Now, whether in the Western world or in China, the civil aviation market is almost blank.

The most advanced civil aviation passenger aircraft in the Western world is the Boeing 247 passenger aircraft.

The range of this passenger aircraft is only about 800 kilometers, and the number of passengers is 10.

It is mainly used to carry mail.

Civil aviation was initially developed because of air mail.

It was not until the mid-1930s that the DC-3 passenger aircraft entered the market, which allowed the newly started civil aviation market to develop rapidly.

The DC-3 passenger aircraft also became the existence that changed the aviation transportation industry in the 1930s and 1940s.

Moreover, this passenger aircraft also played an extremely important role in World War II.

The C-47 transport aircraft of the Eagle Sauce is the military version of the DC-3 passenger aircraft.

Whether it is the aviation transportation market or the civil aviation passenger aircraft manufacturing market, there is a lot of money to be made.

Especially the aviation manufacturing industry.

The industrial added value of passenger aircraft is beyond doubt.

It is also known as one of the pearls of the industrial crown.

If China can gain an advantage in the world's civil aviation transportation field and civil aviation aircraft manufacturing field.

It will be of great benefit to the development of industry and economy.

Jiang Fan also has the confidence to develop it.

However, with the current domestic market, there is basically no hope of development.

We still have to rely on the Western market.

Go abroad to make money first, and then develop our own industry.

When the people become rich, the market demand will naturally rise.

But first, we have to get the aircraft production line.

This includes the manufacture of various aircraft parts.

Take this opportunity to lay the whole industrial chain.

Only in this way can China's aviation manufacturing industry develop.

If we only use the Red Alert base to produce aircraft and sell them.

Although it can create higher economic value, it cannot create industrial value or more jobs.

Money is just a number, and industrial development and more jobs are the goals.

However, the preliminary preparations can be carried out first.

For example, establish European branches, American branches, etc.

Then take advantage of an opportunity to soar into the sky, completely establish a reputation, and orders will naturally follow.

As for how to plan specifically, he already has an idea in his mind.

It has to be said that it is quite difficult to build a whole industrial chain from scratch.

Even if there is a Red Alert base, it is still the same.

It mainly takes time.

However, after a lot of money has been spent, and the corresponding parts and sound field factories have been built, the next step will be a smooth journey. It will also lay a solid foundation for the development of China's aviation manufacturing industry. Although the civil aviation transportation industry cannot be developed in the country in a short period of time, it can carry out corresponding civil aviation sports.

For example, a civil aviation flight training base will be established and gradually developed into a new sport.

There are two benefits to doing this.

One is to cultivate people's interest in aviation aircraft and pay more attention to these industries.

The second is to cultivate a reserve team of civilian pilots.

If a war breaks out, these people can fly planes to the battlefield with a little training.

It is also one of the pilot reserves of the Air Force.

This matter can be done first.

Jiang Fan immediately found Li Zongren and discussed with him the establishment of the Northeast Sports Association.

In addition to aviation, there are also shooting, driving, football, swimming, track and field, boxing, gymnastics, martial arts, long jump and other sports.

It is only more than two years away from the 1936 Olympics. If you start preparing now, it may be in time.

Jiang Fan invested another sum of money in this regard.

What he has to do next is the real big spender.

That is the agricultural field. Food is the most important thing for the people.

Food is an important strategic resource for a country.

After all, if you can't even eat enough, what else can you talk about? But now there is a problem.

At present, a large amount of land is in the hands of the landlord class, not in the hands of the people.

Even if Jiang Fan vigorously supports the development of agriculture.

It is not the people who benefit, but this group of vampires attached to the people.

The landlord class is one of the biggest obstacles to the development of industry.

Jiang Fan thought about how to deal with these landlords for a long time.

In addition, he personally went to the countryside to investigate for about half a month and visited more than ten villages. He has also seen the current situation in the countryside.

It can be said that the current rural areas are basically controlled by the land class.

Even the decree of the Northeast Political Affairs Committee cannot reach the last stop in the countryside.

Originally, Jiang Fan naively thought that he would use money, technology, and machines to exchange for the land in their hands, and then redistribute it to the people.

Maybe this would be a more gentle way to complete the land reform.

Thereby disintegrating the land class and completing the redistribution of social resources.

But now he no longer has this idea.

This land reform is a life-and-death revolution.

In order to complete this social reform, someone must shed blood.

His purpose is to unite the people and thoroughly defeat the landlord class.

He summed up a total of eight guidelines.

The first is to establish a rural association.

Its purpose is to bring all the farmers together and unite them.

Completely isolate the local tyrants, evil gentry, and corrupt officials in the countryside.

The two sides are clearly distinguished, so that it is easier to start and better to win the hearts of the people.

The second and third points are to defeat them politically and economically.

Politically, strike at the rights of the landlord class and enhance the rights of farmers.

The means of attack include liquidation, imprisonment, parades, and shooting.

There are more economic means of attack.

For example, it is not allowed to leave the village for food, it is not allowed to raise prices, it is not allowed to hoard goods, and it is not allowed to increase rents and mortgages.

The fourth point is to completely eliminate the so-called rural militia and guards entrenched in villages and towns.

This is also the biggest reliance of the landlords to run rampant in the countryside.

Without force, they are just tigers without teeth.

At the same time, a rural militia was established.

Firearms were issued to the militia so that they had the ability to protect themselves.

