While throwing the two small stones in his hand, Shi Jiu looked sad.

Although he has the means to open hangings for humans, how can he send these hangings out?

First of all, the Elimination turned into the Ice Dragon King and flew to the world. Because, I'm afraid I'll be exhausted to death!

Now it seems that the best way is to use a combination of map function and map transfer function!

With Shi Jiu's current mental power, if it is a rough detection, the map tool can cover a radius of hundreds of kilometers. The effect of map transmission is that as long as the map is within the range, there is no consumption, no cooling, and no casting back and forth.

In other words, Shi Jiu can now do it in an instant!

Although, that would be a big project!

But...... Thinking that human beings all over the world have become their own workers, wouldn't their own experience and rank be innumerable?!

Thinking of this, Shi Jiu felt that he was motivated!

So...... Let's start with the trial release of these two awakening stones!

The ice wings spread out and soared into the sky.

Shi Jiu stood above the city in mid-air and waved his hand sharply.

Countless azure crystals scattered in all directions of the city.

Although the Awakening Stone will not fly evenly all over the city, everyone can only use the Awakening Stone once, and it is useless if others pick it up, it can only drive the spread of the Awakening Stone!

In the sun, the Awakening Stone is not conspicuous, and at night, that azure data glow will attract any curious human being. As long as one person is attracted, then it will trigger the wave of the fourth heavenly disaster!

In this blue awakening stone meteor shower, mixed with two golden guild building stones!

Shi Jiu was not worried at all that the other guilds in this city had the strength to subdue their own guilds, even if they took 10,000 steps back, their own guilds were not contending, it was better to send out other guilds. Then Shi Jiu has nothing to lose.

After all, no matter which guild it is, it is Shi Jiu's leek! Left-handed to right-handed trading, is to make a steady profit!


Liu Fei was an ordinary bus driver before the end of the world. Compared to other truck drivers, he is very lucky.

First of all, he did not turn into a zombie like everyone else. The second is ... When the cataclysm struck, there were no guests in his bus.

When the cataclysm came, Liu Fei realized that something was wrong, and while the zombies were still mutating, he took a snakeskin bag and ransacked the snack bread and other goods in the station commissary. Then he fled in the bus.

As it turned out, his hunch was right. Just after he left the station, the zombie mutation was completed. In the entire station, no one escaped except him!

Although the bus is not a copper wall and iron wall, as long as Liu Fei does not make any big moves, the zombies will not attack a car for no reason.

That night, Liu Fei awakened his power, the A-level [Vehicle Enhancement], although it is not a combat ability, but for Liu Fei, this ability far exceeds the combat type ability.

Through this [Vehicle Enhancement] power, this bus that has accompanied him for most of his life has been strengthened by him to the level of copper walls and iron walls, even if he is surrounded by zombies, he can run over the tide of corpses and leave calmly.

However, although his powers are good, he is just an ordinary person with no ability without the vehicle.

Until...... On the side of the road, he saw a shiny blue spar.

Suddenly, a voice appeared in his heart, he must get it!

Otherwise, you will definitely regret it!

Liu Fei looked around, and there were no zombies. After some struggle, in the end, he got out of the bus, picked up the spar with lightning speed, and reflexively returned to the bus.

There is no danger, just scare yourself....

Shaking the bully's chest, a message emerged from the blue spar in Liu Fei's hand.

[You have obtained the Player Awakening Stone, do you confirm the Awakening Player class?] After awakening, you will receive player privileges. 【

If you do not reply within ten seconds, it will be regarded as confirming the awakened player.】

Before Liu Fei could understand what these two pieces of information meant, ten seconds would come.

Bang. The blue spar shattered into a circle of data torrents, instantly wrapping Liu Fei!

After the data torrent disappeared, a blue player panel appeared in front of Liu Fei's eyes.

"This is..." Although Liu Fei has not played the game, this panel can be seen clearly by fools, and it is controlled by ideas, and there will be no situation that it will not be used.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Fei sensed the one hundred cubic meters of player warehouse in the player's privilege.

"Hiss..." Liu Fei instantly understood!

This is the opportunity! What a God-given opportunity!

Immediately afterwards, Liu Fei familiarized himself with the operation and opened the guild panel!

Because he did not join the guild, Liu Fei could only see the basic rules of the guild and the strength bonus that the guild brought to its members.

"Between guilds, players can't hurt each other? Friendly immunity? Moreover...... Distribute supplies according to contribution value? This, this..." Liu Fei's heart moved!

