The Japanese army gathered hundreds of thousands of troops in Lushun, which was not what Jiang Fan thought, and they wanted to counterattack back to the Northeast.

After many battles, they knew the combat effectiveness of the Red Alert Corps.

They did this for only one purpose.

That is to defend the Chaoshan Peninsula.

The Chaoshan Peninsula is only a line away from the Northeast, and it is completely adjacent.

If the Red Alert Corps wants to take action.

They will pay a great price to defend it.

Even the benefits obtained on the Chaoshan Peninsula are not as good as the price paid.

The Chaoshan Peninsula is one of their most important colonies.

Many materials need to be supplied here.

So it is very important to defend Lushun at this time.

Chaoshan and Lushun are each other

's horns. Once the Northeast attacks the Chaoshan Peninsula.

The troops in Lushun can threaten the flanks and make the Red Alert Corps have some concerns.

And it is not easy to defend Lushun.

The most effective way is to increase the force.

But no matter what their purpose is.

Jiang Fan's determination to take Lushun will not change.

After receiving the order, the Fourth Army gathered in the direction of Yingkou.

In addition to the Fourth Army, there are also the First Mixed Heavy Artillery Division, the First Train Artillery Regiment, the Second Train Artillery Regiment, and the Third Regiment of the First Division of the Railway Construction Corps.

The First Train Artillery Regiment and the Second Train Artillery Regiment have a total of 24 Red Alert cannons.

The Third Regiment of the First Division of the Railway Construction Corps is a unit specifically responsible for building railways.

The total strength of these three regiments is more than 2,000 people.

They will repair the railway from Yingkou to Lushun to reduce the pressure on logistics.

In addition, special rails will be laid for these 24 trains of cannons.

The transfer of these heavy artillery units alone took two days.

The Fourth Division quickly noticed the abnormality in the direction of Yingkou.

The gathering of large corps could not be concealed at all.

The news was quickly reported to the Lushun Fortress Command.

However, the person in charge of the command now is not a certain division commander.

It is Prince Higashikuni Yasuhiko.

If you want to deter these arrogant soldiers and generals, you must have a prince general to take charge.

Otherwise, none of these people will obey anyone.

Although Prince Higashikuni Yasuhiko is very radical and very hostile to the Chinese.

But he also knew that this Chinese army was not easy to deal with.

"Let the 4th Division withdraw, concentrate forces to defend Lushun, and give up unnecessary territory."

Yingkou is too far away from Lushun.

Once something happens, it will be difficult to get support.

Therefore, the Japanese army chose to deploy two lines of defense in Pulandian and Jinzhou, Dalian.

Lushunkou is their last line of defense.

After receiving the order, the 4th Division was like amnesty.

They had packed up their things long ago and ran away overnight without saying a word.

When the Chinese found out, they had already run more than 50 kilometers.

Ling Liang, who was in charge of the full command of the Lushun operation, said after receiving the news:"This is a very interesting unit."

Then she turned and said:"Let all troops prepare for battle and launch an offensive early tomorrow morning.

Lushun must be taken within a month."

Although the Japanese army has more than 100,000 troops in Lushun, she is still confident that she can take Lushun within a month.

In the early morning, when it was just getting light, the 4th Armored Division, as the vanguard of the 4th Army, marched towards Lushun.

They encountered almost no obstacles along the way.

However, the Japanese destroyed the railway badly. If you want to use it again, you need to spend a lot of effort to repair it.

The task of the Railway Construction Corps is this.

The 4th Armored Division did not encounter obstacles until it reached Pulandian.

It was a line of defense built by the Japanese army in Pulandian relying on the mountainous area.

The positions of this line of defense were also built with great effort.

It has many permanent fortifications, bunkers, hidden bunkers, etc.

And an entire division of troops is stationed for defense.

There is another division in the back as a reserve.

In this way, they tried to block the fortifications of the Red Alert Corps.

"Order the First Heavy Artillery Division, the Mixed Heavy Artillery Division, and the First and Second Train Artillery Regiments to launch an artillery attack to destroy the Japanese defense line.

The rest of the troops are ready to attack."

In attacking Lushun, Ling Liang's tactics were also very simple.

Just rely on their own superior firepower to blast all the way.

The artillery they are equipped with ranges from 105mm howitzers to 450mm caliber.

No fortifications can withstand it.

Apart from anything else, there are more than 100 artillery pieces with a caliber of 200mm or more.

Among them, there are 84 B-4 203mm howitzers.

There are 18 M1 240mm heavy howitzers, a total of 102 pieces.

The first to launch the attack were the 24 Red Alert Train Cannons that stayed in Liguan Town.

They were only about 80 kilometers away from the Pulandian defense line.

