The voice was very low, but it was still captured by the female zombie.

Surprisingly, the female zombie raised her head and locked on the two of them, and there was no time to go berserk.

In the only remaining eye, there was a human light that was powerful enough to fight against the corpse virus.

With her stiff arm, she did her best to point to the backpack sealed behind her back: "Save ......"

However, the body that has been mostly transformed cannot make human sounds.

Relying on a simple distress signal, Zhao Ting locked the backpack.

Through the infrared night vision device, it is barely possible to see a living creature in the backpack.

Zhao Ting vaguely remembered that this was a young woman in Yangshu Village, and she had a child.

Xiao Mo was also taken aback when he heard this.

Immediately afterwards, the two saw the female zombie fall to the ground with a bang and tremble, but still struggled to crawl in the direction of the two.

At this time, a faint cry of a baby came from the backpack.

Zhao Ting was stunned!

No one could resist the bloody fury of the zombie mutation, even if it was in front of his closest relatives, he would kill him.

But this young mother, who actually resisted for so long with her flesh and blood, followed the sound of power tools to find here.

But Zhao Ting still pulled his bow and arrows, aiming at the female zombie who fell to the ground.

Sister-in-law Xiao Mo was just about to speak, Zhao Ting said coldly and rationally: "She has mutated into a zombie, she can't be saved!" Xiao Mo

is not an ignorant and stupid virgin, gritted his silver teeth, and asked in a low voice: "Women can't save it, what about that child?"

Zhao Ting was a little silent, a baby is completely a burden.

can't help anything, and will cry uncontrollably, completely dragging the oil bottle.

Ten years after surviving in the apocalypse, his heart has already been as solid as a rock, and a child who has nothing to do with him ......

I was about to answer, but I saw my sister-in-law's eyes full of begging and maternal light.

Looking at each other, Zhao Ting, who thought he had an iron will, unconsciously retreated.

"You don't want to pay attention to that kid, do you? You think he's a burden? You think he's going to attract monsters, don't you?" Zhao

Ting didn't answer.

Sister-in-law Xiao Mo continued to ask: "Do you remember when you were eight years old, I just married your brother, you don't know anything, you are not sensible, and you are very naughty, what is the difference between you and this baby at that time? I don't know what

the end of the world you are talking about! But I know that if you and I become cold-blooded and inhuman animals, that is the real end!

We can't do anything about the mutated woman, but that innocent little life, it has infinite hope." Wouldn't it be a more terrifying thing if there was no continuation of a new life?"

Zhao Ting wrinkled his brows and argued: "We don't have the extra energy to ......

" Xiao Mo was forced to be anxious, and shouted in a coquettish voice: "No matter what the world becomes, we always have to live! In case we also have our own children in the future, do you also want him to face such a situation?

If we can't do anything, my sister-in-law will never force you to take risks." But now that we still have the ability, why don't we try to do it?

Xiaoting, in the past few days, I have seen that you are decisive in killing, without blinking, and my sister-in-law is very afraid that you will become a monster who kills people without blinking......" After the sister-in-law

finished speaking, Zhao Ting was struck by lightning.

The end has come, and man is always selfish.

No matter how selfish a person is, he also has human emotions, and his decisiveness in killing the enemy does not mean that he has lost his humanity.

And, more importantly, my sister-in-law just said - we always have to live, in case we also have our own children......

Why did he never think about this

? Could it be that he ignored it? Or did he deliberately avoid the complicated emotions of mother and son and uncle and sister-in-law

? But why not? He would never tolerate other people and take his sister-in-law away from him! Never!

Looking at Zhao Ting's expression changing rapidly, Xiao Mo thought that he had been persuaded by himself.

But immediately, she saw Xiao Ting's pair of eyes, staring at her fiercely.

Then she realized what she had just said in a hurry, and she was about to explain.

saw Zhao Ting showing a cheerful smile to himself, jumped to the second floor in two steps, and jumped down.

In the night, Zhao Tingtu rose and fell, and directly stepped on the female zombie with his foot.

Whispered: "I can only save the child in your backpack, as for you...... There's nothing I can do......" The

woman nodded, with the last remnants of her sanity.

Zhao Ting pulled out the longbow and an arrow pierced her skull without any pain.

【Ding——! Kill a Tier 1 Zombie*1. Number of kills: 41. Demon Coins: 51]

Pick up your backpack and quickly return to the building.

Stopping his sister-in-law who was anxiously stepping forward, Zhao Ting was on guard and slowly pulled the chain of his backpack.

Both of them secretly prayed in their hearts that the child would not mutate.


zipper opened, and both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

The half-asleep, half-awake frail baby, without any signs of corpse transformation, gently opened its eyelids, still the pupils of a normal human.

It was a little girl, less than a year old.

There was no milk pot milk powder in the backpack, and it seemed that this was a breastfed child.

The baby who saw the light of day soon began to show his cumbersome side, waving his little hands and wrinkling his milky little face.

Oh no, this little guy is going to cry.

Zhao Ting was about to step forward to cover the little guy's mouth, but when he saw his sister-in-law's face flushed, he raised his eyes and glared at him: "Turn around!"

was stunned in place, Zhao Ting was a little puzzled.

The sister-in-law stomped her foot and said coquettishly: "Turn around quickly!"

When he turned around and heard the sound of squirming and lifting his clothes behind him, Zhao Ting suddenly realized.

Sister-in-law, this is in a hurry, use your own ...... first Hold the baby steady.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ting suddenly felt a little ......

"I don't know if my sister-in-law has milk and water...... Without milk and water, will the little guy bite and hurt his sister-in-law......"

was stunned, and his sister-in-law had already raised her foot and kicked it on her leg.

"Stupid, what are you still doing in a daze, go and flush the milk powder we found a little, this little guy bites me!"

Sure enough, the baby girl who couldn't suck milk and water was wrinkling her little face and shrunken cheeks, and she was exerting her strength.

It's really all the strength of breastfeeding.

But Zhao Ting's eyes wandered, and he caught a glimpse of the white and beautiful great thing with the divine brilliance of motherhood.

Sister-in-law Xiao Mo gritted her silver teeth, raised her foot and stepped on Zhao Ting's toes:

"Don't go quickly! Look at me again and gouge out your eyeballs!"

Zhao Ting blushed, lowered his head and smiled embarrassedly, and hurriedly went to make milk powder.

In the past two days, the purchase of supplies and the looting of convenience stores have saved a lot of highly nutritious substances such as milk powder.

While making milk powder with hot water, Zhao Ting fell into deep thought, thinking about that touch of spring.

Wait until the hot water is poured on your hands, and then you react.

The impact on yourself tonight is no less than the end of the world.

The appearance of a baby girl seems to have become the key to open a certain door......

When Zhao Ting walked into his sister-in-law's bedroom with a cup and a small spoon with a smile, the baby girl was still sucking desperately, and her sister-in-law frowned slightly in pain.

Zhao Ting was about to step forward and help.

But he was swept over by his sister-in-law's white eyes: "Don't go out quickly, I'll just be alone, I don't need you to be stunned!"

Zhao Ting's face suddenly fell, and he put down the cup in a sneer, closed the door and walked out.

Xiao Mo lowered his head and didn't look at it, but secretly complained in his heart: "The little uncle has really grown up, and he is also ......"

However, just when Zhao Ting was also immersed in this charming atmosphere, there was another sound outside the building.

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