Zhao Ting, who is interested in using insect brush data, has long expected the number of horrors of insects.

For example, in the Senegal Basin in Africa, the density of mosquitoes flying through the air each morning and evening can reach more than 150 million per cubic meter, which is equivalent to tens of millions of mosquitoes per square meter.

In the Pacific Coast region of the western part of the Americas, the number of mosquitoes flying in the air averages from hundreds to thousands per cubic meter of air.

The density of mosquitoes in the reservoir area can also reach at least 1,000 per cubic meter of air.

And the group of blood-sucking poisonous mosquitoes covering Wu Ningning is obviously more than one cubic meter.

Although he had expected it in his heart, Zhao Ting was still overjoyed when the system data was terrifyingly improved.

Overnight, he turned over and turned into a serf and sang!

Moreover, this only eliminated the mosquitoes that shrouded Wu Ningning's body, and a small half of it was shrouded in Chen Qiang's dog.

In the reservoir area, there may be other mutant poisonous mosquitoes.

For ordinary blood-sucking poisonous mosquitoes, in the face of their own ice power, there is no possibility of fighting back, and they can only be turned into system data.

Zhao Ting galloped quickly, and instantly galloped to Wu Ningning's side.

Before the giant baby fish rushed out of the building, Zhao Ting immediately raised his hand.

Frost spewed out from his hands, quickly blocking the entrances and exits of the office building, not even the burglar-proof windows on the first and second floors.

After breaking through the second order, the amount of freezing that he could instantly produce increased by an order of magnitude, and he was already able to complete this shocking move.

Lying on the ground, Wu Ningning, who was dying and struggling, saw Zhao Ting's figure.

After seeing that familiar face, a trace of resentment quickly flashed in his eyes.

Why! Why him? Why Zhao Ting

! He was about to die! Why was he still alive?

But in the next second, her eyes became as gentle as ever, trying to die: "Brother Ting~!

This voice has been a red-faced moan under Zhao Ting's whipping for countless nights.

But now it has become so humble.

Zhao Ting turned his head and looked at Wu Ningning coldly.

When he was dying, Wu Ningning felt the cold gaze, his heart was full of anger, and the feeling of being humiliated filled his heart.

But she still tried to do something: "Brother Ting~——!"

Before she could finish speaking, Zhao Ting had already raised his legs expressionlessly and stepped on her chest.

Then the frost spread, freezing her completely.

"Wait until you get underground, and then you can be coquettish with your brothers......"

In Zhao Ting's taunt, Wu Ningning's face was hideous, and his mouth was open, as if he was telling a curse that had never been spoken.

Zhao Ting has stopped paying attention to this "corpse", and death will end hatred and anger.

I didn't have the joy of stabbing my enemy, but I thought it was ridiculous, and besides, this woman was not killed by himself.

Probably because the tiger doesn't bother to vent its anger on the ants.

Frozen corpses will soon turn into zombies and become one of their own system data.


Zhao Ting turned his head and found that the giant baby fish was already hitting the exit on the first floor.

The gate had been frozen by itself, and the thirty-centimeter-thick ice wall had become a cage for the monsters.

The baby fish that is not known for its strength will not be able to break through the ice wall in front of it at all.

What's even more deadly is that the temperature in the office building drops rapidly, and the low temperature causes the monster's physical activity to decline rapidly.

The baby fish also sensed that something was wrong, turned its head upward, and rushed towards the high-rise that had not yet been frozen.

Zhao Ting quickly walked to the wall of the office building, his hands against the wall, and the power of frost quickly tilted.

Ice made its way up the building, freezing the remaining windows and exits in a short time.

There is only one air outlet left, which continuously draws out the hot air and blows the cold air into the building.

After temporarily blocking the giant baby fish, Zhao Ting immediately turned his head and rushed towards Chen Qiang.

The old trick was repeated to kill the remaining small group of blood-sucking poisonous mosquitoes.

[——! kills a first-order vampire poison mosquito*1086. Number of kills: 3207, Demon Coins: 3217]

Only a very small number of blood-sucking poisonous mosquitoes, sensing the danger, fled back to the vast reservoir in advance.

There were still about a hundred or so blood-sucking poisonous mosquitoes, which were blocked by the ice cube condensed by Zhao Ting's control of the power of frost.

These mosquitoes, which have not been frozen to death, will become the main subjects of study, reproduce under control, and become the main force of their own data!

This time, although the giant baby fish has not been completely captured, it has already been harvested.

Fix the ice cube on the ground, and raise your hand to imprison and freeze Chen Qiang, who was once a powerful man.

He has no interest in torturing this guy in exchange for that humble pleasure, his fate will be the same as Wu Ningning, after being tortured by experiments, he will become one of the system data.

After doing this, only two or three minutes had passed.

Chen Xi drove a pickup truck to the scene.

Xiao Mo waved his arms and shouted: "Xiao Ting, be careful of the roof, that monster is attacking the attic skylight!"

Zhao Ting heard this, and immediately pressed his limbs against the wall, using frost adhesion to fix, and quickly climbed to the top floor like a gecko.

Strike again to thicken the ice that is being hit.

Behind the translucent ice, there was a terrible roar of a giant salamander.

Seeing that this was not the case, the monster immediately turned its head and looked for another breakthrough.

Xiao Mo also approached quickly, surveying the overall situation from a hundred meters away, and constantly telling Zhao Ting where the baby fish collided.

After more than a dozen times of "brute force collision-freezing thickening-transfer of targets", the giant salamander finally quieted down.

The low temperature spread in the building, making it difficult for the monster to resist, and it climbed to the first floor and clumped together against the ground.

The surface of the body secretes a large amount of mucus, forming a warm coating, and then curls up and has to fall into a dormant state.

Zhao Ting did not let his guard down, and first threw the two bodies into the pickup bus.

Then he instructed Chen Xi to aim the body of the pickup bus at the gate of the office building, which was closely connected to the ice wall.

The steel cage slowly coalesced with the ice wall.

Originally, it was considered to let Chen Xi drive, take advantage of the battle to hit the baby fish, and then forcibly catch or trap it.

But now it's a crooked fight, trapping the monster in the office building.

You only need to dissolve the ice wall of the gate on the first floor and connect it with the iron cage.

Under the pressure of low temperatures, the salamander will inevitably look for a shelter with a higher temperature, and will naturally walk into the trap that has been set.

After setting up the trap, Zhao Ting drove the car, took Xiao Mo and Chen Xi to leave pretendedly, and lurked in the woods in the distance.

Sure enough, it was quiet for about an hour, and when it was nightfall, the baby fish woke up again.

The low temperature slows it down and it staggers when it walks.

This monster with an IQ underground, looking at the only exit to the outside world, rushed over without even thinking about it.

In the next second, the heavy body touched the mechanism, and the fences at the front and back of the iron cage fell instantly.

The taut spring flicked up the thick steel lock, completely locking the giant baby fish in a small iron cage.

By the time the monster let out a terrible roar again, Zhao Ting had already driven to the front of the building.

"Haha! I finally caught you!" Zhao

Ting raised his hands, and the ice on the building quickly melted, and the iron cage was covered with layers of frost around it.

The drastic drop in temperature has once again forced the giant salamander to fall into dormancy.

Zhao Ting, Xiao Mo and Chen Xi worked together to push the iron cage onto the pickup truck.

Then I searched the waterworks and drove away half an hour later.

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