It was completely within the effective range.


Several 450mm high-explosive grenades made a muffled sound like a locomotive.

The Japanese soldiers of the 7th Division on the Pulandian defense line went straight into the nearest anti-artillery hole without saying a word.

They knew exactly what this sound was.


Three shells fell, two of them deviated from the defense line, and one accurately landed on the Erlongshan Heights.

The fortifications on the Japanese positions were like paper under the fierce explosion.

A deep pit with a diameter of hundreds of meters appeared directly on the spot.

The three explosions were like a death warrant, causing the soldiers of the Seventh Division to panic.

How could their fortifications withstand this level of heavy artillery attack.

And these three shells were just test firings.

It is not known how many shells will fall next.

Less than two minutes after the first round of calibration firing, the second round of calibration firing came.

A total of 5 shells fell.

Two shells hit the Erlongshan Heights.

The positions that the Japanese spent a lot of effort to build were directly blown into two huge pits.

The Japanese soldiers hiding in the anti-artillery caves nearby left without any pain.


The division commander, Lieutenant General Sugihara Miyotaro, felt a suffocating feeling coming towards him and could not help cursing.

Now he finally understood why an entire division had to defend this line of defense.

Feeling the power of the heavy artillery, the caliber was at least 300 mm.

This was probably the rumored railway gun.

Many colleagues had felt the power of this heavy artillery in Yingkou.

So they had also heard about it.

But only by feeling it in person can you know how terrible it is.

24 Red Alert cannons are equivalent to the firepower of three large battleships.

Within an hour, more than 20 shells fell on the Pulandian defense line.

The calibration work has been completed.

Next, they will face the fierce shooting of 24 Red Alert cannons.

The Red Alert Railway Cannon with a semi-automatic loading device has a firing rate that is not slow.

The firing rate of 6 rounds per hour is faster than that of many smaller caliber railway guns.

24 Red Alert heavy artillery bombarded for a whole day.

Nearly 3,000 450mm caliber shells were fired during this day.

Basically, each heavy artillery fired an average of 125 shells, an average of 5.2 shells per hour.

This number is quite shocking.

After all, the price of shells of this caliber is not cheap.

But for the Red Alert base, adding two more zeros does not cost much money.

Among these 3,000 shells, more than half fell on the defense line of Pulandian.

Erlongshan Heights, Bijiashan Heights, and Lianhuashan Heights are the three core heights of the Pulandian defense line.

The entire defense line was basically built on these three heights.

And now these three heights are almost razed to the ground.

The Japanese Seventh Division simply could not afford this kind of unpretentious attack method.

After losing more than 5,000 people, they finally couldn't bear it. , and directly evacuated this line of defense.

They knew that the Red Alert Corps had railway artillery.

But the number was far more than they expected.

And the rate of fire and accuracy were also very high.

Then the two heavy artillery divisions that were already in place also began to show their power.

Poured shells on the Pulandian defense line.

One by one, 155mm, 203mm, and 240mm caliber shells fell on the positions that had disappeared.

After seeing this scene, the division commander Sugihara Miyotaro

's eyes twitched. How the hell can we fight this?

Can we still fight this?

If they stay on the defense line. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

I'm afraid they won't even see anyone, and their division will be blown up first.

Slip away, slip away, can't afford to offend.

The Seventh Division and the Fourth Division as a reserve retreated directly to the second line of defense.

That is the Jinzhou defense line.

However, the Red Alert Corps did not have it as easy as the Japanese imagined.[]

In one day, the 450mm shells stored for half a month were used up.

Therefore, in the next Jinzhou defense line, the 24 trains of giant artillery will not continue to participate.

The shells must be pulled from the rear and continue to be accumulated for the Lushunkou battle.

"Damn it, is there no way to deal with the Chinese heavy artillery?"

No one answered Prince Higashikuni Naruhiko's question.

If they had a way, they wouldn't be here.

Everyone stared at each other.

Prince Higashikuni Naruhiko was so angry.

"Where is the Army Aviation? The Army Aviation will dispatch fighter planes and blow up these heavy artillery at all costs."

The face of the Japanese Army Aviation Major General suddenly changed.

When he wanted to say something, he saw the cold eyes of Prince Higashikuni Naruhiko and immediately took back the words on his lips.


Then more than a hundred fighter planes in Lushunkou flew towards Liguan Town.

If they didn't know where the giant cannon position was at this time, they would really be eating dry rice.

"Report, Japanese fighter planes spotted, number 164, direction........"

"Immediately dispatch two MiG squadrons to intercept, and do not allow any Japanese fighter planes to appear over Liguan Town."

As soon as the Japanese planes took off, the Red Alert Corps' air warning radar detected them.

The Japanese fleet had only gone halfway.

