For the collection of oil, Zhao Ting has long been prepared.

In the South Lake area, not far from the prison base, there is a large gas factory.

Moreover, City B is also the largest chemical smelting and processing center in the entire central region.

Many of the large factories in the countryside have large stockpiles of fossil fuels and a wide variety of chemicals produced from fossil fuels.

The only problem at the moment is that the Rock Shelter does not have enough manpower to clear all the oil storage sites.

You can take them to search for fuel, clear supplies, and kill monsters. But these survivors cannot be protected forever.

So after thinking about it for a while, Zhao Ting planned to bring three teams of personnel to start a new round of search.

Including Shen Yu, Bai Lin and Xu Menghan, the three of them followed him to attack together.

Xu Menghan is mainly responsible for the follow-up response and transfer.

Survivors are also to join in the search.

Before heading to the Nanhu area, Zhao Ting gathered his subordinates to carry out detailed route planning and plan preparation.

This trip to Nanhu is not to stay in Nanhu for a long time, so you can choose electric transportation, such as electric cars.

It is only a few dozen kilometers to go to Nanhu, and if you count the delay on the road, the round-trip will not exceed 200 kilometers, and the power of the car is completely sufficient.

In addition, you should also bring some high-power batteries and transformer devices.

and tank trucks, which are essential for transporting fuel.

The laws of the world after the end of the world are completely different from the habits before the end of the world.

It used to be illegal to electrocute fish in the lake, but now no one restricts it.

Using high-voltage electricity to clean up the water and kill monsters or potential monsters in the water is undoubtedly a very efficient means.

Bringing these high-power batteries is just to cooperate with Xu Menghan to investigate the lake water around Nanhu.

The target - a large refueling plant, also located in the area around South Lake, built next to the lake, so this is necessary.

After a comfortable night's sleep. The next morning, I was ready to go.

After the fog, monsters are rampant, and it is very likely that the road that was originally passable has been destroyed and blocked by monsters.

In order to get all the way unimpeded, Zhao Ting sent Shen Yu as the vanguard and drove a bulldozer to open the way in front.

An hour after Shen Yu set off, Zhao Ting continued to set off with the rest of the army.

All vehicles have their on-board radios turned on.

These on-board radios have no problems with their performance, they are still intact and can search for a wide variety of signals.

When communication was restored, there was almost all noise in every band.

Only one of the official frequency bands can be heard in an indistinct noise.

The vehicle quickly reached the road and moved along the road.

In each car, there is an electronic sound of sizzling and running in different frequency bands.

Just when Zhao Ting heard the voices of the other survivors without hope and was about to order the team to move forward at full speed, Shen Yu, who was opening the way in front, used the walkie-talkie to send back the signal.

She told Zhao Ting that she was in the so-and-so band and heard someone using the radio to call for help.

Its location is most likely the area around South Lake.

After receiving the news, Zhao Ting immediately ordered his people who knew radio to erect an extended antenna to enhance signal reception.

A moment later, when the vehicle advanced to a certain position, the signal suddenly became clear, and a rush and anxious cry for help could be heard on the radio.

The person calling for help should be an adult male.

The sound on the radio was staccato and choppy.

"Hurry, hurry...... Help us, our largest gas station around South Lake, South Lake Gas Station.

"We have lots and lots of fuel here, and two new tankers, all full of petrol and diesel. "

Help us, we can bring you a lot of energy. I'm still a supernumerary at a chemical smelter, and I can take you to find more supplies. "

Hurry up, please save us! Who's going to save us! There are too many monsters here...... Obviously

, the other party has been besieged by monsters, frightened, and incoherent.

Only the specific location was reported, but not the specific situation in which he was located.

How many people are there? Are they still alive? It would be nice to report the time again.

Now it seems that the other party may be besieged by a large group of monsters, and it is not known whether the gas station is damaged or not.

Zhao Ting immediately ordered the entire team to speed up, and those monsters must not be allowed to destroy the equipment of the gas station.

The oil inside is also precious to me.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ting suddenly became a little envious of those local tyrants who lived in the desert area.

They have a very low population density, and those people can legally hold weapons, so they may be able to easily survive the early days of the apocalypse.

Energy and electricity can then be restored using sufficient fossil energy and harvesting equipment.

I remember that there was news from the previous life, and it was the first place in the world to restore orderly rule.

While ordering the team to move forward quickly, Zhao Ting also ordered the radio transmitter to get in touch with the survivors of the gas station.

Tell them that you're leading a heavily armed team to support.

Let them hold on, don't be scared by the monsters, and be sure to save their lives.

Employees who understand fossil energy smelting are also rare talents, and it is best to live alive.


A few hours later, the convoy arrived in the South Lake area, and the large gas station could already be seen.

At the same time, Shen Yu, who was opening the road at the forefront, received an order to release three military rotary-wing reconnaissance drones.

The three team members skillfully operate the drone and reconnoiter into the distance.

Two other team members opened a green suitcase.

When the suitcase is opened, there is a brief set of device operating systems, including a keyboard, various buttons, and joysticks.

On the lid of the case, the display is divided into different areas, with the largest area on the left, showing the area around the detector as the center.

The narrower frame on the right is divided into three parts, each with different explanatory information.

This is a new detector installed in the army, and it uses a lot of things that can be called black technology.

By inserting sensors on the roof of the vehicle, large life forms can be detected within hundreds of meters of the vehicle.

When the vehicle is stopped, it can also detect vibrations underground, so that it can be checked underground or in the distance.

Shen Yu ordered the soldiers to drive the bulldozer and rush away to clear the trees on the road.

The convoy slowly caught up in the rear, slowly coming to a halt, waiting for the news of the reconnaissance to return.

At this moment, on the docked reconnaissance vehicle in the rear, a report from the scout came: "Captain, the detector found the vibration source, it is in the area of the gas station in front, the epicenter is continuous, close to the surface, but it is not violent, it should be some kind of wake-up creature!"

Zhao Ting heard this, and immediately ordered the team to be on alert on the spot. At this distance, the convoy finally received a distress signal from the gas station again.

Eliminating those panicked babbles, Zhao Ting quickly frowned: "Be careful underground, the besieging of the gas station is a giant worm that feeds on fuel!".

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