Time passed in Shi Jiu's chat and farting.

After going out, Shi Jiu looked at the sky, and the setting sun was setting in the west.

Open the guild channel and @所有人, "Go back to the city in thirty minutes to rest, take a shower and sleep, the biggest challenge is tomorrow." "

Because the zombie giant elephant has been cleaned up by Shi Jiu in advance, even if there is a corpse tide coming, it will definitely not break through the defense of the other two guilds in one night.

Now that I think about it, Shi Jiu is very grateful to them for establishing two guilds. To some extent, it can be regarded as sacrificing himself and alleviating the pressure of Taichu Villa.


Compared to the leisurely leisure of the Taichu Mountain Villa, the situation here in the Western Legion is not very good!

In the temporary barracks tent, Chairman Li sat in the main seat, his brows furrowed deeply, "What? You say, all the exploration teams that went out to explore were sacrificed?

"Yes, everyone dropped five levels!"

"So what was the cause of their death? They didn't always die at the hands of zombies, did they? Chairman Li suddenly thought of something, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes, "It won't be the Taichu Mountain Villa or the Bajiang Guild that killed them." "

In Chairman Li's opinion, the exploration team that goes out are all well-equipped big masters above LV.15. How could it have died at the hands of zombies?! Said that it was the Taichu Mountain Villa and the Bajiang Guild, in fact, the Bajiang Guild was carrying, and what he suspected was only the Taichu Mountain Villa!

On the side, the soldiers who were reporting were eager to give him a big fight. When is it, I still only know about infighting!

Not only this one soldier, but there were actually many soldiers in the barracks who were dissatisfied with Chairman Li. But in desperation, all the top officials of the military elected him as the president. They, these soldiers, can only obey the orders of their superiors!

No one knew that those military bigwigs who were just ordinary people were all controlled by him with [mental hypnosis]... In order to be able to control more perfectly, Chairman Li even gave up other bonus points, and all free attribute points were added to wisdom and spirit!

Shi Jiu and Qian Yu know the inside story, but what can they do? Whether they say it or not, the elite members of the Taichu Mountain Villa know that the Western Legion can't withstand this tide of corpses, but if they can block it for one night, even if they have enough firepower storage!

"The report was not made by human survivors. According to the reports of the members of the exploration team who have died, after the zombies have bathed in the rain of experience, their strength has also increased significantly, and almost all zombies have the strength of players above level ten. And a large number of mutated zombies have appeared, some are extremely fast, some are extremely high-defense, and even flying zombies have appeared.

"The effective power of the gun has decreased, and according to the estimates of the members of the exploration team, the pistol's firepower has been unable to break through the zombie's defenses." The effective range of automatic rifles has also become much shorter.

"This..." Chairman Li frowned, it's not the Taichu Villa, it's not the Taichu Villa. Zombies are just brainless things, and that kind of thing can be cleaned up sooner or later!

"From today onwards, the exploration team will not go out to explore. We save some food, but the stock of food is enough for us to eat for a year and a half. Wait for the Bajiang Guild and Taichu Mountain Villa to give us a look, and then we will make plans! "

Although the soldiers really want to say that you are a sluggish, but at this point, they really have no other way to go.


At this time, the Bajiang Guild side was a different scene!

"Hall Master Mei and the exploration team under his command have all died? How is this possible! Jiang Xinghai slammed the table, a sad expression on his face, "Let's talk about it, what kind of danger can make the only high-level combat power in our guild above level twenty hate?" "

Hall Master Mei, as the only player above level twenty in the Bajiang Guild, is also the head of the group of people with bad intentions.

From Qianyu, Jiang Xinghai knew that there was a rat tide lurking under the sewers. Because he couldn't believe all of Qian's words, Jiang Xinghai sent members to search the surroundings.

Exploring this matter, it naturally fell into the hands of Elder Mei, the number one master of the guild!

And Elder Mei also happily brushed his reputation in the guild.

Jiang Xinghai installed a younger brother in Elder Mei's team, and then vaguely pointed out that there will be no rat zombies in the sewers, right?

With such a plan, Elder Mei's strength of the twenty-third level dropped to the eighteenth level that was inferior to him. At the same time, Jiang Xinghai also determined that there were indeed tens of thousands of zombie rats in the sewers. It's still killing two birds with one stone!

What Jiang Xinghai paid was nothing more than the punishment of a thirteenth-level junior brother dropping a fifth-level. The difficulty of upgrading from level eight to level 13 is much less than upgrading from level eighteen to level twenty-three!

"So that's the case, it's a zombie rat..." Jiang Xinghai pondered for a while, and said with a serious face, "When it comes to mice, what can the brothers think of?" "

Plague, rat tide!"

"Yes, the rat tide..." Jiang Xinghai waved his hand, "From today onwards, let the brothers strengthen patrols, let all the survivors we take in, count one by one, and all of them will build fortifications!"

"But... "

The eldest miss has already been sent to the Taichu Mountain Villa by me." Jiang Xinghai had a fierce light hidden in his eyes, his daughter had also protected a batch of rice insects before, so he even set up a plan to let his daughter recognize the true face of those people. "It's the end times, don't forget what our job is!"

People on the underworld road can't be mixed with good hearts.

Don't look at Jiang Xinghai pretending to be so gentle and elegant now, in fact, in that chaotic era, which one did not have a few lives on his hands?


Shi Jiu didn't know what happened to the Western Legion and the Bajiang Guild, but he also had some guesses!

The Western Legion is finished, and the guild leader who can't do anything on the stall is no longer saved. Just look at tonight's corpse tide, can it block the next night, or a whole day.

The Bajiang Guild also did not save it, but if you just guard the city and guard the mountain gate, it is more than enough to hold on for more than ten days. But if you want to end the rat tide on your own, it will be impossible!

After all, the breeding ability of mice, even the zombie mother nest is far inferior!

Zombies have only one mother nest. But the female zombie rats are tens of thousands!

There is only one way to break the game of the Bajiang Guild, and that is the support of the Taichu Villa.

However, the first thing that Taichu Mountain Villa had to deal with was the fifty-six thousand zombies in its own territory. After solving these, it is estimated that the corpse tide should also advance to the Taichu Mountain Villa. After dealing with the corpse tide, they can go to support the Bajiang Guild.

Whether it can support the support of the Taichu Mountain Villa depends on the Bajiang Guild itself.

Whether the Bajiang Guild can support it or not, Taichu Mountain Villa is firmly seated on the fishing platform. If you can't hold it, then take them in. Hold on, the Bajiang Guild, whose vitality is greatly damaged, can only be adopted by the Taichu Villa as the junior brother of the Taichu Villa.

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