Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1084: Mother corpse joins the battlefield

On the main battlefield.

The demise of the ice corpse indicates that the enemy zombies have lost their highest-end combat power.

The dead body corpse that was able to free up was extremely terrifying on the battlefield against enemy zombies.

Metal sharp weapons flying all over the sky crossed among the enemy corpses.

Except for the heavy armored zombies, the other enemy zombies were harvested in groups under the attack of the Nether-type corpses.

The ice queen's troops suffered huge casualties, and ushered in, it was the frontal and merciless culling of the coalition forces.

The number has dropped sharply, and the group of enemy corpses, which has gradually become less of a threat to the coalition forces, has shown signs of defeat.

"The overall situation has been determined, Lord, at this time we can let the army behind us press on, and strive to end this battle within three days."

The battle is very clear.

The Lan Gun, which didn't need to be carefully observed, noticed that the coalition forces had taken an absolute advantage, so he came to Wei Xiao's side and said.


Many enemy zombies died in Wei Xiao's hands, and Wei Xiao's battle armor seemed to be covered with a layer of mud, and Wei Xiao stopped for a while.

"The time for the development of the new corpse emperor is still too short, and the high-end combat power cannot keep up. Facing the elite troops of Mingzhao, only relying on the number, this does not have any advantage in the battle within the zombies. This battle has been from the very beginning. Isn't it already doomed?"

Lan Gun nodded.



An enemy zombie tried to interrupt the communication between the two, and as soon as he rushed over, he sent his spear and spear directly through his body.

Immediately, the enemy zombies flew far away.

"Xing, Yue and the others brought more than two million zombies. I don't think there will be too many casualties in the next battle. When they face the new corpse emperor, they will not be able to compete head-on. Lord, two Millions of high-level zombies, if we don't handle them well, we will also suffer huge losses."

Wei Xiao glanced at the battlefield.

"It's troublesome. But at this point, no matter how much the loss is, we have to do it. At that time, let the people of the creation base take the lead and deal with all the objections. There is no need to make false claims with them."


Lan Qian knows that there is no woman's benevolence on the battlefield.

If you don't let others die, it's your own person who will die. He can tell which one is more serious.


When the two had made arrangements for the final plan, there was a harsh roar from the periphery of the battlefield.

Wei Xiao frowned.

"what's the situation?"


As soon as Wei Xiao's voice fell, a loud noise came from the ground below.

Along with this loud noise, inside the battlefield, a giant figure broke out and stood among the battlefields.


The whistling sound of tearing the sky spread all over, a huge figure occupies an area, and immediately, countless sickle-shaped claws waved on his body.

As the giant moves, regardless of whether you are defensive zombies or non-defensive zombies, under the claws that are like meat grinders, one after another is cut mercilessly.

"Mother's corpse?"

Standing high in the sky, Wei Xiao and the others could clearly see the abnormal changes on the battlefield.

The appearance of the mother's body surprised Wei Xiao and the others, but at the same time it was extremely shocking.

"Can the mother's corpse be on the battlefield?" Lan Qiang said such words involuntarily.

His remark is very controversial.

Why can't the mother's corpse be on the battlefield?

Did he forget the battle in Xiongzhou?

At that time, Wei Xiao united the forces of the three provinces to deal with the senior mother corpse.

In that battle, the mother's corpse had already shown terrifying combat effectiveness.

Although it is far less terrifying than the corpse emperor, in terms of the degree of damage on the battlefield, the mother corpse is definitely far more powerful than the corpse child.

The size is right there, even if it's just running rampant and wanton on the battlefield, these few back and forth, the threat to the army, the mother's corpse is by no means comparable to the corpse.

Maybe it’s because it’s been too long to fight against the mother’s corpse head-on, and after the Phoenix was officially established, there was no trace of the mother’s corpse on the battlefield between the human race and the corpse. The existence of this battlefield harvester.

The new corpse emperor actually sent out the battle force like the mother corpse, and it seemed that she was really exhausted.

However, seeing the mother's corpse appearing on the battlefield, Wei Xiao's eyes could not help but brighten.

Before, he was worried that there were too many zombies of the Nether system and it would be inconvenient to deal with it, but now that the mother corpses of the enemy system appeared, it might have helped him a lot.

