After successfully buying the biscuit fruit, Zhao Ting still didn't plan to stop.

There are many blood-sucking poisonous mosquitoes and they have a strong ability to reproduce.

Even if only a few hundred are killed, as long as flesh and blood and a humid environment are provided, the swarm of bugs can still exponentially grow.

Ten birds in the forest is not as good as one bird in hand, since countless blood-sucking poisonous mosquitoes have been caught, then it is enough to brush it thoroughly.

Keep brushing! Strike while the iron is hot, and you may not have such a good opportunity in the future.

And if there is a change in the system, or a bug is detected, and the loophole of data brushing is blocked, you will not miss the opportunity in vain.

In the swampy dungeon, 10,000 poisonous mosquitoes disappeared, but they were like a drop in the bucket, and the large swarms of red mosquitoes were still churning like dark clouds.

Zhao Ting opened two new gaps in the wall and expanded the opening area to one square meter.

Blood and human flesh were thrown into the huge ice bucket, and in a short time, countless poisonous mosquitoes swarmed in.

The words flying outside the castle are still rushing into the space, as if they are endless.

The poisonous mosquitoes that flew into the ice bucket were constantly hit by the frost and ice fog, and they died of frost.

The system prompt sounded almost without intervals, and Zhao Ting laughed wildly.

This voice is even more pleasant than the voice of Teacher Mikami or the doll sister!

Zhao Ting waved his arm excitedly, controlling the frost to kill the blood-sucking poisonous mosquito.

The whole person fell into an unprecedented happiness surrounding, like an astringent demon, growing thousands of breeding systems.

Under the brilliant starry sky, charge against all the beautiful and outstanding females in history from time immemorial.

The days are long and sometimes endless, and this essence is endless.

Zhao Ting wants to keep brushing, but manpower has a limit after all.

After brushing continuously for two hours, Zhao Ting sat exhausted on the floor of Jiancheng, gasping for breath.

When I looked down, it was already one o'clock in the middle of the night.

Take out two large bottles of sanitized water and pour them down.

The milk rich in life energy, with the unique aroma of Sister Xiao Mo, once again made Zhao Ting energetic.

Stand up, don't stop for a moment, and continue to brush! The

mosquitoes outside the castle continue to pour in, and the poisonous mosquitoes in the castle are constantly consumed, slowly forming a balance.

It wasn't until two hours later that Zhao Ting was exhausted again.

At this moment, the system data has come to an extremely terrifying level.

[Kills: 1548574, Demon Coins: 1559984]

continued to take the bottle and drank it, and ate a vacuum-packed crispy chicken.

However, Zhao Ting found that he had overestimated the number or density of blood-sucking poisonous mosquitoes.

The volume of the vampire mosquito is several times the size of an ordinary mosquito, and the larger the size, the larger the space.

This leads to an overestimation of the number of poisonous mosquitoes.

The number of mosquitoes living on the sandbar should have only just exceeded the 10 million mark, but this is enough to brush up on its own.

After being frightened, swarms of mosquitoes flew around, and even though a large number of mosquitoes were concentrated around the sandbar and castle, a large number of mosquitoes still flew away.

If you want to completely kill this group of poisonous mosquitoes, it is impossible to do it in half a month.

And even if there is half a month, it is impossible, these little insects continue to multiply, and they can't be killed at all.

"The bodies of the vine man have also been eaten clean by the blood-sucking poisonous mosquitoes, there is a lack of bait, the blood-sucking poisonous mosquitoes are no longer rushing into the castle in large numbers, so I can't use myself as bait!"

When he was resting, Zhao Ting began to plan how to continue to attract a large number of poisonous mosquitoes.

But at this moment, there was a crisp prompt sound from the system -

[Ding——! The system began to update, the update time is three minutes, and this update will fix some bugs. It

came too suddenly.

Zhao Ting squirted out a big mouthful of milk and choked and coughed.

"Made! No wonder I always feel that I have to seize the opportunity, it turns out that Lao Tzu's guess has really come true, maybe this time the system will really cut off the possibility of swiping data!"

