Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1060: Forgiveness is God's business

Ghoul Wuji, Sam's heart at this moment is like knocking over a five-flavored bottle, not a taste.

You said that if you don't do a good hostess, what role play do you play?

If you know that you are the hostess here, it is like looking at them, no matter how stunning and beautiful, they would not dare to show covetousness so blatantly.

Isn't this a player?

"This gentleman, we have absolutely no other thoughts about your wife. Do you think there is any misunderstanding?"

Sam tried to defend.

Now they had no other choice but to fight for Wei Xiao's leniency.

Being left by the corpse star on someone else's territory, life and death are all under Wei Xiao's control. If they don't pretend to be grandson, isn't it clear that they are seeking death?

Wei Xiao returned to his seat.

"No misunderstanding, I don't need you to have any ideas, I just want to think that you have ideas. Millions..."

"What is the Lord's command?" Fu million answered.

"You don't need to go to the mission of Maid V Island. The key person is here now, there is no need to go there again." Wei Xiao said.

Paying a million is slightly stunned.

No need to go to Nv Island to inquire about the news?

In amazement, Fu Wanwan looked at Hermo and Sam. Suddenly, he seemed to understand why Wei Xiao really left these people behind.


The hero Chen on the side also showed what it was like at this time.

He was a little strange before.

If Wei Xiao wants to teach Mingzhao a lesson, according to Wei Xiao's personality, it is impossible to leave three dispensable people. Even if Mingzhao is to explain, Ziezixing is the best choice.

Until now, the task of paying a million was cancelled, and Chen Haojie did not understand Wei Xiao's intention to leave the three people behind.

He glanced at Hermer and Sam.

It's true that someone will bring pillows if you want to doze off, and Ming Zhao will really "consider" for them.

Wei Xiao's attitude made Sam and others more nervous.

Shigui Wuji eagerly said: "Wei Jun..."

"You don't need to speak, leaving you behind is just to see you upset. You don't have to think about how to save your life. I will tell you now that you are dead."

No shame on ghouls, Wei Xiao really wanted to keep him when he left him.

A **** who couldn't even see his identity and was faked, who wouldn't Wei Xiao play with him?


Ghoul Wuji was horrified when he heard this.

Involuntarily stepped back a few steps.

Wei Xiao stopped talking nonsense with him and gave Lan Qiang a look.

Lan Qiang got up, who knew what he knew.

Came to Ghoul Wuji's side in a blink of an eye.

"No, I don't want to die, you can't kill me, I am..."


Before Wuji Wuji could finish speaking, Lan Qiang broke his neck directly.

The speed is very fast, Ghoul Wuji didn't even have a chance to resist.

Naturally, he didn't have much pain.

"Garbage, this is the price of presumptuousness in front of the Lord." Lan Qiang slapped the dead corpse of Ghoul Wuji that fell on the ground and walked back to his position indifferently and sat down.

"You, you..."

Seeing Lan Gun kill the Ghoul Wuji like this, Sam and Hermo both backed away in fright.

Wei Xiao looked at the two with indifferent eyes.

"A group of brain-disabled people, the Emerick Continent is not waiting, you said you come to the East to add to me what mess? Take it along, ask me the news I want, and you can handle it afterwards."

"I'm good at interrogation. Lord, leave them to me."

Leng Chengfeng got up and looked at the two with a bad smile.

When Hermo and Sam saw this, their hearts were terrified to the extreme.

"No, you can't do this. Sir, we are all human beings, and we should help each other." Sam said eagerly.

Hermo can't speak Longxia, but at this moment he is also aware of the crisis, and uses bird language to fight for his life.

"Zombie captives, none of us did anything to us. We are both human beings. Don't you even compare to zombies?"

Shu Wang probe translated it in Wei Xiao's ear.

Knowing what Hermo meant, Wei Xiao sneered: "You don't admit that you are idiots. You still feel complacent about being raised as leeks. How did you live until now?"

"You can't do this to us, we are from the Americ Empire, and you have no right to decide our freedom of life and death." Sam still wanted to struggle.

"Idiot. Take it with you!"

Wei Xiao didn't want to talk nonsense with them anymore.

Continuing to listen to what they said before the end of the world, Wei Xiao was afraid that he would be infected by them, and then he would become as mentally retarded as these idiots.

Leng Chengfeng would not be polite to them.

Walked to the two of them, grabbed one of them with one hand, and as they struggled, they directly picked up the two like a chicken.

"Damn bastard, you let me go, let go..."

"Devil, you are all demons, and zombies are more humane than you. God will not forgive you. You should all go to **** after you die."

Unable to break free from Leng Chengfeng's control, the two men who knew they were hopeless begging for mercy screamed.

Wei Xiao had a cold face.

"Forgive that is a matter of God, whoever makes me unhappy, I will send him to see God."

After Leng Chengfeng finished speaking at Wei Xiao, he took the two of them and left the court.

Not long after, Li Qingshu came back.

"My lord, all the armed personnel who came from the female V island were left behind by the corpse star."

"how many people?"

Wei Xiao asked.

"Twelve, they are all wearing mechas."

"Mech Warrior?"

Wei Xiao's eyes narrowed.

"Does their mecha look good?" Bai Youwei asked happily.

Li Qingshu shook her head at her.

"It's not so good-looking. I barely put a layer of steel on people, and the attacks of second-level zombies can't be defended."

"So weak?"

Bai Youwei was a little disappointed.

When it comes to mechas, people often think of mighty and domineering human-controlled machines, full of science fiction.

It looks like a "Transformer", it can fly and run, and it's like eating.

But Li Qingshu simply described that Bai Youwei could already imagine that excellent appearance.

In addition, the sharp claws of the second-level zombies can't completely defend, and the external help of this kind of tasteless external help is really difficult to arouse his interest.

"Master, we can try to study these mechas. They are really not helpful for high-end combat power, but first-level fighters can also increase combat power with this level of protection. The most important point is that the firepower provided by the machine is far More than manpower." Chen Haojie said.

Wei Xiao nodded.

"Since people have left people behind, we can't help but appreciate it. Collect their equipment and ask if there are any talents in this field at the research base. It's best to remodel them before putting them into use."

"Understand!" Chen Haojie answered.

"Husband, Ming Zhao's mind is not simple from the attitude she showed this time." Shu Wang suddenly brought the topic to Ming Zhao's body.

Wei Xiao's face sank slightly.

"With taboo weapons, she is indeed a little bit more confident. But she won't be able to jump for long, at most a month, I will let her know the price of arrogance in front of me."

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