Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1129: The hit Chutianhe

Later, Wei Xiao talked about some of the resource allocation problems obtained in the battle between the two sides.

The main thing is the distribution of the No. 4 awakening potion.

In this two-sided battle, the two corpses under the corpse emperor provided Wei Xiao and the others with more than forty genetic medicines.

Among them, two-thirds belong to the Phantom.

Regardless of what the people below have thoughts, Wei Xiao's genes belong to mandatory regulations.

Compared to cultivating a fourth-level fighter, the growth of a fifth-level fighter is really more important in the future battle against the corpse race.

This can be seen from the fact that the Phantom and the others dealt with the Ice Queen alone.

Therefore, there are more than forty No. 4 awakening potions, and the people below can get fewer than twenty.

In this limited awakening potion No. 4, the Emperor Killing Squad who followed Wei Xiao to deal with Ming Zhao can get a copy. At the same time, in addition to the genetic potion, Di Wudi and Peacock also successfully promoted to the power holders.

This is what Wei Xiao promised them when he set out.

As for Leng Chengfeng, Jasmine and others, who were already in power, in addition to the genetic medicine, they can also get a reward of 500,000 apocalyptic coins.

There is no way, the power holder is already the highest status level that outsiders can obtain, and they have no room for improvement, Wei Xiao can only compensate in other ways.

The remaining awakening potions are given priority to the military commanders.

Those managements who are waiting to receive the No. 4 potion are destined to be disappointed again in this foreign expedition.

However, the base provided them with a sum of eschatological coins as a reward, which can be regarded as a bit of comfort to them.

When the meeting is over, Chenhaojie and the others will be busy for a while.

The construction of the outer city wall should be accelerated, and new residential houses, female V island corpse cages and other projects should also be put into construction...

In addition to these, the integration of the two million newcomers with the base can also not be ignored.

Wei Xiao doesn't care about these. In addition to spending his time with his wife and daughter, his time is more training.

After he realized the limitations of his own strength, he wanted to change this status quo.

Obtained abilities?

Forget it.

When Wei Xiao, who didn't believe in evil, was on Female V Island, Professor Bo Kang wasted one when they extracted the No. 4 Awakening Potion, which was also ineffective.

He hadn't tried the No.5 potion, but he didn't want to try it either.

Too precious, if it is still useless to him, then Wei Xiao's loss will be great.

Therefore, after the No. 4 Awakening Potion was still ineffective on him, he no longer considered the issue of Gene Potion.

To change the limitations of his own strength, Wei Xiao could only continue to improve his physical fitness while making a fuss about weapons and equipment.

Compared with him, the improvement of the strength of a group of spoiled wives is much easier.

Wei Xiao gave the two potions obtained from Bingxue and Mingzhao to Shu Wang and Youwei respectively.

Of these two women, one was with him first, and the other was the one who helped him the most in the harem.

There is nothing wrong with giving genetic medicine to them.

And she was temporarily the wife of a fourth-level warrior, and she was destined to have a copy of them in the future to obtain the No. 5 potion.

The girls don't need to constantly "injure" themselves to improve their strength like Wei Xiao did. As long as Wei Xiao doesn't fall, they can continue to improve themselves by swallowing the awakening potion. It's not too easy.

It is a lie for Wei Xiao to say that he is not envious, but what can he do?

God opened the back door for him, the front door was absolutely locked, and he was not given a chance.

In this life, he is destined to have no chance with other abilities.


When the phoenix returned to peace once again, the Eastern Land, the Nine Heavens City.

After failing to pretend to attack the creation base, he retreated to the Chutian River in Jiutian City and did not dare to jump up and down. During the period when the coalition forces were on the eastern land, Chutianhe lived like years.

Sometimes I will be shocked in my sleep.

Always worrying about whether the Phoenix Alliance forces will suddenly attack him and leave him with nothing again.

Fortunately, after more than a month, what he was worried about eventually did not happen.

After several unsuccessful attacks on Jiutian City, the Phoenix Army finally returned to the Phoenix Base.

When he heard the news, Chu Tianhe didn't know how to describe his feelings.

That kind of feeling, it was as if a mountain that was pressing on him was removed, and his breathing became much smoother.

However, Chu Tianhe was not excited about the retreat of the Phoenix Alliance Army either.

After inquiring, Chu Tianhe's uneasy heart mentioned his throat again after learning that the Phoenix had not only harvested the Ice Queen's power during this trip to the East, but had also become their baggage along with the creation base.

A corpse emperor's forces were all taken away by Phoenix, and even the creation base that was against him was also swallowed by the opponent, is this still worth it?

Once the Phoenix is ​​completely integrated with these two forces, will the nine-day base as their only "neighbor" still have peace?