Zhao Ting's heart was horizontal, isn't there still three minutes left, no matter what, how much can be swiped!

Zhao Ting didn't say a word, and rushed into the swamp prison from the gap.

Wearing a heavy sealed ice armor, it is isolated from the attack of blood-sucking poisonous mosquitoes, leaving only a mesh cover that exudes odor.

Manipulate the ice blade and directly measure the palms of both hands to cut the wound, and the blood is dripping.

In an instant, poisonous mosquitoes swarmed along the smell.

Zhao Ting raised his hands high, gritted his teeth, and raised his whole body strength, and a cold cold air erupted from his palm.

This appearance seems to be the left cold Zen of the ice palm.

At the same time, Zhao Ting was also distracted and multi-purpose, manipulating the Jiancheng swamp to turn up mud to attack poisonous mosquitoes.

Although I am not sure if the system update will cut off the possibility of data farming, I must prepare for the worst.

In these three minutes, how much can be brushed!

Zhao Ting shot with all his might, gritted his teeth and held on, and the cold air permeated the air.

Not only are they killing the poisonous mosquitoes inside the dungeon, but they are also attacking the mosquitoes outside the castle.

Before the system is updated, you will never let the prompt sound pause for a moment.

Finally, the long and laborious three minutes passed.

Zhao Ting's face was pale, and he returned to the next room trembling all over, manipulating the Jiancheng Fruit to isolate the entry and exit of blood-sucking poisonous mosquitoes.

In Zhao Ting's killing at all costs, the system data finally broke through again, reaching the two million mark!

[Kills: 2048574, Demon Coins: 2059984]

Zhao Ting held on to his last breath of strength and poured milk into it, and finally improved slightly.

However, at this moment, he described it as withered, his cheeks were sunken, and the fat on his body had been consumed just now.

The whole person seemed to have been hungry for a month, like a walking corpse, and like a skeleton with only skin.

"Made, it feels like being squeezed by a female elephant for a year, it's too painful!" Zhao

Ting cursed, gritted his teeth, and looked at the updated system interface.

[Ding——! The system update is complete, and the bug has been fixed. [

Fixed the bug of the cumulative number of kills of a single species: After the cumulative number of kills of a single species of the same level and the cumulative number of Demon Coins exceeded 100,000, the number of kills will no longer be counted. [

Note: Different levels of a single species, do not double count the system data.] That is, the first-order blood-sucking mosquito and the second-order blood-sucking mosquito are not classified as the same species when they accumulate 100,000 kills. [

Due to the loss and inconvenience caused by the system update, we will specially compensate the host for a selective gift package, please pay attention to check. After

reading these updates, Zhao Ting finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The bug of brushing data has been fixed by the system, but it has not been completely fixed.

The cumulative limit of 100,000 for a single species is still left, and the same species of different grades will not be double-counted.

In this way, I still have the opportunity to brush the data, but I can't refresh it as terrifyingly as today.

"Hiss——! Made, the content of this note seems to be optimized, but it is actually chicken.

There is only a first-order vampire poisonous mosquito, and there has never been a second-order

! The higher the level, the smaller the number of creatures, if you want to make up enough data, you have to wait until the Year of the Monkey!" The

system fixes the bug and does not optimize it, when killing high-level creatures, wouldn't it be better to calculate more kills.

However, Zhao Ting thought about it, but felt that it was better to forget it, and it was best not to update the system in the future.

Right now, I still have at least 100,000 data per species to brush, and there are many low-level monsters after the apocalypse.

On the trade-off, it's definitely more cost-effective than killing high-level creatures and counting more kills.

100,000 first-order mutant flies are far easier to deal with than a third-order mutant tiger, and if the system is updated to plug the data loopholes of 100,000, it will be more than worth the loss.

"Hey...... It seems that it is impossible to use bloodsucking mosquitoes to brush data on a large scale, but with these two million data, I am also content, and I can't be too greedy.

Let's take a look at the compensation package given by the system first!".

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