Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 359 Chapter 361

Biquge, the fastest update game system!

Chapter 359 Chapter 361

boom! A shiny red envelope appeared on Naz's head, and Naz looked aggrieved.

"Okay, kids, cheer up, go and rehearse well, and prepare for tonight's Super Fantasia!" Makarov nodded in satisfaction, and shouted loudly.

"Yes!" The members instantly cheered up.

The continuous and abrupt stone mountains rise one by one into the gray sky. Urrutia in a sexy white dress stands on the top of a stone mountain, and an old voice in the sky is talking to her.

"Good job, Urrutia, by the way, how is Gerald?" The voice came from the crystal ball beside Urrutia, and all the images on Paradise Island began to be projected in the crystal ball.

Gerald is being used by others now, but he doesn't know it. He only thinks of revenge. Don't you know that his biggest enemy is himself.

So everything is controlled by the dark mage Zeref.

The greatest and most powerful mage who ever lived, Jilf, can control everything and destroy everything.

"I don't know, it doesn't matter!" Urrutia replied seemingly casually.

"The woman I think is being used, but I don't know how to use it in turn, what a sad man..." The old voice laughed mockingly.

"I'm very happy, he is very cute, he didn't even notice that for 8 years, I have been pretending to be the ghost of Jeff..." Urrutia smiled like a poisoned poppy.

"When Gerald is completely out of control, he will be able to come out of the seal. Thanks to this, he can find a key to unlock the seal." A red eyeball shaped like a red magic pattern is held in the palm of Urutia Instantly scattered into the crystal ball.

"Congratulations, President Hades." The appearance of Gerald who sank into the sea appeared in Urrutia's eyes, and a ray of emotion quickly flew from his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Master Gerald." She murmured to herself in a low voice.

Gerald is really a pitiful and hateful person. Urutia thinks of what he has done and has been controlled by others, thinking that this is correct.

If you know the following plot, in fact, Urrutia is as poor as Gerald, and he is also misled.

In the night of Magnolia City, numerous fireworks bloomed continuously over the city, and the air was filled with all kinds of charming magic starlight. The cheerful and moving melody also rang out in the night sky with people's laughter, and the pedestrians on the road cheered happily , the roof is full of people, bang bang! With the sound of crackling fireworks, the annual Fairy Tail Super Fantasia Night officially begins.

The magic car slowly drove out from the Fairy Tail guild, led by a swordfish-shaped float with its mouth open, and a cute harpy on the roof. boom! boom! Blue, yellow magic bubbles, pink magic stars, suspended in the air with bright magic starlight.

The yellow duck-shaped magic car is stacked with rabbits, followed by the swordfish. There are two rows of clothed bodies standing on the rabbit magic car. The beauties of the guild have soft white velvet wings on their backs. Lela dancing, smiling brightly.

A magic car in the shape of angel wings is slowly approaching, with rainbows and clouds as the background, Kanna is wearing an orange dress, smiling charmingly and opening her hands, pink heart-shaped magic stars are flying around her card. Wakaba next to him was smoking a pipe, and the pink smoke condensed into a cute rabbit in the air. Makao on the left stretched out a dark purple magic rope alone.

The three kinds of magic flew into the sky at the same time, the smoke and the dark purple magic rope merged into a chasing circle, and kana's card turned into a pink streamer that flashed through the fused circle, and the circle changed instantly when it passed through. It became the shape of a heart, and with an arrow piercing the heart, the magic slowly dissipated in the air.

There were thunderous cheers on the side of the road, and the gorgeous magic made them just remember screaming loudly, dazzled to the point where they didn't know where to look.

On the huge drum, Lucy, Bisca and Rebby dance with flags in their hands, Jeter and Dorael, who transform magic, turn into grotesque animals and plants, and Elfman turns into a beast king and stands in the magic car Roaring at the people, the beautiful petals bloom quietly, and the gentle and sweet Mira waves to the people, transforming into a huge toad.

In the rising ice and snow castle, Gray and Juvia are like princes and princesses in a dream. The magical bubbles and stars complement each other. Juvia raises his hand, and the water jets into the air, and Gray immediately freezes the water. On the beautiful clear ice arch bridge, Fairytail is crystal clear under the bright fireworks.

Noisy and cheerful festival, crowds and cheers follow the movement of the magic car like a long dragon, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night, Lin Tianyao, dressed in white, lives on a high roof, with Jie Shirley next to her .

"Tianyao, why don't you go to participate?" Jie Shirley's wavy hair was draped behind her back full of femininity, and she wore a close-fitting short dress. The love that made people twitch~ has rarely appeared, but her eyes are still dreamy .

Lin Tianyao raised the corners of his mouth, his dark eyes were shining like stars, he bent down and kissed Jie Xueli's red lips, sealing her panting, "Because... I only want you to be happy enough."

The sky was clear and the days were fleeting, and soon a week had passed since the Harvest Festival. The city finally returned to its original calm, and the trio of Thunder Gods gradually integrated into the guild. Except... Juvia has been sneaking around for the past two days, and Lucy always feels that she seems to be being watched by someone these two days...

"Patter..." Juvia held an umbrella and walked into a mysterious and weird magic pharmacy.

The colors of the prepared potions behind the counter were all very strange. The white-bearded old man with a big-brimmed hat covering half of his face poured an unknown liquid from a test tube into a crystal bottle.

"Do you want him to keep looking at you with fiery eyes no matter what? There just happens to be such a perfect secret medicine? Do you want to try it?" The old man looked strange. ....

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