The fifth article abolished clan power and divine power from a legal perspective.

Clan power refers to clans.

There are so-called clan ancestral halls in many places.

This clan ancestral hall can privately set up a criminal hall to decide life and death, and basically control the control power of the countryside.

Divine power refers to the ghost and god system such as Chenghuang, land, Guanyin, and Jade Emperor.

This feudal thought also affects the development of people's wisdom.

The sixth article is to carry out rural propaganda.

Various policies can be promoted by building rural radio stations and sending movies to the countryside. (To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The seventh article is to abolish various exorbitant taxes, which is also one of the means to quickly win the hearts of the people.

The eighth article is to carry out rural cultural movements.

It is also a very critical point to carry out literacy in rural areas and break the knowledge monopoly of the landlord class.

Basically, if we continue to do this, most of the landlords and gentry can be eliminated in a short period of time.

Of course, this is only the first stage of land reform.[]

The second stage is redistribution.

The land will be distributed to the people in a fair way.

The third stage is to re-establish the agricultural tax system.

Only in this way can the land reform be considered to be completely completed.

This is a long-term task.

However, the attack on the landlords can be prepared now.

Jiang Fan is already very unhappy with them.

It was because of the war before.

Now that he has freed up his hands, he still recruited millions of soldiers.

Even if they want to jump, they can't jump anymore.

This is one of the reasons why Jiang Fan is crazy about recruiting soldiers.

In addition to these, there are two other aspects that need his attention.

The first is the issue of per mu yield, that is, grain output.

The current grain output is too low.

He plans to set up the Northeast Agricultural Crop Research Institute to cultivate new rice varieties.

For example, hybrid rice and other high-yield crops.

Increase production by scientific and technological means.

With senior engineers provided by the Red Alert Base, it should not be very difficult.

In this regard, Jiang Fan is absolutely willing to spend money.

Only when the grain output is increased can the problem of people's hunger be solved.

Especially with the expansion of the territory and the increase in population, the problem of food is also being studied day by day.

Fortunately, the base is there, so we can still hold on.

Moreover, Northeast China is about to have a good harvest.

As the granary of the country, the grain output of Northeast China is still very considerable.

This can reduce the pressure on food.

"Chairman, are you sure you want to take action against them?

Once we take action, all the landlords in the world will be our enemies.

They will all gather around Nanjing and will definitely strengthen the power of the South."

After hearing that Jiang Fan was going to launch a land reform, Li Zongren said with some concern.

He knew very well how powerful the landlord class was in this era.

This was the power gathered from thousands of years of dynasties.

Not only were they rich, they also controlled a lot of land.

They could even easily make a place chaotic.

Jiang Fan knew this, of course, but he was still fearless.

The largest group in the world is farmers.

With them standing behind him, Jiang Fan would never be defeated.

Countless history has proved this.

"I have a million troops and countless people who will support our work. Don't be afraid, just execute it.

I want to see if they can really jump up."

To forcefully implement this plan, it naturally requires strong military support.

The 29th Army and the 35th Army, with nearly 200,000 people, will fight these local tyrants and gentry in the first battle.

The 29th Army will be responsible for the three provinces of Liaoning, Rehe and Chahar.

The 35th Army will be responsible for the two provinces of Jilin and Heilongjiang.

But they are definitely not going straight for the local tyrants and gentry.

Otherwise, they will be scared away directly.

It will also cause great turmoil in the local area.

Soon the Northeast Political Affairs Committee issued a notice to the outside world.

Due to the serious banditry in the local area.

The military will launch a half-year campaign. The anti-bandit campaign will be carried out in the next year.

At the same time, militia forces will be established in various villages and towns to defend their respective villages and towns.

Moreover, the militia forces will be incorporated into the reserve force system of the Red Alert Corps.

Bai Xin naturally applauded this.

The bandit problem in the Northeast is indeed very serious.

According to current statistics, there are at least 500,000 bandits entrenched in the Northeast.

This is after the previous wave of attacks.

This number is not small.

This did not attract the attention of the landlord class.

Cracking down on bandits is also good for them.

What they don’t know is that they are also within the scope of the attack.

The 29th Division is currently Still training near Jinzhou.

After two months of training.

The 29th Division, which was born out of the 29th Army, can be described as reborn.

Apart from anything else, they are fed with all kinds of meat every day.

Now each of them is full of energy, no longer listless as before.

Wearing camouflage uniforms, they show their tough temperament.

In terms of weapons and equipment, they are basically on par with the field troops.

The weapons they used originally were Hanyang-made, old sleeves, bird guns, etc., and the number of bullets was small.

Not to mention artillery and shells.

Otherwise, they would not be famous for their broadswords.

And Now their rifles are STG-44 assault rifles and MG34 general-purpose machine guns.

Not to mention artillery, there is no barreled gun with a caliber lower than 105mm. The artillery they are equipped with are all 105mm and 155mm howitzers, and they are also equipped with 155mm field cannons. They are also equipped with a large number of trucks and various cars.

Now they don’t even have to walk to march, they can all take a car.

If this was put two months ago, they would not even dare to think about it.

Now they are extremely loyal to Jiang Fan.

If anyone dares to disrespect Jiang Fan, they will definitely tear the other party to pieces.

After all, he���Now all of them were given by Jiang Fan.

Of course, the mind controller also played a big role.

This is why Jiang Fan brought these 200,000 people to Jinzhou for training.

And today they received a new order.

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