Northeast Shenyang Military Airport is the largest and highest level military airport in Northeast China.

The number of strategic bombers at this airfield alone exceeded 200.

With two large runways for take-off and landing, it can take off and land any current aircraft.

It can supply more than 500 fighters of various types for takeoff and landing at the same time.

It is also the place where the largest number of strategic bombers stopped in northern China.

At this moment, the entire airport has changed from the original busyness to calm.

Because there are heavyweights coming out today.

With the huge hangar door slowly opening.

Under the tractor, a large H-40 strategic bomber was towed out of the hangar.

One of the most notable are the two strategic cruise missiles shaped like aircraft under its wings.

The XL-10 air-launched strategic cruise missile was specially developed by the Air Force for long-range attacks on strategic bombers carrying nuclear weapons.

Its code name within the Air Force is Shura.

It is somewhat similar in appearance to the FJ-35 missile.

The 30 adopted are small delta wing and canard layouts.

The engine air intake is located in the belly.

It uses a turbojet-5 engine with a thrust of about 4.

The warhead carries a 200,000-ton thermonuclear warhead.

Inertial guidance is used.

The weight of a single missile reaches 5 tons.

Of course, this also gives it a range of more than a thousand kilometers, and the terminal speed is also more than Mach 2.

It belongs to a strategic supersonic cruise missile.

The hit accuracy has been tested several times and is within 10 km.

This hit accuracy can be said to be very bad for a missile.

But it carries a nuclear warhead.

An error of 10 km is not too much of an error.

So in order to ensure that the target can be accurately hit.

The bomber carried two directly.

This ensures the destruction of the target.

Two mushroom eggs with a yield of 200,000 tons are enough to destroy the city.


Started with 8 turbofan-30 engines.

The massive strategic bomber began to taxi.

As the speed became faster and faster, it finally lifted the nose after two kilometers and jumped into the sky.

At the moment, all the crew members were very nervous.

The mission they were on this time was completely different from before.

What weapons this bomber carries, how powerful they are very clear.

Once this thing falls on its own soil.

They are sinners of the ages.

So they simply do not dare to slack.

Even drinking water is careful, for fear of causing some accident.

When they came to the southern airspace of the Asakai Peninsula.

A squadron of nine JF-8 heavy fighters appeared around it.

Also followed in the rear was a YJ-200 strategic AWACS aircraft.

The YJ-100 AWACS is the Air Force's first-generation AWACS aircraft.

It was developed on the platform of the Y-12 tactical transport aircraft.

Whether it is the performance of the radar, the power or the space head is too small.

Already can not keep up with the needs of the Air Force.

So after the Y-30 strategic transport aircraft flew.

The development of the YJ-200 strategic AWACS aircraft is also proceeding simultaneously.

Thus, this strategic AWACS aircraft was born.

It has a maximum detection range of 500 kilometers and uses a large piggyback disc design.

It can turn 6 times per minute.

It already has the ability to indicate moving targets.

This also means that this is a complete AWACS aircraft.

Air command capability.

Escorted by numerous warplanes. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After entering the airspace, it will be escorted by at least two groups of JF-5C and JF-8 fighters.

Make sure that this bomber does not have any problems while carrying out its mission.

In fact, the Air Force originally wanted to test the XL-10 strategic cruise missile at a long distance.

But given the specificity of this mission.

Or decided to shorten the range to about 200 km.

This also further reduces the error to less than 5 km.

Over Nagano Prefecture, Honshu Island.

An H-40 strategic bomber carrying two XL-10 strategic cruise missiles flew at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

When the target launch airspace is reached.

The crew members all felt unusually nervous.

It used to be training, but this time it was actual combat.

Tension is inevitable.

"Report, Asura is working normally, the weather conditions in the target airspace are good, and the conditions for launch are ready."

"Report, data has been successfully imported into the bombboard computer."

"Report, data verification completed, confirmation."

The captain took a deep breath and then gave the order firmly.

"I order, two volleys, send them to the heads of the little devils."

"Go ahead.... Bar....."

This is accompanied by the release of the hook.

Two XL-10 air-launched strategic cruise missiles fell from the hook one after another.

After falling hundreds of meters.

The turbojet-5 engine in the tail is started.

Propelling the strategic nuclear missile, which resembled an airplane, to accelerate forward.

Zhang Xueming, who was far away in Peiping, slowly entered a 50-digit password.

The indicator for nuclear warheads in the warhead also turned red to green.

This also means that the warhead has been successfully activated.

And the crew of the aircraft after seeing the indicator turn green.

Excitedly shouted: "Green is green, it is green." "

This remark was met with a burst of eyes from 477.

"Turn on the test equipment immediately and collect the data after the nuclear explosion."

Their mission is not just to raze Tokyo to the ground.

There is also the task of collecting test data after a nuclear explosion.

Instead of throwing missiles and leaving.

Tokyo has no idea of the impending apocalypse.

With the withdrawal of the Chinese troops.

The city has temporarily returned to calm.

However, the entire city is still under military martial law.

Access to civilians is restricted and each has its own mandate.

For example, the production of weapons and equipment, etc.

Now the equipment of the Yin Kingdom can only rely on such small workshops to provide.

Large military factories with large targets were basically destroyed by Huaxia strategic bombers.

In the main hall of the royal palace.

Hideki Tojo looked at the person opposite with murderous eyes.

The person on the other side did not care about the prime minister, but looked at him indifferently.

It is not difficult to see the pride and disdain in his eyes.

This is also a great mockery for Hideki Tojo.

This man was none other than Ishihara Wan'er, who was summoned by Emperor Hirohito.

Hirohito has also heard of this general, and he is still a little famous among the middle and high-ranking generals.

The reason why he summoned Ishihara was also to hear his thoughts.

Because recently, Huaxia's behavior is really getting more and more weird.

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