To be honest, the reason why he is still alone until now is not because he cannot protect other survivors, but because he has seen the inappropriate side of some survivors.

You know, although under the transformed bus, even the corpse tide he can break through, but it does not mean that his own strength is strong!

In case someone else gets into the car and turns out to be unfavorable to himself, then there is nothing he can do!

Therefore, friendly injury immunity is the one that attracts him the most!

Human beings are social animals, and Liu Fei is no exception, he also wants to find teammates and find a survivor base to warm up. I couldn't find it before, but the guild can do it!

"You must join a guild!"

Click on the guild search, and only one guild name appears on the panel.

Taichu Villa!

First-level guild, fifty-two members, eighteen kilometers away, the original site of Suifeng Villa!

Definitely apply to join!

To apply, you need to come to the guild site or be referred by a guild member. The first-level guild can only accommodate a hundred people, so it has to be decided as soon as possible!

Eighteen kilometers was not far, and for Liu Fei, getting there was simply a breeze.

You can also create and kill a few zombies halfway, collect a few pieces of zombie flesh and blood, and when you join the guild to sell the blood and flesh of the zombies to the guild, the initial contribution value will be ah.

After making a decision, Liu Fei didn't say a word and drove towards the Taichu Villa.


Players like Liu Fei are more than one person in this city, and almost everyone wants to join the Taichu Villa, but even if they become players, there are very few survivors who have enough strength to come to the Taichu Villa, and those who can come here either have strong abilities or have other skills.

All are absolute elite.

As long as there is nothing wrong with friendliness, then you can join the guild on the spot. All eliminate the tedious step of screening.

Compared with the easy-to-find player awakening stone, the guild building stone is not so easy to find, and if you can find a guild building stone in the city of Norda, it is definitely the chosen one.

Of course, Shi Jiu is also aware of this problem. Therefore, when throwing the Guild Awakening Stone in other cities, they will consciously throw it to capable people. It can be regarded as another small back door that Shi Jiu opened for humans in this game.

The speed of 100 miles per second is absolutely unmatched by any means of transportation. However, you also need to put spar in every city you pass through, so it will take a lot of time!

Shi Jiu thought about it, it was better to use the map tool to explore a world map first, and then wait for the evening to teleport to each city to drop the Awakening Stone.

You can't see the light of the Awakening Stone during the day, and at night, that kind of azure meteor shower will definitely be sought after by many survivors!

[Ding, you gain 99 experience, source player "Qianyu". 【

Ding, you get 99 experience, source player "Liu Fei". As

long as the players who have been converted into data by the [Fourth Tribulation], they are all Shijiu's workers, no matter which guild they join.

[Ding, your level is increased to lv.30, your full attributes are increased by ten points, and you get new player privileges and saves.] There

are too many news about gaining experience, and Shi Jiu has blocked the news of gaining experience, but this upgrade and player privileges are a good thing.

[Privilege and Archive: You can choose a certain moment to archive, and when you are not satisfied with the development of things, you can choose to read the archive and return to the moment of archiving. Currently, you can only store three records. Archive

, yyds!

Although this ability is very strong, Shi Jiu's heart has no fluctuations. It was originally invincible, but now it is even more invincible.

"Create a new archive!" At the moment when Shi Jiu's order was given, Shi Jiu felt as if he was separated from the world for a moment.

To say that this ability to save is similar to the death return of the protagonist Nai Yueang in "Life in Another World from Zero". But the person is a level higher.

Don't underestimate this ordinary archive function, it affects not one world, but all the heavens and all worlds!

If Shijiu chooses to archive, the chat group plugin will also be archived at this time anchor, and when the record is read, the group friends of the chat group will also be reset. Of course, Shi Jiu can choose to let them retain their memories.

This archiving feature is also a timely rain. After all, from the current point of view, Shi Jiu didn't know if he should popularize the fourth heavenly disaster in large quantities, and if his actions led to the destruction of mankind, it would be a big sin.

However, with the privilege of archiving, Shi Jiu has no worries at all.

The surface area of the earth is 510 million square kilometers, and it takes about 15 seconds for Shijiu to flash and explore the map of Skynet, and the exploration distance can reach 5,000 square kilometers.

In other words, if Shi Jiu is constantly exploring the earth, he probably needs to... You can map the earth in 425 hours!

Shijiu wrestling cup jpg

MMP's, just exhaust me and forget it!

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