"Boom boom boom......"

More than 100 Grizzlies light tanks formed a steel torrent and launched an attack on the front-line positions of the Nationalist Army.

Behind the tank cluster, there were multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles equipped with various turrets.

Dozens of wheeled vehicles equipped with 75mm assault guns continuously fired shells at the Nationalist Army positions.

The Nationalist Army only stationed a regiment of troops here.

And it was a regiment of a miscellaneous army, with only more than a thousand people in the entire regiment.

The reason for leaving so few people was that Chen Cheng and others felt that the Guangxi faction did not dare to take the initiative to launch an attack.

After all, they had more than 300,000 people on their side.

Several times the strength of the Guangxi Army.

But they could not think of it anyway.

Jiang Fan set up a sub-base in Guangxi and completely rewrote the situation.

Facing two motorized infantry divisions that suddenly appeared, they were caught off guard.

A line of defense was easily broken.

These people had no intention of resisting at all.

After firing a few shots, they all dropped their guns and surrendered.

After leaving a motorized infantry platoon, the rest of the troops continued to advance.

When they were less than 15 kilometers away from the Nationalist Army camp.

The two wheeled self-propelled rocket launcher battalions following behind the main force stopped.

One wheeled self-propelled rocket launcher after another was deployed on the spot.

The 40-barrel rocket launcher was slowly lifted up by the hydraulic arm.



"whoosh whoosh whoosh......"

At the command, 48 wheeled self-propelled rocket launchers began firing in unison.

The target was the Kuomintang camp.

This was the first time that the Red Alert Corps used rocket launchers, a powerful weapon, in the interior of the country.

And there were two battalions, 48 rockets, at a time.

Rockets roared into the sky with orange-red tail flames.

A huge rain of rockets formed in the sky, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

The group of rockets roared over the huge motorized marching team.

Soon it arrived above the Kuomintang camp."July 10" still had dense artillery shells falling into the camp at this moment.

Even with the restraint of officers, the camp was still in chaos.

Suddenly, the soldiers who were running around saw that the whole land was reflected in orange-red.

They couldn't help but look up.

In their pupils, a fiery light rushed towards them like the scorching sun.

The whole pupil was reflected in fiery red.

In their confused eyes.

The overwhelming rockets fell like falling meteors.

"Boom boom boom........."

Most of the camp, which stretched for dozens of miles, was caught in a violent explosion.

Continuous flames continued to rise.

Nearly 2,000 122mm rockets fell into the camp.

And it was within less than 15 seconds. Although the rocket group came quickly and left quickly, the destructive effect it brought was devastating.

At least more than 3,000 people were killed in this wave of rockets.

The actual number was far more than 3,000, but more than 5,000.

After this wave of rockets, many soldiers and officers in the camp felt a chill in their hearts.

""Run, run!"

The whole camp was in complete chaos. Even the officers' scolding could not stop the soldiers from running out of the camp.

However, the camp was too big and many people could not tell the direction and started to get confused.

"Supervisory team, stop them for me"

"Where are the military police? What? All the military police ran away?"

A journey of more than ten kilometers did not take much time for the high-speed mobile tanks.

They also met a group of Kuomintang soldiers who had just escaped from the camp outside.

When they saw the endless steel torrent in front of them, they immediately dropped their weapons and raised their hands to surrender. One after another, the Grizzli light tanks did not stop moving forward.

When they saw the Grizzli tanks passing by, their legs were shaking and they were very scared.

The outer fortifications were useless.

Hundreds of Grizzli tanks Ke rushed into the camp.

At this moment, the outcome of this surprise attack was actually doomed.

Although there are many elite troops of the National Army, and even direct aces among these hundreds of thousands of people. But they are facing an army of almost the same era.

The two motorized infantry divisions defeated hundreds of thousands of National Army troops effortlessly.

The number of prisoners exceeded 120,000, including Tang Enbo’s Thirteenth Army.

Tang Enbo himself had already fled when he saw that the situation was not right.

When it comes to running away, this runaway general is unmatched in the world.

The defeat of these hundreds of thousands of people directly exposed the National Army’s Xiangnan defense line to the front line.

"Go forward and fight to Changsha."

Yongzhou is only about 300 kilometers away from Changsha.

This sudden change caught Chiang Kai-shek and Chen Cheng off guard.

They didn't even understand what was going on. It wasn't until Tang Enbo called that they finally understood.

"A hundred thousand troops were defeated? The Yongzhou defense line was completely lost?

Oh no, my 18th Army is in danger."

After hearing this, Chen Cheng felt his eyes go dark.

Soon, the phone on the desk kept ringing.

