Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1132: Rising Wolf

"How dare you. Now, who doesn't know that Central China is the only one in Wolf City? However, the Wolf King should know in his heart how Wolf City can have today's strength. More than 60% of the forces in Central China have been annexed by you. Now You told us that it’s for the overall situation, don’t you think you’re a little bit self-deceiving?"

"Don't talk about the big reason, just talk about your purpose, everyone, please feel free."

After listening to the other party's words, Xiaoyue Sirius' eyes flashed sharply.

But he didn't have an attack right away.

He seemed to agree with this big man's words and nodded with a smile.

"Well said. Since you want to be direct, then I will give you direct. To gather you here today, my purpose is only two."

"First, I hope you all take the initiative to join the big family of my Wolf City. I don't want to fight again. As long as you join and complete the unification of Central China, then everyone will be brothers in the future. I, Xiaoyue Sirius, will never treat you badly. ."

"Second, after joining Wolf City, you are still the masters of a city. You do not need to leave your original station to enter Wolf City. However, the armed forces of your base must be taken over by our Wolf City. In other words, you will only Able to manage the internal affairs and military affairs of the base, whether it is public security in the city or foreign warfare, all follow the orders of Wolf City."

"Well, this is my purpose. Who is for and who is against?"

Xiaoyue Sirius glanced at everyone, his eyes sharp.

"Wolf King, are you serious about this? Let us hand over the armed forces in our hands to you, that would not let us find our own way? Without force, if you want to do anything to us in the future, wouldn't we even resist? No ability?"

"Yes, I don't have any problems with being affiliated with Wolf City. I was able to come here today, so I was ready for this, but Wolf King, you asked us to hand over the force in our hands, don't you think it's too much?"

"What's the difference between this and being annexed by you? Without force in our hands, wouldn't we be slaughtered?"

"Also please consider the wolf king. We can accept it as a subsidiary, but it is absolutely impossible to surrender the armed forces."

After Xiaoyue Sirius's voice fell, many people present objected one after another.

It's not that they are not afraid of Xiaoyue Sirius, but that the request made by Xiaoyue Sirius is too much.

What is the difference between letting them hand over their armed forces and letting them hand over their lives and deaths to others?

No one will do this unless there is no choice.

Obviously, they are not people who have no choice.

The big deal is that they won't stay in Zhongshenzhou anymore after this meeting.

The world is so big, as long as you hold arms in your hand, where can you not go?

Xiaoyue Sirius looked at those who opposed him, with a gloomy face: "So, do you disagree with my proposal?"

The big man who interrupted Xiaoyue Sirius's words spoke out again.

"It's not that we disagree, but that your request is too excessive. If you are replaced by you, would you be willing to hand over your armed forces to outsiders to control it?"

"You seem to be very active?"

The big man sneered: "I'm just discussing the matter. Since it's a unity, then I have to show enough attitude. Forgive me for not agreeing to the request of the Wolf King."


"If you don't agree, then don't agree."

Xiaoyue Sirius suddenly violent.

Without giving the other party any time to react, there was a shock in the invisible air.

No one can see what Xiaoyue Sirius has done, but the big guy who has denied him face twice in a row, his open mouth has not yet spoken, and a big head has left his body.


"Ceng Ceng Ceng..."

The sudden change scared many people to their feet.


"Da da da……"

However, these bigwigs haven't responded much yet. From all sides of the conference room, a group of doomsday fighters appeared.

The gun was aimed at all the big guys who got up, and there was a burst of fire.

A large number of casualties were instantaneous.

"Made, fight with them."

"This **** called us here is a conspiracy, everyone will go together, or else we will all die."

"court death!"

Xiaoyue Sirius saw another group of people on the seat preparing to stand up and resist, and snorted coldly.

There was no wind and waves in the spacious conference room, and the invisible wind blades cut the air, killing those big men who were trying to deal with the doomsday fighters one by one.

"Brother Long, as an old friend, I hope you still don't act rashly. This is out of the advice of your old friend."

When Xiaoyue Sirius was dealing with other people, he was distracted and stared at Long Feihong on the left hand side. This strength could not help causing some unbearable Long Feihong to put down the hand that touched the pistol at his waist. .

Seeing Long Feihong's actions, Xiaoyue Sirius smiled.

He is obviously very useful to Long Feihong's knowledge.

No wonder Xiaoyue Sirius was keeping an eye on Long Feihong when dealing with other people.

The number one killer in the dark world before the end of the world, a pistol fighting technique can be described as the **** blocking the killing of the gods and the Buddha blocking the Buddha. Such a powerful character, even if it is only a fourth-level warrior, must give enough to Xiaoyue Sirius." respect".

Otherwise, once he shot, Xiaoyue Sirius couldn't guarantee whether he had absolute certainty.

Especially when the opponent has a gun in his hand.

After a while.

All the big guys who left their seats turned into corpses lying in the conference room.

In this wave of assaults, more than 30 big men present and the right arms of the men who followed them into the conference room, most of them fell.

The rest, except for a few people, were trembling.

Before, I dared to refute the words of Xiaoyue Sirius aloud, but now, one by one lowered their heads, fearing that Xiaoyue Sirius would be staring at him for trouble.

There are still Axue and Long Feihong who can still stand still in this environment.

Long Feihong: "Brother Wolf, if you do this, aren't you afraid that the armed forces of other forces will never die with you?"


Xiaoyue Sirius laughed loudly, and then sat back in his position.

"Don't die with me? Boss Long, do you value these people too much?"

"The people who really don't want to join Wolf City are precisely these leaders who are in high positions and do nothing but don't want to give up their rights. After they have been solved, the people in their base are much smarter than them. They are all detained. Do you think it is easier to survive by following the strong or following the weak?"

Hearing Xiaoyue Sirius' words, Long Feihong's face changed.

Axue on the side said, "It seems that everything is done for you."

"It's not about it, it's just human nature."

"Well, I have already told you everything that should be said. Now, who else is against it?"

"Wolf King, we agree to your terms."

"I agree."

"In the future, I am willing to use the wolf king as his head."


Except for the two of Axue and Long Feihong, the other big brothers who were still alive did not dare to say anything, and they all agreed with Xiaoyue Sirius' proposal.

They have no choice at all.

Judging from the previous operations of Xiaoyue Sirius, the people who came here today, except those who agreed to all the conditions of Xiaoyue Sirius, could leave alive, and others were afraid that they would not be able to get out of the conference room door.

Sitting on a high place for too long, even if they survive the last days to the present, some people’s bones have long been weakened.

They are afraid of death.

If you don't agree with Xiaoyue Sirius, you will definitely die, and if you agree, although you will lose something, you can at least survive.

Almost everyone in the audience dared not object to Xiaoyue Sirius' proposal.

Now, only Axue and Long Feihong did not speak.

For those who "know the current affairs", Xiaoyue Sirius is very satisfied.

I saw him look at Axue and Long Feihong.

"Two, you are the only one left? What do you think should you express your opinion to me?"

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