After the recovery of Lushun, Jiang Fan also put his main energy on the affairs of the Northeast.

As for the affairs of the Chaoshan Peninsula, just leave it to Ling Liang to solve.

Now there are four things in front of him.

The first thing, and the most important one, is money.

With the expansion of the territory, more funds are necessary for development.

The second thing is education-related matters.

The third thing is scientific research-related matters.

The fourth thing is the next expansion policy of the Northeast.

The problem of money is actually not difficult to solve.

In fact, the money we lack now is just equivalent to start-up capital.

After the industry and commerce in the Northeast develop, the problem of money will definitely not be a problem.

So Jiang Fan thought of the three most profitable fields.

The first one is undoubtedly the arms field.

However, the current domestic arms market is relatively saturated.

After all, the richest person in the country is still Chiang Kai-shek.

Unless Jiang Fan is crazy, he will sell weapons and equipment to him.

So now we can only rely on the remaining two fields.

The second field is the textile industry.

In this era, the textile industry is definitely one of the most profitable industries.

And this is also a very large market.

It has a huge upstream, midstream and downstream industrial chain.

The Red Alert Base has all the equipment needed for the textile industry, and they are all the most advanced at present.

At least ten years ahead of this era.

There are also mid-to-high-end talents needed by the textile industry.

The engineering corps can completely fill the shortage in this area.

So if the Northeast vigorously develops the textile industry, it can rise quickly and occupy the market.

Light industry is also famous for its short time and fast money.

This is also a medium- and long-term way to make money. In the early stage, only the third way can be chosen.

That is the medical field.

In this war-torn era, medicines are absolutely scarce and very valuable. 27

Whether it is at home or abroad.

The logistics center has all kinds of medicines.

As long as Jiang Fan wants, he can purchase them in large quantities from the logistics center.

Among them is the most profitable during World War II, known as liquid gold-penicillin, which can also be called penicillin.

Penicillin can be called one of the greatest inventions in human history.

It can effectively treat various inflammations, and it can treat almost any medicine related to bacterial infection.

And it does not have some side effects like anti-inflammatory drugs such as sulfonamide.

It is a highly effective, low-toxic universal medicine.

Of course, these are not the key points.

The most important thing is that it is very expensive.

In Jiang Fan's impression, when this thing first came out, it was as high as 7,000 US dollars per gram.

He only needs to take out one ton to sell hundreds of millions of dollars.

The value is equivalent to more than 600 tons of gold.

Even in the late World War II, one gram of penicillin was worth more than 800 US dollars.

Basically, one shot, 200 US dollars is gone.

It was not until the end of World War II that the mass production industry became more mature and the output became higher and higher, and the price went down.

If it is taken out now, its value is absolutely amazing, and the profit will be amazing.

This thing is definitely a life-saving medicine in this era when antibiotics have not been used.

Many bacterial infections can basically be cured, and the effect is absolutely great.

This thing will definitely cause a frenzy when it appears on the market.

It can also bring him a lot of development funds in a short period of time.

In addition to penicillin, the profits in the entire medical field are quite amazing.

In addition to selling penicillin, you can also sell various medicines.

It can bring him a lot of profits continuously.

In addition to the medical field, there is also a huge market for medical devices.

There is also the field of traditional Chinese medicine, which can also take this opportunity to develop.

As long as it is standardized, the traditional Chinese medicine passed down by our ancestors will definitely be able to flourish again, and Jiang Fan is convinced of this.

As for whether penicillin will be targeted by the powers at this time?

Jiang Fan has also thought about it carefully.

It is certain that they will be targeted. How can Western capital not be jealous of such a profitable thing.

But what can they do if they are jealous?

Whether it is from the military, industry, food or other fields.

They can't hold their necks.

With the current strength of the Red Alert Corps, it is completely not inferior to any country.

Unless countries like Eagle Sauce and England fight a national war with themselves.

But how is this possible.

There is also the problem of leaks, and there is no need to worry about it.

If penicillin is so easy to produce.

It would not have been produced on a large scale until the 1950s and 1960s.

At least the West will not have this strength in ten years.

And ten years later, Jiang Fan, who owns the Red Alert base, doesn't know what he will become.

But at that time, penicillin was just an insignificant drug.

It is definitely a very cost-effective deal to drive the development of the entire medical field in Northeast China with penicillin.

So Jiang Fan decided to reorganize and establish the Northeast Assets Committee (state-owned assets).

Responsible for managing and supervising all state-owned enterprises.

And it has the obligation to promote the construction of state-owned enterprise systems and improve management structures.

This Northeast Assets Committee is under the State Council.

It is a direct agency of the Northeast State Council.

This is also conducive to the work of the State Council.

After all, state-owned enterprises must develop under the jurisdiction of the government.

Capital is a flood beast, and a cage must be built to lock it up so that it will not hurt others or yourself.

Subsequently, Northeast Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. was established.

All medicines will be sold to the outside by this company.

In addition, Jiang Fan also wants to take this opportunity to develop the pharmaceutical field, medical research institutes, etc. in Northeast China.

Create a complete medical industry chain.

At that time, there will be no need to go to the Red Alert base to buy.

Instead, it can be produced and sold by itself.

Although the cost of purchasing from the Red Alert base is very low, it can only bring money.

It cannot drive employment, the healthy development of the medical industry, etc.

This is why Jiang Fan wants to develop light and heavy industries.