"Commander, it's over, it's all over, the 18th Army is finished....."

At this moment, the 10th Motorized Infantry Division broke into the camp of the 18th Army.

The tanks and multi-purpose infantry fighting vehicles were like wild bulls in savage collision mode.

Anyone who stood in their way would be crushed directly.

This crushing was a real physical crushing.

"Damn it, you are all gluttons."

"Old man, now is not the time to scold, let's retreat quickly.

Changsha is too close to Yongzhou, they will attack us soon."

A huge army of 300,000 troops was destroyed just like that?

This was almost unacceptable to Chiang Kai-shek.

He let the chief guard carry him into the car and started to head for the airport.

Now Chiang Kai-shek must rush back to Nanjing to take charge of the situation.

Lin Shi and Bai Chongxi were shocked by the easy defeat of the National Army.

They didn't expect that these 300,000 troops were like a paper tiger, which would break with a single poke.

The smoothness of the battle was beyond their imagination.

On the other side, the counterattack in Hezhou also began.

One of the mountain infantry brigades directly crossed the mountains and went around behind them.

They attacked them from the front and back.

Tens of thousands of troops also fell into chaos, some died and some surrendered.

The battle was resolved in less than a day.

And the 10th Motorized Infantry Division was like an armored The division generally started a blitzkrieg mode.

By dusk, the vanguard tank troops had arrived at the city of Changsha.

He Jian was immediately thrown into disarray. He even cursed Chen Cheng and Chiang Kai-shek, who had already fled.

It would have been fine if they had used their own territory to fight the Guangxi clique.

Now that they were defeated, they just ran away, but they took him with them.

So He Jian contacted Bai Chongxi overnight, and put a very humble attitude, hoping that he would be spared and retreat to Guangxi.

Bai Chongxi sneered at this.

He Jian also sent troops to attack Guangxi this time.

How could he miss such a good opportunity to take over Hunan.

If he took over here, he could advance to Wuhan in the north and to Nanchang in the east.

Chiang Kai-shek's hinterland was all under his threat.

"Take over Hunan."

Jiang Fan's order came soon.

Bai Chongxi had no more scruples and launched a fierce attack on Changsha the next day.

The 11th Motorized Infantry Division bypassed Changsha and directly occupied Yueyang.

Threatening the Wuhan area, the national army there dared not act rashly.

At the same time, it also meant to block reinforcements.

The Gui army also sent three divisions of troops to occupy Liling City to the east.

One step further is Pingxiang, Jiangxi Province.

They will stay here to block reinforcements from Jiangxi. (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) The sudden changes in the south shocked the surrounding warlords. It was as if the sky had changed overnight.

But everyone knows that the Gui clique certainly does not have this ability.

Otherwise, Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi would have taken control of Nanjing long ago.

All these changes must have come from Jiang Fan in the northeast.[]

They didn't expect that Jiang Fan, who was far away in the Northeast, could quietly transfer heavy troops to Guangxi.

This also made them extra vigilant.

Especially Chen Jitang of the Guangdong faction.

The relationship between the two sides has never been very harmonious before. He also began to mobilize heavy troops to Guangxi to prevent the Guangxi faction from raiding Guangdong.

The Guangdong faction must be taken down, but not now.

After taking over Hunan, you can free up your hands to reorganize the surrounding warlords.

Jiang Fan plans to do both at the same time.

He will be stationed in the Northeast, and after recovering Lushun, he will begin to mobilize heavy troops to enter the pass and begin to erode the North China region.

Lin Shi and Bai Chongxi will be stationed in the south to erode the surrounding warlords.

Form a large encirclement against the Kuomintang-controlled areas.

This is the future strategic development policy.

"Sub-base No. 3 has arrived at the designated location. Should we deploy?"

Just when Jiang Fan was handling government affairs, a reminder sounded from the base, which shocked him.

So Jiang Fan dropped the affairs in his hands and rushed to the base.

"Deploy immediately."

Borneo, a wide area on the edge of a vast primeval forest near Bandar Seri Begawan.

A huge Red Alert base was deployed on the spot, and turned into a behemoth a few minutes later.

Then the power plant, barracks, mining field, logistics center, armored factory, air force base, naval base and other buildings were all built within two days.

There is a large oil field near Bandar Seri Begawan.

There is no need to worry about funding.

Jiang Fan has high expectations for this sub-base.

In order not to expose his connection with this place, the development model of the sub-base must be different from that of the country.

The first is that the recruitment of soldiers must not use oriental faces.

The templates of the soldiers are all standard Western faces, including Anglo-Saxons, Aryans, French, Italians, and Slavs.

Weapons and equipment must not use weapons of the Red Alert system.

