Zhao Ting instantly hunched over his back, his body tensed, and he raised his gun in his right hand.

Locking on to the place where the breath came from, the ice armor condensed all over his body, and pounced.

"Huh, it's actually a sleeping person?"

Even so, Zhao Ting still exerted all his strength, and his legs were directly pressed down to fix.

Turn on the flashlight with your left hand and press the pistol against the opponent's head.

The next second, the light came on.

The spacious and clean bedroom has a luxurious and fluffy bed.

On the big bed, a sleeping woman was lying.

The other party is very attractive.

But Zhao Ting gritted his teeth and stared at her face with tears in his eyes.

"I knew it was you!Sure enough, it was you—Sun Jie!!" gritted his teeth, eager to tear her apart.

The identity of this person is Ye Ming's fiancée, and she is also an administrative staff member of the university where she is studying, in charge of club work.

It was she who made things difficult everywhere and cooperated with Ye Ming to suppress her dormitory brother's request for justice.

What's even more despicable is that this woman is also a member of Elysium.

The main responsibility is to capture prey for the "high-quality humans" of Elysium Island in the big *.

Sun Jie opened up the relationship between the upper echelons and opened a gym in *.

Then use this as an excuse to recruit young and ignorant students, or take the initiative to get closer.

This kind of blatant and vicious behavior has been unstoppable, and there are even many high-sounding bigwigs who have contributed to it.

It is said that many tutors will also ask students who ask them to either pay money or join in the gym, or let them postpone their work!

As for what this femme fatale has done after the apocalypse, it is needless to say!

This person is really a perfect match for Ye Ming, and can be called the first bustard on Elysium Island.

Zhao Ting's face was cold, and when he saw Sun Jie waking up, the corners of his mouth provoked a weird sneer.


In the next second, Sun Jie was sleepy-eyed and felt like she was being attacked.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a darkness.

was about to be surprised, but caught a glimpse of the familiar figure of his fiancé Ye Ming.

The almost identical figure, coupled with Ye Ming's coat, is enough to confuse the real in the dark.

Zhao Ting deliberately crooked his neck, so that Sun Jie couldn't see his face clearly.

Sun Jie found out that it was her fiancé and relaxed.




The sorceress gave up her magic attack and instead held the handle of the hammer with one hand, smashing it up and down.

But the hammer was heavy and weak with one hand.

The sorceress immediately put her hands together and slammed it hard.

Taking advantage of the sorceress's gap, the knight jerked his armor around the witch's head.

"!! you ——?" Before he

could ask, the fierce, hot mouth of blood had already rushed over, tearing at the sorceress's cheek.

Then she bit down on her fatal throat, and the sorceress felt only her trachea and arteries gnawed, and blood seemed to gush out, and she wailed weakly in pain.

The sorceress has the mentality of dying together, you hit yours and I hit mine, and both hands keep attacking.

Ignoring the temporarily blind eyes, he thought it was a deliberate trick by the knight.

At the same time, the sorceress began to use her own magic attacks.

Petrify magic!go

to the sludge attack!kill!and

finally open his mouth, let out a burst of arcane and obscure mutters, spewing out a large amount of boiling hot water, trying to scald the knight.

It has to be said that this sorceress's attack methods are full of tricks!

Close melee combat and spell attacks are all good hands.

At this point in the battle, Zhao Ting sneered, and there was a hint of trembling in the sneer.

As soon as the thought moved, an expensive camera with the ability to shoot clearly at night was taken out of the fortified city space.

Silently fixed the camera to the wall behind ...... with frost


Ten minutes later, the witch shouted to kill the other party, and was suddenly pierced into her throat by a war hammer.

Zhao Ting let out a low neigh, losing billions in an instant!

Before the sorceress could continue to attack, the knight seized this opportunity and turned over on his horse.

According to the tactics of medieval heavy cavalry, he set up a heavy and huge knight's spear and aimed it at the enemy's heavy armor and rushed through.

In order to prevent the sorceress from launching a sneak attack, the knight vilely took out the poison.

The bloodsucking mosquito anesthetic, which had been extracted a long time ago, and the anesthetic made by Sister Xiao Mo, could only play a role.

The narcotic agent is just right.

Then the knight lit the torch in a grand manner.

In this gloomy and treacherous secret room of history, the wind is gusting and the light is shining.


And when the light came on, the sorceress subconsciously ripped off the blindfold to eliminate the obstruction.

Amidst a painful and fierce scream, the sorceress saw the true face of the knight behind the dark armor.

"Ah——! it's you! you're ......," ......

All of this is clearly seen and recorded by the eyes on that wall.

In the last year, Qi Shi attacked me, and the war between Gong and Gong.

One drum, two drums, three drums...... Qi Shi was defeated.

And Zhao Ting, the knight who completed this feat, sneered and ruthlessly threw Sun Jie into the swampy dunge!!!on of the Jiancheng space

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