"Huh~ Xiao Chenxi, quickly put down Chairman Li, didn't I say that just tearing off one arm is fine?" Shi Jiu took Xiao Chenxi into his arms.

As soon as Xiao Chenxi exited the dragonization state, Chairman Li's face turned fierce, and he released his special energy [Spirit Hypnosis] towards Shi Jiu!

Players at level 15 will have 50 free attribute points from level 1 to 10, and 50 free attribute points from level 10 to 15. The free attribute points obtained by upgrading all point to wisdom and spirit, and on average, the two attributes of spiritual wisdom are just over fifty.

Even if it is Shi Jiu's trumpet, the average spirit and wisdom have one hundred and fifty attribute points, such a strong numerical crush, what [Spirit Hypnosis]?!

After Chairman Li selected the target of [Mental Hypnosis] as Shi Jiu, he was destined to become miserable!

The thought of Shi Jiu resisting together a little, Chairman Li instantly bleed, if it were not for the special physique of the player, I am afraid that Chairman Li would die on the spot!

"Yo, Chairman Lee, what's going on?" Shi Jiu had a sad expression that wanted to laugh, "Jiaxin, hurry up and treat Chairman Li, Chairman Li may have replenished his kidneys and made up for growth, and he was bleeding." Light

Elemental Pastor Li Jiaxin smiled and put a healing spell on Chairman Li.

Get off the horse? Now, is it unclear who gave whom?

In this apocalypse, strength is the basic need for domineering.

Don't look at Shi Jiu's gentle and elegant manners, that is just the "humbleness" when the strength is insufficient. The strength is enough, Shi Jiu came to reveal his nature on the spot.

Qian Yu looked at the information sorted out in [Skynet], "Chairman Li, we don't care that you use the improper means of [Mental Hypnosis] to control the Western Legion, nor do we care where the high-level personnel of the original Western Legion were controlled by you. We don't care about your wasteful abilities. But out of humanity, Taichu Mountain Villa reminds you that the zombie tide is very close to your base, and if the corpse tide is to break out, the first target is your western legion. "

As a perfect ruler, Qian Yu can almost be said to be a perfect president except that he is not suitable for frontal combat. Leave everything to her, and Shi Jiu is also relieved.

"Okay, brothers, the reminder has arrived, and it's time for us to move on to the next task." Shi Jiu took the lead in opening the military tent and walked out, "Two hours wasted, how much less experience is this..." A

group of ten people, just in front of a group of soldiers, walked out of the Western Legion in an upright manner.

And Chairman Li of the Western Legion was in a trance, he could not be afraid of the threat of Shi Jiu's strength, but he was afraid of the last words of Qianyu...

This legion leader of his army was not obtained by honest means, and the real high-level had long been controlled by him with [Spiritual Hypnosis]. This must not be exposed! Otherwise, he will fall into a place of irreparable disaster.

This is also why, obviously this is his territory, but Chairman Li still let Shi Jiu and them leave in an upright manner.

They know my secret, and they all have to die....

Chairman Li's eyes flashed fiercely, and he completely forgot that the point of Qianyu's words was not his improper means, but that the Western Legion would become the primary target of the corpse tide!

"How do you ... In order to uproot the Taichu Villa? "


"Haha, boss, I really didn't expect that you were such a yin and yang weird person." Thunder Mage Yang Zixi laughed heartily, and in the end, the ending was good, and he did not wait for half an hour.

"Do I have yin and yang weirdness?" Shi Jiu raised his eyebrows with a smile.

Yang Zixi's body shrunk, hugged Li Jiaxin next to him, and whispered, "Those who squint are monsters."

Qian Yu spread out [Skynet] in his mind, "Okay, don't make trouble." Let's get down to business.

As soon as he got down to business, the expressions of several people also became serious.

Although these people in the car only Qianyu, Yan Chenxi and Gu Xiyan are Shi Jiu's lineage, compared to the Taichu Mountain Villa, this batch of players above level 20 can be regarded as the Taichu Mountain Villa's lineage!

They also know Qianyu's [Skynet] power, and the strongest detection type is well deserved!

Seeing that everyone had quieted down, Qian Yu said, "As a second-level guild, the West Legion is a second-level guild, and there is no shortage of facilities that a second-level guild should have. However, there are more than 20,000 people inside the guild station, of course, the official members of the guild are only a thousand. Looking at their mode of getting along, it seems that this thousand people are raising 20,000 people..."

"Isn't it a time bomb to keep non-public members inside the guild station?" Don't look at Meng Hong is a berserker, but people's IQ is online!

Why did the Taichu Mountain Villa cover such a large area, but did not let the four survivor bases be built inside the station? It's just afraid that these people are mixed!

You know, after entering the guild station, the defensive force field cannot be defended.

Even with the [Skynet] that can observe people's hearts, they still set up a survivor base outside the station. After all, people's hearts change. Even if it is now shown to be friendly, who can guarantee that it will always be friendly?

Don't let Qianyu sacrifice her time and investigate friendliness every day.

Qian Yu continued unhurriedly, "After my speculation, the Western Legion will not last long. Even if you don't die from the corpse tide, you will die from internal contradictions!

"At the moment, they rely solely on guild warehouses for their food sources and are completely self-sufficient. Now the strength of zombies has been greatly improved, which means that the effect of hot weapons will be greatly reduced. When they cannot obtain resources from outside, it is the beginning of their destruction.

Shi Jiu also nodded slightly, "They don't have any threat, be prepared to take in a wave of refugees in a few days." "

If Shi Jiu guessed correctly, during the day today, or tonight, the rat tide and the corpse tide will act at the same time, even if the Taichu Mountain Villa wants to resist the rat tide and the corpse tide at the same time, it will be very difficult.

Therefore, Shi Jiu brought the core elite members to visit the Western Legion and the Bajiang Guild, one really wanted to provide them with some help, so that they could hold out a little longer in the face of disaster. As long as the rat tide and the corpse tide do not attack the Taichu Mountain Villa at the same time, then a single rat tide or corpse tide is simple for the Taichu Mountain Villa!

Of course, as for the second, it is to judge the threat of the two newborn guilds, if it poses a threat to the Taichu Villa, then after this wave of disaster impact is over, the Taichu Villa will level their guild!

This can also be regarded as spying on the enemy in advance, knowing yourself and knowing that the other is victorious in a hundred battles!

However, it is clear that the Western Legion was unanimously judged by the core members of the Taichu Mountain Villa as... There is no threat. I'm afraid I can't even walk past the corpse tide.

"Boss, let's continue to detour to the Bajiang Guild next?"

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