Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 1147: separate

In the horror, a white smoke floated in the air, and the snow-white slender body emerged from the launch hole. A rocket rocket flew in the air and was clearly visible. Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the rocket that was propelled to him. The weakness of the hands and feet, at this time, countless green covers his eyes, the water snake is faster than expected, blinking into the thick forest, numerous trees squatting behind, a huge group of fire behind the trees When it was blown up, countless scattered pieces of wood spewed and splashed. At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang had a deep breath. If he did not escape into the forest, he said that he could not escape these rockets. Even if most of them would be blown on the water snake, One-tenth of the rockets fell to his side, and the two moons could not be blocked. But Wanqiang could be fine.

Just as he relaxed slightly, the corners of his eyes saw the anomalies in every corner of the forest. In the canopy, on the branches, on the ground, there were scattered lighters and metal objects with four-legged nails. These objects were like people from the sky. The general purpose of throwing it out is everywhere. Many of them are fixed on the stems and leaves of plants with their feet. The center of these objects has a small flashing blue light that flashes every ten seconds. I saw it inexplicably. I thought it was a mine or an explosive item. I didn’t expect the snake to run all the way. After grinding it, I didn’t know how much it happened. It made Zhang Xiaoqiang inexplicable.

Suddenly, twelve rockets flew from the distant sky. Seven rockets exploded in the dense canopy. The remaining five had three ground explosions on both sides of the water snake. The last two were real. The fried on the waist of the water snake, let the water snake writhing forward and flew forward to the boss, the instant acceleration let Wan Qian smashed out and fell to the ground, another blink of an eye, Wanqiang disappeared in the jungle behind the snake tail At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang has not responded. He did not pay attention to Wanqiang at all. He did not respond to it, but why did she go to pull Wanqiang?

One after another, rockets were blown onto the water snakes, just as those helicopters had their eyes in the jungle. Under such circumstances, Zhang Xiaoqiang could not turn around and look for Wanqiang, constantly driving the snakes to run forward. Fortunately, the speed of the snakes was very fast. The hard snake head is even more fierce than the giant hammer. The big trees are easily broken by the snake head. The scattered wood **** is scattered, and the water snake runs away, leaving a giant tree to smash. rocket missile.

For the time being, the snake head is still safe. After all, the snake head only occupies a small part compared to the body. Zhang Xiaoqiang does not dare to care. Who knows when the rocket bomb will blow to the foot, let alone the other side knows that the snake body has no effect, sooner or later will think of it. When the snake head came up, he could not escape the rockets by all kinds of methods. Even if the trend of the water snakes changed direction, the only thing that was used was the zigzag movement. The zigzag movement was less bombarded than the straight line. Many, but also Zhang Xiaoqiang's anxiety has eased a few points. These bombings are not ineffective. I don't know if these bombings are not loud, but the powerful rockets are not special rockets. At least Zhang Xiaoqiang sees the scales of the water snakes flying down. The blood of the earth is flowing, and the white Tiansheng will seal the wound of the water snake in the next moment. It can't hold the rocket and continue to bomb. There are 320 rockets in one plane and more than 1,800 rockets in six helicopters. If the opponent's endurance is sufficient, at least the water snake can be chased from the northernmost end of Hokkaido to the southernmost point.

Zhang Xiaoqiang did not dare to wait for the helicopter ammunition to run out, and he also knew that at least 50 cloud bombs in the helicopter group were waiting for them, not to mention fifty pieces, as long as ten walks to the water snake around the kilometer. Inside, all the air will be absorbed, and the burning flame will burn everything in 10,000 meters to the ashes. It may not die at that time, but it is only a possibility. Zhang Xiaoqiang has experienced the horror of the cloud bomb.

