Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1138: The powerful little wolf

In the living room of Santo’s Mansion.

Axue and his party met Haidafu in Wolf City above.

"Miss Mou'er, Commander Axue, we have already figured out the matter. If we had any negligence in Wolf City before, please don't worry about Miss Mou'er and Commander Axue. I am here to apologize to you on behalf of Wolf City. "In the face of Axue and the others, Haidafu humbly apologized to them.

Axue is not a messy person.

With the help of Wei Xiao's identity, she was already very satisfied.

Now the representative of Wolf City took the initiative to apologize, and she understands the truth of accepting it as soon as she sees it.

"Anyone who doesn't know is not guilty, and we didn't expect the Wolf King and Mr. Wei to be good friends."

"As Commander Axue understands, we are relieved. By the way, this is a gift list from our Wolf Gang to Frozen City. There are not many things, but Axue Commander can accept it. ." Haidafu said, handing a gift form to Axue.

Zi Miao'er took over.

"A lot of things."

Seeing the items on the gift list, Zi Miao'er exclaimed.

Axue looked at it, Meimu was also slightly stunned.

The gift list sent by Wolf City was too heavy, and it was not like “not much” as Haidafu said.

There is one general-purpose genetic medicine No. 4, twelve medicines No. 3, 24 medicines No. 2 and a large number of guns, ammunition and heavy weapons.

Most importantly, in this gift list, there are four armed helicopters and eighteen heavy armored tanks.

Can be described as generous.

From this point, it is not difficult to see that today's Xiaoyue Sirius has really made a fortune and has a lot of background.

Axue came back to her senses.

"We accepted the gift. Brother Dafu, please go back and talk to the Wolf King. Axue will never break her promise when he promises him. When our Ice City is ready, we will leave Central China immediately."

"Leader Axue sees you outside. There is Miss Mou'er here. You can stay in Central China for as long as you want." Haidafu said after a polite sentence, "We have delivered the gift, so we won't bother you anymore. , There will be a period later."

"I will send you."


Haidafu replied, and then left with the team.

Not long after they left.

"Great Axue, with this batch of materials, our strength in Ice and Snow City will be even higher. Gunships, tanks... these weapons and equipment are all we don't have. I didn't expect to get them now, hehe ...... That Wolf King is really generous." Zi Miao'er said happily.

Axue: "This is also thanks to our princess Mooer. Speaking of which, we still have the light in our eyes!"


Purple eyes showed a hint of shyness.


Qiuhua and Chunyue all chuckled.

"Okay, let's go down and prepare! We also want to leave Zhong Shenzhou as soon as possible."

"Lord Xue, where shall we go next?" Qiuhua asked.

Axue looked outside the house.

"Polar bear territory."


Seven days later.

The only Ice City forces in Central China that did not surrender to Wolf City left the station.

Without the special existence of Ice and Snow City, after they left, Xiaoyue Sirius began to send his henchmen to other bases to take over the opponent's armed forces.

After several days of statistics, when Xiaoyue Sirius saw the demographic table of Central China, the whole person smiled.

Within the territory of Central China, there are a total of 39 human forces that have peacefully joined Wolf City.

Among these forces, there are more than one million people, and there are more than one hundred thousand people who have a small number.

All together, the population of the entire Wolf City forces reached a terrifying 8 million. This number has undoubtedly become the most populous base in Longxia Land in these last days.

With this huge population base, after selection, Wolf City has more than five million combatable soldiers, and there are more than 2.7 million fully armed.

Xiaoyue Sirius, who had never thought that his power would grow to this point one day, was excited for a long time.

Even with the support of this huge population, Xiaoyue Sirius had the idea of ​​overthrowing Wei Xiao.

Of course, it was just an idea, Xiaoyue Sirius hadn't been so stupid as to really lead millions of troops to attack the Phoenix.

If it were placed in the early end of the world, before the super warrior appeared, Xiaoyue Sirius would never hesitate.

But now it doesn't work, especially after the appearance of the fifth-level fighters.

The number advantage has not played a decisive role in the human race now.

The two great human forces really have to clash, and what they are fighting is cutting-edge and top-notch combat power reserves.

The beheading action will be the mainstream of future human battles. If the leader does not have strong strength, it is easy to be targeted by the enemy, which will ruin the good situation.

The background of Wolf City is still too far from that of Phoenix.

Among other things, there is a huge gap between Wolf City and Phoenix in the number of level five fighters.

What's more, there is Wei Xiao's unfathomable horror existence.

Xiaoyue Sirius believed that once he dared to do something to the Phoenix, maybe he had just moved something, and Wei Xiao would approach him to practice alone.

There is no absolute strength to contend with that devil that Wei Xiao, let alone millions of troops as the confidence, even tens of thousands, hundreds of millions, Xiaoyue Sirius did not dare to act rashly.

"Husband, now our overall strength is one step closer to that of Phoenix."

"Yes, in terms of numbers, we have already crushed the Phoenix by far, but this is not enough. We are still not as good as the Phoenix in the cultivation of cutting-edge combat power. To defeat Wei Xiao completely, we need more powerful players. But it is also fast. Now we have millions of combatable soldiers. As long as we continue to harvest the genes from the corpse emperor, it is only a matter of time before we can catch up with the Phoenix."

"Then can we do something against the corpse emperor in the north?"

"Hahaha... the parents who give birth to me, the Xianer who knows me. I have sent people to contact the four holy cities in the northern land, as well as the God of War base and the Kori Base in the North Star. As long as a cooperative relationship is reached, this time, I Thousands of troops will be assembled to deal with the Queen of Nature in the North. I want the genes in her body, Xiaoyue Sirius."

"I'm afraid the three forces won't easily agree."

"Do they have a choice? When they are used up, those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish."

The little wolf swelled.

But let's not say that the current Xiaoyue Sirius, I don't know if it was too severely affected by Wei Xiao in the early stage or for other reasons. Now he is more and more of the style of Wei Xiao back then.

It's a pity that pair of skins.

Not handsome enough, not attractive enough, and has no merit other than looking fierce.

This image is destined to be incomparable with Wei Xiao.

And when Wolf City was preparing to unite other forces to deal with the Northern Corpse Emperor, there was also a wave of frenzy against the Corpse Emperor in other parts of the world.

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