Otherwise, what is the difference between this and comprador.

The biggest difference is that it does not cost money to buy from the base, but only requires some funds from mineral conversion.

For this more difficult development path, Jiang Fan will resolutely go on.

Penicillin, a magical tool, will appear in a short time and will be able to bring in a huge amount of funds.

After one or two years of development, the light industry in Northeast China will basically be able to rise to a certain extent.

Use industrial products to make money and enter a virtuous cycle of development.

Penicillin is just responsible for providing funds for the early development.

After all, everything is difficult at the beginning.

Jiang Fan gave full authority to the Northeast Pharmaceutical Group Company for this matter.

The core layer and core departments are all Red Alert personnel.

Jiang Fan was not worried about any problems.

After the initial development fund problem was solved, other things were basically solved. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The second thing is the problem in the field of education.

It is self-evident how important education is.

It can even be described as the cornerstone of a country.

A country with failed education is doomed to fail.

Why did the technology of the Eagle Sauce develop rapidly after World War II, far surpassing other countries?[]

It is because of their education.

They have absorbed most of the talents in the Western world.

There are several other examples.

For example, after World War I, why was Germany able to rise rapidly from the ruins?

It was also because of their emphasis on education.

There is also Japan after World War II.

The entire country was basically destroyed and even lost its national sovereignty.

However, in just a dozen or twenty years,

Japan rose rapidly and once became the world's second largest economy.

It is still because of their emphasis on education.

However, there are many problems with Chinese education now.

For example, the emphasis on liberal arts. For example, the high cost of going to school. For example, the concept of education. For example, insufficient educational resources. For example

, problems such as people's concepts.

For example, the difficulty of learning.

These problems need to be solved one by one.

The development of science and technology is closely related to science and engineering.

At present, China is particularly weak in this regard, and the number of related talents is naturally very scarce.

Therefore, the next education should focus on the development of science and engineering.

Of course, it does not mean that liberal arts are not important.

This is also very important. There are priorities.

He plans to launch an 8-year free compulsory education in Northeast China in advance.

Among them, there are four years of elementary school and four years of middle school.

All tuition fees will be waived during this period.

As for textbooks and miscellaneous fees, they can also be subsidized to a certain extent.

The amount of subsidy varies depending on the development of the local area.

He wants to exempt all of them, even until college.

���He does not have such great ability now. He cannot rush things. He develops step by step. It is not easy to make mistakes.

There is also the problem of education.

The teaching content is mainly based on modern science.

Of course, cultural education and ideological education cannot be relaxed.

Patriotism must be strengthened.

As for the teaching method, Jiang Fan decided to adopt exam-oriented education.

China has a large population and a huge gap between the rich and the poor.

Although exam-oriented education has some shortcomings, there is no doubt that exam-oriented education is one of the most suitable ways of education for China.

It can quickly help China provide a large number of talents.

There are also some other problems.

For example, the complex traditional Chinese characters are not only difficult to learn, but also very difficult to write.

The simplified characters and pinyin of later generations have solved this problem very well.

It allows students to quickly master the use of Chinese characters and greatly shorten the learning time.

Not only students.

Jiang Fan is also preparing to launch a literacy education in the Northeast.

Simplified characters and pinyin can play a great role.

This is also a problem that needs to be solved quickly.

Jiang Fan is preparing to convene professors and experts in related fields in the interior to study.

Then there is the problem of hardware and software.

That is, schools and educational resources.

Jiang Fan plans to build primary and secondary schools in towns and counties according to the distribution of urban population.

But there is also a hard standard.

No matter how small the population is, it only needs to ensure that there are more than two primary schools and more than one secondary school.

Then there are universities.

This is also an area that Jiang Fan attaches great importance to at present.

He plans to build several key universities in the Northeast.

As the saying goes, only by planting good phoenix trees can we attract golden phoenixes.

We must have corresponding soft and hard power to attract enough talents.

These key universities are mainly based on normal schools, science and technology, aviation, shipbuilding, medicine, agriculture, transportation, military academies, etc.

Some of these universities are built by splitting and reorganizing existing universities in the Northeast.

Here we have to thank Zhang Zuolin, Marshal Zhang.

Although he was born in a gang and had no culture, he was very visionary.

The fact that Northeast China's industry can be unique in the country is inseparable from his emphasis on education and industrial development.

During his reign, there were dozens of universities in the Northeast.

The most famous of them is Northeast University.

In this era, Northeast University is very famous.

Before the September 18th Incident.

Northeastern University has 300 professors and more than 3,000 college students.

How many students did Peking University have at that time?

There were only over 2,000 people, 1,000 less than Northeastern University.

National Zhongyang University, which was founded with the efforts of the whole country, has only more than 1,700 students. Currently, there are more than 140 vocational colleges in the country, and Northeast China accounts for more than half.

Although some colleges have been destroyed by war.

But Jiang Fan will spare no effort to rebuild these universities.

Coming from the modern era, he knows the importance of education.

And Jiang Fan also plans to recruit people from the interior.

Mainly recruit two people.

One is Cai Yuanpei and the other is Zhu Kezhen.

Among them, Zhu Kezhen is also Jiang���He is the Minister of Education of the Ministry of Education.

Now he is also the President of the Chinese Meteorological Society in the interior of China. He is a real education master.

As for the development of scientific research, it is closely related to the development of colleges and universities.

In this regard, China has almost no foundation.

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