The water snake has long lost its way in the forest. Fortunately, Zhang Xiaoqiang does not need a water snake to find a clear destination. At this time, as long as he can escape the helicopter, it is good. Suddenly, Zhang Xiaoqiang discovered that the rocket attack was much less, and the distance was still far away. The looming sound of the explosion immediately revealed that Wanqiang had helped him attract a large part of the firepower. When he was gloating, a snow-white slender, like a cigar missile hit the top of their head, and then burst into a huge white umbrella. The color of the sol, umbrella aerosol rapidly deepens and darkens, forming a huge shadow of the mushroom cloud. When you see the moment of the thing, the hairs of Zhang Xiaoqiang and Yan Mingyue are all upright, even the scales of the water snake are like layers of squid. Stacked up, the water snake madly smashed more than a dozen big trees, like a black arrow rushing forward.

The next moment, the glare of red light instantly tumbling in the tumbling fire cloud. The mushroom-like black cloud instantly resembles a one-megawatt super-bulb that spurs everything around, and almost stabbed Zhang Xiaoqiang’s eyes. The effect of the bomb explosion was not the first time he saw it. The father of the bomb that Wanqiang detonated on the hill was exactly the same, but the bomb of the strong one covered almost a kilometer in diameter, and the bomb was less than the diameter. A quarter of it, even then enough, just as he was grateful for his escape, countless small winds swept from his ears, causing his hair to float and dump to the center of the explosion, then The surrounding air seems to disappear into a vacuum, and the huge suffocation makes Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyeballs bulge. The barrier of the Ming Dynasty's mind does not seem to work. This is not a physical hard injury, but the air is taken away. Under the pressure of the vacuum, the speed of the water snake is also slow. In the eyes of Zhang Xiaoqiang, the rolling fire cloud suddenly spreads, filling most of the area of ​​sight, and the sky is high. Wherever, even a rainbow-like glow is formed. Under the beautiful glow, Zhang Xiaoqiang is close to the distance of death wirelessly, his hands clenching his neck tightly, as if he wants to make a hole in his neck to let himself Breathe.

Fortunately, the water snake under Zhang Xiaoqiang was always swimming. Before the deadly suffocation killed him, the water snake rushed to the edge, letting him greedily breathe the long-lost air. Compared with Zhang Xiaoqiang, Yan Mingyue is much better. After all, her The physique is different from Zhang Xiaoqiang. Although the water snake is still moving forward, Zhang Xiaoqiang is not willing to wait for the new era to take the initiative. After experiencing the power of the cloud bomb, Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that the cloud bombs that captured the new era in China are all castrated. The version of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is only the length of ordinary rockets. The purpose is not to kill the flames, but to create air and vibration for a few minutes to ten minutes within a certain range. Counting the real lethal weapon, the cloud bomb that appears at the moment is the real cloud bomb. Any one of the volume is ten times that of the ordinary cloud bomb, and the power is dozens of times.

Quickly recalling the various conditions after entering the forest, Zhang Xiaoqiang’s line of sight is concentrated on those scattered unknown metal objects. These things are not normal in the forest. Metals are the most susceptible to corrosion in the last days. In the case of new metal materials, these metal objects are all disposable consumables. It will not be left without **** for half a year, and such a large arrangement of these things proves what the new era must want in the forest. And the whereabouts of the water snake can be so easily found that it is definitely not a thermal infrared instrument. At least Zhang Xiaoqiang does not believe that there is a thermal infrared instrument that can detect cold-blooded animals. Then there is only one possibility. These things are life detectors, as long as they are life. Exploring...

After thinking about it, Zhang Xiaoqiang took out the Rat King's Blade and smashed more than a dozen detectors around him. These things shattered and exposed the battery and the line. Besides, Zhang Xiaoqiang gave a look to Yan Mingyue. The explosion broke out, and the invisible fluctuations swayed within a radius of 50 meters as the water snake progressed. All the detectors hidden in all corners were suddenly empty. Although the rockets would fly over, the accuracy was completely gone, and it was effective. Yan Mingyue said, "I am going to lead them..." and disappeared from the snake's head. Then a white shadow flashed through the forest. After a short time, it was blocked by the trunks of countless black storks, watching the trunk blocking the moon. Zhang Xiaoqiang opened his mouth and spit out his voice: "How do you find me later?"

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