Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 102: Survivor base in the industrial zone

"Quick, fast, everyone moves quickly. This will be the base for our survival in the future. If I get tired now, it's for better survival in the future."

"When the armed forces kill zombies, be careful. Don't get scratched or bitten by the zombies. You don't need to tell me what the end is."

Standing above an unfinished building, in front of Wei Xiao's eyes, a large defensive base still under construction appeared.

This base is built on the basis of a steel plant.

The outermost part is a temporarily constructed barbed wire fence. It surrounds the huge base and forms a good isolation belt. Outside, it was surrounded by a large number of zombies, and inside, you could see many men and women holding hands with steel guns and iron knives piercing the dense areas of zombies outside the barbed wire.

They are reducing the burden of the barbed wire.

Ten meters behind the barbed wire, here is the true location of this base.

Hundreds of people, organized by a group of supervisors, kept moving and putting good cement and steel into the surrounding high walls.

A wall with a height of seven or eight meters is gradually taking shape in the efforts of these people.



Suddenly, a figure screamed and was thrown down the seven-meter-high fence. After a bang, it became quiet under the wall.

"Mad, I want to eat it when I'm going to die, it's really whimsical."

"Brother Wolf is too kind to these people. I want to say that the food for them should be reduced every day. For hundreds of people, I feel distressed for the supplies consumed in a day."

"Come on! These people are starving to death. Are you here to repair the wall?"

"Oh! Forget it, just love those foods."

"Don't worry, how much can they eat every day? When the wall is built, Brother Wolf has a way to get them all that they eat. See what you see, don't hurry up and work, if you want to die, I can fulfill you."

Several supervisors smoked and talked freely on the fence.

The survivors working around were yelled at them just by looking at them.

It is impossible that the survivors around the scene just now hadn't seen it, but they all chose to remain silent. Obviously, they have seen a lot of things like this. There may have been people who would fight injustice once, but thinking of those who were in their early days, grass has grown out of their graves, and these numb survivors are completely mad and afraid to speak.

Look at their figure.

All of them were skinny and skinny.

I do the most tiring work every day. Although I don’t know what I eat, it’s definitely not good. Whether you can get enough to eat is unknown.

The distance was a little far away, and Wei Xiao didn't know the specific situation on the fence.

But this has no effect on him.

"I hope I still have the steel and cement I need." Thinking, Wei Xiao's figure jumped down from the top of the building.

Without intending to avoid the people in front of him, Wei Xiao had a long knife in his left hand and a sharp edge in his right hand, and he rushed directly towards the barbed wire fence not far away.


"what happened?"

When the armed team behind the barbed wire assassinated the zombies outside, they suddenly discovered that some of the zombies blocked in front of the barbed wire actually started to move.

Their sight was completely blocked by the zombies outside, so they didn't know what was happening outside, but those who stood on the high wall witnessed an incredible scene with their own eyes.

"He wouldn't just rush over here, would he?"

"Is that ours?"

"never seen it."

From high places, many people stopped their movements and looked at Wei Xiao.

There are hundreds of zombies rushing towards Wei Xiao, and there are constantly approaching around.

For others, Wei Xiao's move is no different from seeking death, but in Wei Xiao's eyes, does he care about the hundreds of zombies in front of him?

The figure directly rushed into the group of corpses.

The long sword was the main attacker, and the short sword made up for the leaks. Wei Xiao kept changing positions among the corpses, moving closer to the barbed wire.

Everyone who witnessed this scene opened their eyes and mouths wide open.

"This man is so strong!"

Near the barbed wire.

The nearly four-meter-high barbed wire was a hindrance to Wei Xiao, but it didn't matter.

I saw that after Wei Xiao used a short knife to make up for the zombies that had been missed by the long knife, he held the short knife in his hand and hooked his thumb and index finger directly to the throat of the dead zombies.

Repeatedly, one meter in front of the barbed wire quickly piled up a pile of corpses more than one meter high.

Wei Xiao approached quickly and stepped on one of the corpses on the top of the pile of corpses with one foot.


A member of the armed forces stood in front of Wei Xiao.

With a calm complexion, he took the initiative to greet him.

The members of the armed forces twitched their mouths and instinctively raised their hands in response to Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao staggered from him and walked straight to the entrance inside the wall.

Everyone's eyes are still a little dull.

What did they see? They saw that in the last days, someone unexpectedly broke through the blockade formed by thousands of zombies with only two strange knives, one long and one short. In the end, they were not only unharmed, but also entered the safe zone calmly. Is this making a movie? Do you dare to make a movie like this?

"Quick, stop him!"

It took a long time for someone to react.

Thinking that Wei Xiao had already entered the base, the supervisor on the fence hurriedly said to the people around him.

Others reacted and took the simple slide to the bottom of the wall.


Several supervisors on the ground came to Wei Xiao to block his way first, and one of them directly stopped Wei Xiao's figure.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" a supervisor asked with a solemn face.

In the base, he had not seen Wei Xiao, and Wei Xiao was not dressed like a person from their base, so it was easy to distinguish.

However, the supervisor was a little envious of Wei Xiao's outfit.

Pure black from head to toe, dressed like a future soldier. The two knives in his hands were particularly conspicuous. If it weren't for Wei Xiao's purpose, the supervisor wanted to **** it over and play with it.

"Are you the head here?" Wei Xiao asked coldly.

"What do you mean?" The overseer's face was displeased.

Wei Xiao put the long knife in the scabbard on his back and said coldly, "If it is not, then let me go. I will only talk to the head here."

"Made, you..."


The supervisor who called Wei Xiao wanted to do it, but fortunately, the people on the fence had already walked over.

It was the leading man who said the words.

"Brother Liu, this kid is a prickly head, I just want to show him some color." The supervisor said angrily.

Brother Liu came over and gave each other angrily.

Still want to show others colors? You haven't seen the scene that happened just now. If you dare to do it, Brother Liu will not know what Wei Xiao will do, but he promises that the end of this supervisor will be miserable. After all, the fierce man in front of him who can come here unharmed from the blockade of thousands of zombies is even fiercer than their boss.

The supervisor was glared at by Brother Liu, still a little unclear.

When Brother Liu faced Wei Xiao, Lian Shan smiled flatteringly: "Brother, don't mind, the people under your hand are ignorant and ran into you. If there is anything wrong with him, I am here to apologize to you on his behalf, and hope that the brothers will not go. Go inside."


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