Zhao Ting immediately rushed to the road.

The two legs were like clockwork, and they took desperate steps.

But as soon as he ran more than ten meters, he suddenly noticed a hint of something strange - the suppressive power of this hissing sound was too weak, and he could still move freely!

Waving his arms, he shouted at the self-built building, "Sister-in-law, you have succeeded!"

At this time, the pale face of the sister-in-law slowly appeared on the window on the fourth floor.

Xiao Mo pressed his hand on the windowsill, propped up his body, and showed a happy smile on his pale pretty face.

Raise your right hand and look at the weird "horn" in your hand, Zhao Ting.

"It's a success! Xiao Ting, are you scared by me!"

Zhao Ting ran back to the self-built building in three or two steps, came to his sister-in-law, and hugged him.

"Sister-in-law, you are so amazing, you have really copied the ghoul's vocal organs!" Zhao Ting's eyes were full of incredulity.

Two days ago, I woke up and was about to dispose of the ghoul's body.

The sister-in-law had a whim, leaving the ghoul's severed neck and the head.

When his sister-in-law said that she wanted to use her professional knowledge to reproduce the ghoul's vocal organs, Zhao Ting was also quite surprised.

No one in a previous life had ever thought of doing that.

I thought there was not much hope, but I never thought that Xiao Mo would unexpectedly complete this new initiative with his excellent medical technology and hands-on ability.

Xiao Mo blushed and pushed Zhao Ting away.

After the grandmother fruit was eaten, the two clumps of treasures were heavy.

When they hug, both of them felt like there was a thick barrier between them.

Excitedly took over the "ghoul horn", Zhao Ting looked at it carefully.

The structure of this thing is indeed the same as that of a ghoul's throat and vocal cords.

Some of the soft tissues are imitated with silicone.

"My sister-in-law deserves to be the signature doctor of the hospital!" Zhao Ting was full of praise.

Xiao Mo also opened his red lips lightly, and said proudly: "That's not it~!Throat-related surgery, my sister-in-law has done no less than fifty units, imitating a ghoul throat, that's not hand-to-hand." "

This ghoul horn is about twenty centimeters long, like a strangely shaped trumpet.

The end of the blow is elongated, the middle is swollen like the Adam's apple, and the end is an irregular flare.

put it to his mouth, Zhao Ting was about to blow it himself, but was stopped by his sister-in-law.

"Xiao Ting, don't be in a hurry to experiment first, let's go out. The sound of this horn is very oppressive, and although it is not as powerful as a real ghoul, it is powerful enough to make ordinary people tremble.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Mo's words came true.

Jiajia, who was sleeping in the dark, suddenly began to cry.

The cry was loud and full of energy, obviously awakened by the sound of the horn just now.

Zhao Ting put away the horn and went upstairs with his sister-in-law.

After soothing for a while, Jiajia stopped crying, but she was in good spirits and refused to sleep.

Zhao Ting wanted to hold his daughter and play for a while, but Xiao Mo disliked him and pushed him away.

"Come with me, there's more to it than Ghoul Horn this time.

Zhao Ting hurriedly followed, and the milky Jiajia leaned on Xiao Mo's shoulder, constantly blowing saliva at himself and running.

Zhao Ting smiled evilly, quietly urging the power of frost to freeze the saliva bubbles.

Jiajia's big round black eyes immediately stared at the ice hockey bubbles with curiosity, and then one of them didn't bite, and the ice hockey ball fell to the ground.

The tender face suddenly turned sunny and cloudy, and Zhao Ting hurriedly reached out and froze out a new ice hockey puck.

"Alright, stop playing. It's as big as a child. Xiao Mo complained like an old mother.

Push open the door and point to the glass box on the lab table.

The mutated big knife mantis was quietly licking a small saucer in the glass case.

In the small dish is thick white milk.

Xiao Mo walked to the glass box and opened the lid under Zhao Ting's surprised gaze.

The praying mantis didn't run away, and seemed to have become accustomed to Xiao Mo's presence and calmly accepted the petting.

"I seem to have domesticated it with food, this praying mantis has begun to lay eggs, and the gall in the corner of the glass box is his egg sheath. "

It's incredible...... Sister-in-law, do you think the offspring of this praying mantis will inherit its mutated characteristics?" The

mutant queen who has been eager to cultivate has not succeeded so far, but this mutant mantis that has been caught is actually starting to produce offspring.

Xiao Mo shook his head when he heard this: "I'm not sure, this is the first time to observe the reproduction of mutant creatures, and we need to continue tracking and analyzing to draw conclusions." On

the other side of the lab, there are five pairs of male and female zombie rats, who are also undergoing breeding experiments.

Zhao Ting felt more and more that the existence of his sister-in-law was simply too important, and directly filled the field that he was not good at.

After holding Jiajia from her sister-in-law's hands, and watching her hold the big knife mantis with both hands, the surprise on Zhao Ting's face became more and more intense.

However, something even more shocking happened to the two.

Zhao Ting clamped his daughter's armpit with his two big hands and asked her to see this novel praying mantis.

The next moment, Jiajia, who was originally using both hands and feet and twisting around, suddenly quieted down after seeing the praying mantis.

The two big black eyes shone with curiosity.

And the mantis in Xiao Mo's hand even raised his head quietly and looked at Jiajia.

Zhao Ting and Xiao Mo felt a strange atmosphere spreading at the same time.

The two remained motionless until Jiajia let out a "hee-hee-hee" laugh and stretched out a small hand.

As if summoned, the praying mantis flapped its wings and took off into the air, turning into a small helicopter and landing steadily on Jiajia's outstretched hand.

The two of them were immediately shocked, but the praying mantis did not make any excessive moves, but affectionately attached to Jiajia's milky little hand, constantly rubbing around.

Zhao Ting and Xiao Mo glanced at each other, and they saw the curiosity and speculation in each other's eyes.

Did Jiajia awaken her ability?

The two did not hesitate, and did what they said, inviting rats, turtle doves, moths, grasshoppers, flies, mosquitoes and other creatures to experiment one by one.

It wasn't until late in the evening that she finally came to the exact conclusion that Jiajia had indeed awakened her abilities.

And it's an extremely powerful "insect affinity"! And

the fog in that misty meteorite is also consumed.

Because Jiajia is still young and cannot issue specific and complex orders for the time being, the two can only determine in the end that insect creatures will be affected by Jiajia and get close to her and protect her.

Even mosquitoes, which are extremely annoying insects, will not bite Jiajia.

It is difficult to know the upper and lower limits of this ability, but what is certain is that this is definitely an extremely powerful ability!

Insects, the most abundant species on the Blue Star, are not one of them.

Zhao Ting and Xiao Mo couldn't help but feel extremely happy for Jiajia, where was this raising a daughter, and it was clearly cultivating a Zerg Empress!

After determining Jiajia's ability, the big sword mantis naturally acted as Jiajia's little guard.

In the event of danger, it will desperately protect Jiajia and sound an alarm for help.

Zhao Ting and Xiao Mo can be regarded as a little nanny with children for free out of thin air.

And more importantly, Jiajia's affinity for insects may become the key to brushing system data by itself!

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