This will directly tell others that this is his Jiang Fan's people.

Therefore, weapons and equipment are all weapons that have been developed in this world.

For example, the rifle uses the M1 Garand semi-automatic rifle.

The artillery uses Krupp's cannon..........

The tanks are equipped with BT series tanks.

Although these equipments are not particularly advanced compared to the Red Alert Corps.

But if placed in Southeast Asia, they will definitely crush the Dutch.

The Netherlands is just a declining Western power.

Their colonial army has weak combat effectiveness and few troops.

Anyway, their current goal is to occupy Borneo.

If they know what's good for them, it will be better. If they don't know what's good for them, even Sumatra will be occupied. The

Borneo sub-base will then enter the mode of mass troop expansion.

The organization adopts the brigade and battalion system.

The brigade is the largest level of troops.

Because such a small place does not need to organize too large troops at all, the brigade-level troops are small in size and can act more flexibly.

The brigade-level troops adopt the mode of synthesis of various arms.

Infantry, tanks, artillery, air defense, combat support, logistics support, etc. are all integrated together.

A synthetic infantry brigade was formed in three days.

The equipment of this infantry brigade is more inclined to jungle warfare.

Because the entire Borneo is almost covered with virgin forests, and the forest coverage rate accounts for about 90% of the entire island.

Only a few places in the coastal area have been slightly developed.

The most prosperous area is near Bandar Seri Begawan.

This place originally belonged to Brunei.

But it has been occupied by the Dutch East India Company.

The oil fields here have also been handed over to Royal Dutch Shell for exploitation.

The population of the entire northern part of Kalimantan is only a few hundred thousand, and almost all of them work for these oil fields.

The most prosperous town nearby is called Miri.

According to data from later generations, the total oil reserves in the entire Brunei region exceed 200 million tons.

The Miri oil field is an important part of the entire Borneo oil region.

The town of Miri is an oil town developed because of oil, with a total population of more than 30,000.

There is a Dutch infantry battalion responsible for defense.

At present, there are more than 80,000 colonial troops in the entire Dutch East Indies.

Among them, only more than 30,000 are Dutch, and the rest are indigenous troops.

With so many people scattered on several large islands, the troops are very dispersed.

Walton Borg, commander of the First Infantry Brigade of Borneo, is a pure Anglo-Saxon.

Looking at the town in the distance with a telescope.

The buildings in Miri Town are very scattered, and there is no aesthetics at all.

There are basically not many people in the streets and alleys.

Because most people go to work in the oil field.

There are scattered Dutch soldiers stationed at various intersections.

The defense is extremely lax.

Seeing this, Waltonborg's mouth twitched

"Attack and take this place as our base."

The terrain here is very good, and there is a natural port, which is very suitable for development.

This is also the reason why he set his sights on this place.

"Bang Bang Bang....."

Mortar shells flew towards the town and landed among the soldiers.

"Boom boom boom......."

The sudden explosion stunned everyone. When they saw the big men rushing out of the jungle, the Dutch people reacted.

"Enemy Attack......"4.6

In the oil field, two infantry battalions also launched attacks simultaneously under the cover of artillery.

This battle can be described as no suspense.

The fighting will of a battalion of Dutch soldiers was very weak.

They were easily captured.

Since then, Waltonborg has completely controlled the town of Miri.

The Miri Oilfield has more than 300 oil wells with an annual output of more than 100,000 tons.

The income here is still very good.

The news that the town of Miri was attacked and occupied by mysterious armed forces quickly spread to the surrounding areas.

At the same time, it also reached the ears of the Dutch Governor Artur Seth.

"What? The town of Miri was occupied? Where did they come from?"

"Governor, we have very little information now, and we don't know where they came from.

But they have a lot of troops, at least more than 3,000.

After they occupied the town of Miri, they did not continue to attack."

"Damn it, organize troops immediately and take back the town of Miri."

Waltonborg did not take the initiative to attack.

Because he was waiting for the Dutch troops to gather and then catch them all in one fell swoop.

The base was still continuing to build up troops at this time. In two days, a 5,000-man infantry brigade can be formed.

These troops are hidden in the nearby jungle and will rush out at the critical moment.

The Miri oil field is an important oil field in Borneo.

The Dutch attach great importance to this.

Two days later, a whole brigade of more than 3,000 people plus an indigenous force rushed towards Miri.

The total force reached more than 7,000 people.

This is basically most of the troops in Borneo.

And Waltonborg was waiting for them.

The Dutch came aggressively and did not even conduct detailed reconnaissance. They directly invested troops to launch a fierce attack on the town of Miri.

What they didn't know was that they had completely entered the encirclement.

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