The Phoenix at that time, could Chu Tianhe still be able to deal with it?

No, he couldn't deal with it now. When the Phoenix really took the initiative to attack him, Jiutian Base would have no power to fight back.

Just like this, Chu Tianhe didn't feel relieved by the retreat of the Phoenix Allied Forces. On the contrary, he became more and more worried about the increasingly powerful Wei Xiao forces.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, your subordinates have important matters to report."

Before Chu Tianhe had digested the fact that the Phoenix had grown further, bad news came to his ears.

Seeing the subordinates who rushed in panickingly, standing in the living room of the villa, Chu Tianhe said coldly: "What's the important thing? As long as there are no foreign forces attacking the base, there is nothing important in my eyes."


The subordinates who came to inform him were suddenly speechless when Chu Tianhe drank it.

Yun Ning, who was beside Chu Tianhe, sighed.

As the pillow, she knows Chu Tianhe's current mood very well.

The Phoenix continued to grow, and it became more and more difficult for him to reach, that kind of powerlessness, it can be said that today Chu Tianhe's energy is haggard.

Before the current problems, in addition to the base being attacked by external forces, can he be more pressured than the Phoenix?

Yun Ning did not explain, but looked at his subordinates.

"Let's talk about it, what's important?" Yun Ning asked warmly.

The subordinates did not dare to hesitate.

"Just now our spies in Minghai City sent information. A few days ago, the corpse emperor on Female V Island has been removed by Wei Xiao. Today’s Female V Island has become one of the phoenix’s subsidiary areas. Immigrate up there."

"What did you say?"

As soon as his subordinates had finished speaking, Chu Tianhe, who was still indifferent to the important things his subordinates had to say before, could no longer calm down at this moment.

Turning around, staring at his subordinates in shock and dazzling gaze, as if he was going to eat him alive.

The subordinate trembled slightly with Chu Tianhe's eyes.

"The genus and its subordinates say that the Phoenix will soon immigrate to Female V Island..."

"No, it's behind."

"The female and female V islands are already one of the ancillary areas of the Phoenix."


"The corpse emperor on Female V Island was eliminated by Wei Xiao."

"This is it."

When he got what he wanted to hear, Chu Tianhe's spirit was shocked and his face was solemn.

"Are you sure the news is true?"

The subordinates were nervous, but did not dare to neglect the slightest: "This is the information sent back by the spies from Minghai City. Wei Xiao not only got rid of the corpse emperor on Female V Island, but also wiped out all the zombies on it. The news has been spread. Throughout the entire Phoenix base, I believe the intelligence should not be falsified."

"Ceng Ceng Ceng..."

The subordinates repeatedly affirmed that Chu Tianhe seemed to have heard some unacceptable facts, his feet were light and his body stepped back uncontrollably.


Upon seeing this, Yun Ning hurriedly got up to support Chutianhe behind.

Before Chu Tianhe could say anything, Yun Ning waved his subordinates to retreat.

The subordinates didn't dare to stay longer, they took a few steps back and then turned to leave.

Worried about Chu Tianhe's situation, Yun Ning said with concern: "Husband, husband, are you okay?"


Chu Tianhe seemed to be irritated and smiled in pain.

"Why? Why is it so? How can he be treated like this by Wei Xiaohede? I couldn't ask for a corpse emperor, Chu Tianhe, but he harvested one after another. Why is Chu Tianhe inferior to him?"

"Husband, husband..."

"Sister Yun, what happened?"

"My husband, what's wrong?"

Chu Tianhe's laughter undoubtedly shocked the other women upstairs.

When they came to the first floor and saw the pain on Chu Tianhe's face, they all asked Yun Ning.

Yun Ning didn't know how to explain to the sisters, and looked at the desperate Chu Tianhe with helpless eyes.

"Husband, don't do this, don't do this, okay? We are afraid." Yun Ning said with a trembling voice.

She was really scared.

Chu Tianhe is their heaven, their pillar, if Chu Tianhe is helpless because of the current stimuli, how will these beautiful women survive in these last days?

Chu Tianhe, whose laughter gradually ceased, and the grief on his face was also alive, revealing bitterness.

"Ning'er, what are you saying I am inferior to Wei Xiao? I discovered the genetic medicine, and the armor armor was the first to be made by me. Why, Wei Xiao, who started after me, came in front of me? You tell me Why am I?"

"I, I don't know."

What did Yun Ning say?

She was not someone who followed Chu Tianhe from the beginning, and she had never experienced the Tianting Base. She knew very little about the grievances between Chu Tianhe and Wei Xiao.

Without getting the answer he wanted, the bitterness on Chu Tianhe's face was even more obvious.

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