, but a pure Anglo-Saxon. Li Si was just his Chinese name.

When he reached the door, a military officer rushed towards him, his face was still a little pale, and his pupils were full of anxiety.

"Mr. Consul, the Chinese are trying to break into the concession. The gunshots just now should be a warning to us because of a conflict.

Obviously, he didn't think the Chinese dared to attack them directly.

He didn't know that this army had killed all their sentries and entered the concession directly.

Li Si's face darkened instantly.

"Asshole, what do these Chinese people want to do? The person who came must be that Jiang Fan.

Do they think that they can come to provoke the British Empire after defeating the Japanese?

Drive me to the street corner immediately, and we must not let them enter the concession.

Have the troops assembled?"

The military attaché nodded and said,"They are already heading there."

However, just as they were about to set off, there was suddenly a burst of fierce gunfire in the distance.

And it was mixed with their gunfire.

This was obviously not a warning, but a direct exchange of fire.

This made their faces change drastically.

Li Si was even more unbelievable. He didn't expect that the Chinese would dare to attack them directly.

He had to report this news.

So the group immediately returned to the consulate.

Everyone entered the combat position.

What they guessed was not wrong.

A combat team heading to the camp encountered the British and Indian troops who came to support.

This combat team has two Guardian main battle tanks, 12 multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles and a company of soldiers.

When the two sides encountered each other, the British and Indians were still a little confused. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The combat team opened fire without saying a word.

The two Guardian main battle tanks were lined up in a row, and the tank machine guns and anti-aircraft machine guns directly spit out bullets.

The rest of the soldiers also opened fire.

Suddenly, the British and Indians suffered heavy losses.

They also opened fire in panic.[]

However, in this situation without cover, they are all targets.


The muzzle of the tank roared, and two high-explosive bombs exploded directly in the crowd.

Immediately, mud and gravel flew into the sky, mixed with the bodies of the British and Ah San.

The Guardian main battle tank advanced slowly.

The British and Ah San had no intention of fighting. They had been scared out of their wits.

They began to flee.

Another team also rushed to the consulate quickly.

However, they did not rush in directly.

Instead, they directly used the cannon of the Guardian tank to point at the gate of their consulate.

The British inside trembled.

Even Li Si was filled with panic.

The rest of the combat teams progressed quickly.

The patrol room, the General Engineering Bureau, the radio station and other important places have been directly occupied.

During the period, many Ah Sans with weapons were encountered, and they were all shot.

It took less than an hour to occupy the entire British Concession.

The British Concession was actually okay.

The most fierce fighting was still on the Japanese Concession side.

In fact, when the Northeast Army announced its surrender to the Red Alert Corps, the Japanese Concession knew that something was wrong.

They began to prepare to pack up and run away.

But they didn't expect the Red Alert Corps to act so quickly and without any scruples.

More than a dozen Guardian main battle tanks, more than 30 multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles, and a whole mechanized infantry battalion of soldiers rushed into the Japanese Concession and began to kill.

There are a large number of Japanese expatriates in the Japanese Concession.

As long as they find Japanese, whether they are expatriates or Japanese soldiers, they will directly send a volley of bullets to them.

Although this is cruel, compared with the Japanese, there is no such thing as cruelty.

Suddenly the entire Japanese Concession was in chaos.

The situation in the French Concession is similar to that in the British Concession.

The situation in the Italian Concession is much more relaxed.

The fourth combat group did not act directly, but chose a more gentle means of persuading surrender.

The Italians also chose to surrender very sincerely, and no one chose to resist.

The reason for treating them specially is that they will have a series of cooperation in the future.

Besides, the current Nazis are still headed by the old Mexican.

Even the mustache is still the younger brother of the old Mexican.

The German Nazis all came from Mexico and had to undergo guidance from Mexico.

However, as Germany's national strength increased, Mexico became weaker.

So the priorities of the two sides changed later.

Mexico became the younger brother of the mustache.

But this gentleness was only different from shooting and taking prisoners. In just half a day, the Red Alert Corps completely controlled the four concessions.

The gunshots from the Tianjin Concession immediately shook the entire Tianjin.

Radio beams flew to the whole world.

It was not just Tianjin that was shaken.

The entire North China region, China, and even many countries in the world were shaken by this.

Especially in Britain and France, after receiving the news, they couldn't believe their eyes.

A small local warlord dared to take back the concession by force and shot their soldiers.

For them who were arrogant, this was undoubtedly a slap in their face.���

What followed was endless anger.

The roar of Prime Minister MacDonald was heard in Downing Street.

"We must make the Chinese pay a heavy price, otherwise we will not be able to explain to the people."

"Immediately dispatch the Far East Fleet to bombard Tianjin. The Chinese must pay the price for their mistakes."

"Doesn't Chiang Kai-shek in China need military assistance? Contact the Americans immediately and get them to provide military assistance to the Jinling Zhengfu in China.

We must not let Jiang Fan take control of China.

Otherwise, everything we have in China will be destroyed by him."

These proposals were passed unanimously by the cabinet.

This is equivalent to an adult being bitten by an ant, and the bite is very painful. (Good)

At this time, the heart must be full of anger, and the ant was slapped to death with a slap.

Downing Street is in this mood now.

Soon France also found them.

The two sides decided to form a joint fleet to retaliate.

As for military aid, they were a little hesitant.

Because they are all poor, where can they get anything to provide aid.

But they can show their appreciation.

After receiving the news, Chiang Kai-shek in Nanjing was stunned at first.

Then he laughed happily

"It is very true that if God wants to destroy a person, he must first make him crazy.

Jiang Fan thought that the Kwantung Army that defeated the Japanese was arrogant. He even dared to challenge England.

He may not know that England is much stronger than Japan.

This is really good news.

But I still admire his courage, at least I can't do it.

" Chen Bulei also said with a smile:"Sure enough, he is still a young man.

He will pay a heavy price for his behavior.

Maybe this is also a turning point for us.

" Not only Chiang Kai-shek was celebrating, but also Japan.

Emperor Hirohito was also happy for a while after hearing the news.

I didn't expect that Jiang Fan was so arrogant.

He directly provoked the two top powers, Britain and France.

England is the empire on which the sun never sets.

Although it has experienced World War I and the economic crisis, its strength has weakened a little.

But it is still recognized as the world's number one power.

France is not much different from England.

It has the second largest colony in the world.

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