Two squadrons, a total of 106 MiG fighters, rushed out from the left and right sides of the fleet.

The silver warhawks kept shuttling through the chaotic Japanese fleet.

Machine gun and cannon bullets kept pouring out.

From time to time, a Japanese fighter plane fell.

The Air Force did not know why the Japanese Army Aviation had been abused so many times.

They dared to send out such a large fleet.

But since they were all out, there was no need to think about going back.

In less than half an hour, the entire area was���The sky was clear.

None of the 108 MiG fighters were shot down.

159 Japanese fighters were shot down with zero casualties.

The reason why 5 were not counted was because 4 fighters had traffic accidents in the air and hit their own people. Another one crashed into a mountain while avoiding, so it was not counted in the record.

"Your Highness, all the Army Air Force fighter planes were destroyed."

Prince Higashikuni Naruhiko:"......."

Then he slumped in his chair with no energy.

They really had no idea what to do now.

If this goes on, even if there are more people in Port Arthur, they won't be able to hold out for too long.

Now he knew why Prince Kan'in Yasuhito refused to come.

That's why Hirohito sent him, a younger prince.

This is a complete mess.

Facing this tactic of pushing forward with artillery shells, there is no solution at all.

There are only two ways to crack it.

The first is to control the air.

The second is to have artillery of the same level and range.

However, they don't have these two points.

Even if they move the 410mm caliber main gun of the Nagato class, it will be useless.

Because the range is not enough.

After the main force of the Fourth Army arrived in Jinzhou.

The Independent First Heavy Artillery Division and the Mixed First Heavy Artillery Division began to concentrate their fire and launched a fierce bombardment on the Jinzhou defense line.

The core of the Jinzhou defense line lies in the high ground of Daheishan.

On the road to Port Arthur, there is a narrow area with concave sides on both sides.

The width from east to west is only 10 kilometers.

The Dahei Mountain is right in the middle of this narrow strip of land.

The Japanese built a large number of fortifications on the Dahei Mountain Heights. They also prepared a large amount of supplies and ammunition, ready to hold on for a long time.

And this height did cause some trouble for the Fourth Army.

Dense shells continued to fall on the Dahei Mountain Heights.

After the bombardment lasted for several hours, there was no intact place on the front of the entire height.

There were potholes everywhere.

The fortifications on the surface were basically destroyed.

So the Mechanized Infantry Brigade of the Fourth Armored Division launched a tentative attack.

When the soldiers rushed to the halfway point of the mountain, a large number of Japanese soldiers appeared from nowhere.

The dense firepower fired at the upward attacking troops.

Casualties rose directly.

However, there was a large amount of artillery fire and machine guns to suppress the Japanese troops on the mountain.

The troops that conducted the tentative attack also withdrew smoothly.

Ling Liang frowned after seeing this scene.

It was obvious that the Japanese army had built a large number of tunnel fortifications on the mountain.

They hid in the tunnels during the bombardment.

The bombardment seemed to be very effective, but the casualties were not as great as expected.

Although the 240mm caliber artillery was powerful enough, it was still not enough for the deep tunnel fortifications.

"Let the air force do the bombing."

Faced with this situation, we can only ask for air force support.

After receiving the order, the air force dispatched an entire peacekeeping bomber brigade, a total of 30 peacekeeping heavy bombers.

These 30 bombers will be divided into three batches.

The first batch has 12.

The second batch has 9.

The third batch has 9.

All carry 10-ton high-heeled cup super-heavy bunker-buster bombs.

For these tunnel fortifications, this super bunker-buster bomb is perfect.

Since the devils like to dig tunnels, they don't have to come out.

The artillery fire from the Fourth Army stopped.

Although the Japanese on the Daheishan Highlands were confused, they were relieved.

But when the artillery fire did not start for a long time, they felt uneasy.

Soon they waited for a fleet of 12 peacekeeping bombers and 8 MiG fighters.


The artillery roared a few times.

Many markers were fired to guide the targets for the bombers in the air.

When they saw the colorful smoke on the high ground, even the dumbest Japanese knew what it was for.

At this time, they couldn't help but think of another terrifying weapon.

The earthquake bomb.

This was also a weapon widely circulated among the Japanese army.

This rumor was also passed back from the 10th Division that had been completely wiped out.

When they blocked the Red Alert Corps in Anshan, they encountered this terrifying bomb.

"Shoot, shoot them down."

The Japanese army suffered a lot from not having air superiority.

So they were equipped with a small number of anti-aircraft machine guns in each division.

But facing the bomber group at 5,000 meters in the air, this anti-aircraft machine gun had no effect at all.

With the opening of the magazine door, one after another Grand Slam bombs fell from these bombers.

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