Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1095: Vaillant first appeared

Between words, Mu Wuqing had a finger empty and spread out his five fingers.

The blood-black flames began to rush from her hand into the air and condense into a ball.

Starting from a point of light converging, the fireball above Mu Wuqing's five fingers gathered more and more.

The larger the volume of the fireball, the more obvious the surrounding changes.

"What a terrible temperature."

The members of the Shadow Guard around her felt the surrounding temperature rise, and they all stepped back unconsciously.

In the dark night, the constantly bulging fireball is like a rising sun hanging high under the night.

As the size of the fireball became more and more terrifying, the resistance army, hundreds of meters away, accidentally caught Ni Tianwu and the others, and many people's eyes were taken aback.

"what is that?"

"It looks like a fireball. My God, the fireball keeps growing."

In the camp, the commander in charge of directing the battle of Jiu Tiancheng soldiers here also noticed the huge fireball hanging high in the night sky.

Seeing that the radius of the fireball has reached five or six meters and has not stopped growing, the commander's expression has changed dramatically.

"Damn it, it's an ability person, fast, fast, turn the firepower to focus on the area under the fireball." The commander shouted impatiently.

The soldiers around were still a little confused.

What is the attacking side doing?


Seeing the soldiers hesitate, while the commander scolded, he grabbed a rifle from the hand of a soldier beside him.

"Boom boom..."

Regardless of whether he could hit the target, the commander pointed his muzzle at the location of Mu Wuqing's figure and pulled the trigger continuously.

"Hurry up and attack me." The commander did not forget to remind others.

Although the surrounding soldiers still don't know why the commander is so eager, but after two orders came, they didn't think about other things.

Some of the soldiers pointed their guns at Mu Wuqing's side, and the dense bullets continued to sink into the dim environment below the fireball like streamers.

At this time, Mu Wuqing's condensed fireball was suspended in the sky like a small sun.

She was already struggling with her hand, and her strength reached the maximum range that Mu Wuqing could bear. She didn't dare to rush to gather stronger strength, and the flame in her hand stopped outputting.

"Puff puff……"

"Master Wu Qing——"

Some bullets hit Mu Wuqing below the fireball, but unfortunately, the penetration of the bullets was completely unable to break the defense of Mu Wuqing's energy armor.

The surrounding Shadow Guard members were worried for Mu Wuqing, and even wanted to come over to resist the bullets for her, but they were all stopped by Mu Wuqing with his other hand.

With sharp eyes staring at the **** hundreds of meters away, Mu Wu coldly yelled: "Stop it!"

As the voice fell, Mu Wuqing waved his spread out hands in the air.

There was a "swish".

The huge fireball with a diameter of more than ten meters flew towards the **** where the resistance army was located like a cannonball.

"Fuck... run away—"

Seeing the huge fireball flying, the commander stopped shooting and fled towards one side for the first time.

Although the others were still a little confused, the huge fireball was right in front of them, and they didn't care about the others, and they left the fortifications and scattered.


But their speed is still slow.

The huge fireball hits the top of the **** like a meteor, with an earth-shattering explosion covering everything and tearing the sky apart.

The blooming flames swept across all directions like a huge wave, and terrifying smoke clouds and unstoppable shock waves appeared. The enemy soldier closest to the fireball explosion was evaporated in an instant, leaving no bones.

Huge clouds of smoke rose into the sky, and waves of strong waves dispersed like ocean waves.

Many shadow guards on Mu Wuqing's side could not withstand the shock wave, and they were forced to retreat by this terrible shock wave.

The person who retreated to a hundred meters away from the explosion range, and then looked at the scene on the slope, was full of shock.

Everything was swallowed up by the power of terror.

Except for the soaring fire that illuminates the night, everything else is submerged in blood black flames.

Purgatory on earth.

"It's the ability person, the ability person of the Phoenix has shot."

"This is the power of potion No. 5? It's terrifying."

"We surrender, we surrender..."

Mu Wuqing's attack showed what is the power of destroying the dryness.

A shock from the soul, not to mention the current situation of the rebels on the slope, those enemy forces still contending with the Shadow Guards witnessed this scene, instinctively throwing away the weapons in their hands, squatting on the ground with their heads Revolt again.


After the shot fell, Mu Wuqing took a few breaths of fresh air.

The ultimate blow is still huge to her.

The energy armor on her body retreated automatically, because the energy in her body was not enough to maintain the state of the energy armor.

But the effect is also obvious.

This blow almost flattened a **** to the ground, and everyone with a discerning eye knew that it was impossible for the rebels above to survive.

"Master Wu Qing, are you okay?" A female shadow guard came to Mu Wuqing's side and asked concerned.

Mu Wuqing shook his head.

"It's okay, it's just that the consumption is a bit huge, let me prepare a food for me. In addition, you must first gather the surrendered enemy forces, and don't go over the **** for the time being. The fire and water are immortal, and you can only wait for the extra energy contained in it. Only after the burning is exhausted will it turn into a normal flame. When the flame returns to normal, you can clean the battlefield again."


"Master Wu Qing, we will take you down to rest."

Mu Wuqing didn't try her best, and nodded.

"I will leave the rest to you."

Under the **** of two female shadow guards, Mu Wuqing walked to a camp tens of meters away.

As for the camps around her, they were ignited by the previous high temperature and burned.

"Everyone act, don't let any enemy alive."


Other members of the Shadow Guard began to clean the surrounding battlefield.

With the deterrence of Mu Wuqing's blow, the remaining troops in Jiutian City in the camp had no sense of resistance at this moment.

The members of the Shadow Guard did not encounter any further obstacles, and gathered the enemy troops who hugged their heads and begged for mercy, and put them under detention.

Outside the camp.

"Swish swish..."

Their phantoms chasing Chutianhe shuttled among the trees.

Chu Tianhe and the others, who hadn't been out of her sight for long, were quickly overtaken by her.

Chu Tianhe, wearing a Heavenly King Armor, was surrounded by five fourth-level fighters wearing a generation of armed armor.

The only thing missing was Li Xiuwen who left with Chu Tianhe.

"Your Majesty, the enemy is catching up."

A fourth-level soldier who was protecting Chutianhe saw the purple light behind him, his face changed drastically.

Chu Tianhe under the protection of Heavenly King A did not speak, and continued to flee forward with the five people.



The attack of the phantom strikes.

Several lightning bolts fell from the sky.

Of the six people who couldn't dodge, two of them were struck by the thunder and screamed violently.

"I said I won't let you escape again this time, Chu Tianhe, your end is here."

The purple flash came to the front of Chu Tianhe and the others fleeing, blocking their way.

Chu Tianhe, who took the lead, stagnated, and the demon sword he held tightly trembled slightly in his hand.

The other three soldiers around looked at each other.



Three fourth-level fighters simultaneously drew out the weapons on their armors and rushed towards the Phantom.



Under the absolute strength, the Phantom did not keep a hand.

The thunder and lightning spread out in his hand.

The purple lightning swimming in the air swept the figures of three fourth-level fighters, and the terrifying electric current instantly made them lose their combat effectiveness.

"Puff puff……"

The Phantom rushed towards the Chutian River, moving, harvesting the numb level 4 fighters in the province.

At this point, the Phantom knew that it was impossible to conquer someone who could still work for Chu Tianhe.

If it hadn't been for them to show their determination with actions, the Phantom could not consider letting them go.

After all, they are level four fighters, and they have cutting-edge combat power everywhere.

But they have made a choice, and the Phantom can only fulfill their loyalty.

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