"Master Wei Xiao..."

When Wei Xiao was thinking, Yue rushed to them alone.

"Yue!" Wei Xiao glanced at her.

Yue looked a little anxious, and said, "Master Wei Xiao, the enemy corpse emperor let the mother corpse join the battlefield. We can't solve the threat of the mother corpse in a short time. We also ask Master Wei Xiao to let his subordinates remove them as soon as possible, otherwise, our army Even if the enemy mother's corpse is removed, there will be a lot of casualties."

Wei Xiao narrowed his eyebrows.


On the battlefield, watching another enemy mother corpse join the battlefield from other directions, Wei Xiao had a calm face, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Can you solve it?" Wei Xiao asked solemnly.

Yue nodded: "The power of the corpse can indeed fight the mother's corpse, but it takes time. If you want to eliminate the threat of the mother's corpse in a short time, you must rely on Master Wei Xiao. Yue knows that Master Wei Xiao must have a way."

"Okay, you go to deal with it first, and I will arrange manpower to deal with the mother's corpse immediately."

"Thank you, Master Wei Xiao." Yue had no doubt about Wei Xiao's words, and left the skidder.

Lan Qiang: "Master, I will let people inform the rear so that they can arrange for a group of snipers to remove these corpses."

"Don't worry." Wei Xiao said suddenly.


Lan Qiang was taken aback, and did not understand the meaning of Wei Xiao's words at first.

"Aren't you worried that the remaining number of the Ming-type troops will threaten our plan? Now that these mother corpses appear, what do you think?"

With Wei Xiao's reminder, Lan Qiang suddenly realized.

"Lord, what do you mean?"

"Just understand, let the mother's corpse show it more."

Lan Qiang already knew Wei Xiao's thoughts, but soon he was puzzled: "Master, haven't you agreed to Yue? If we don't say anything, wouldn't we be suspected?"

"I did agree, but didn't say how long it would take, understand?"

Lan Qiang smiled: "Understood!"

"Go and arrange it!"


Lan Qiang did not hesitate, and drove the skidder away from Wei Xiao's side.

Wei Xiao, who was on the back of the sky-grabber, stared at the mother's corpse that appeared in the square and slaughtered the corpse clan of the Ming family.

"The final cleaning is fine."

On the battlefield.


Seven female corpses appeared at the same time. Wherever they went, their own zombies jumped on their backs, using their bodies as a cover, and came to a safe area. However, the zombies who did not receive such treatment were directly exposed to the zombies. Under the front of the mother's corpse.

The sickle and claws that came like rain cut the battlefield, wherever they went, the Nether-type zombies died and wounded countless, and fled one after another.

But within a few tens of minutes, the number of Nether-type zombies who died under the claws of the seven female corpses exceeded forty to fifty thousand, and the casualties were not ordinary horrors.

"Block them."

The corpse son is at the same level as the mother corpse. Without the leadership of the mother emperor, Xing, Yue and the others will fear the corpse emperor, and even dare not approach the core area of ​​any external corpse emperor (centered on the corpse emperor, radius of 1,500 100 meters), but the mother's corpse is another matter.

Everyone is at the same level, except for body shape, everyone has their own advantages in other aspects.

One side has abilities and has many attacks, but the strength is limited. On the other side, although the attack is monotonous, the strength is unparalleled, coupled with the strong defense, the combat effectiveness is equally sturdy.

When Wei Xiao's support did not enter the arena, Xing and Yue teamed up with twelve Nether-type corpses to besiege the seven female corpses.

Exactly two to one.

Countless metal sharp weapons formed a metal storm under their control, attacking the mother's body in all directions.

"Clang clang..."

A large amount of metal swept over the mother's body, colliding with her sharp claws and strong armor, sparks splashed and bright.

Under such an attack, the mother corpse with a huge body is like a giant light source in motion, and the target is extremely eye-catching.

But the mother corpse obviously didn't want to entangle with the corpse of the Nether system.

He waved countless sharp claws to divide gold and silver, tore open the metal storm controlled by the corpse, and continued to harvest the Nether-type zombies.

Unable to contain the mother's corpse, Xing and Yue were also anxious.

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