Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1142: Different destiny

Adjust your mentality soon.

Chu Tianhe, whose confidence reappeared on his face, looked directly at the endless sea.

"You are right. I shouldn't be depressed just because of a few blows. No matter how great the ordeal is, I have survived. In this world, what else can crush me, Chu Tianhe?"

Chu Tianhe's words of regaining confidence came out of his mouth, making Xiao Cong and the others laugh.

"This is the boss I know. I will always follow the boss and sit and watch the day you reach the top."

"We too, stay with you."

Chutian Hanoi was moved, and in his eyes, the regained confidence became more firm.

Looking to the direction of Longxia, Chu Tianhan thought in his heart: "Wei Xiao, you have won. From now on, no one in Longya will be your opponent, but the grievances between us have just begun. See you next time. , I, Chu Tianhe, absolutely must stand at the same height as you to play games. This is our destined destiny."

Chu Tianhe's departure has become inevitable.

Longxia land no longer has a place for him to stand, and neighboring countries do not have the hope of letting him rise again.

If he wants to have the capital to play with Wei Xiao in the future, he now has to take the risk and go to a place completely unfamiliar to him, and this place is still beyond the reach of Wei Xiao.

The Amerika continent is his last hope, and also his only hope.

Compared with Chu Tianhe, Xiaoyue Sirius who also wanted to break free from the fear of being dominated by Wei Xiao, his growth was much smoother than that of Chu Tianhe.

The same is to deal with the corpse emperor, the former failed, but the latter succeeded again.

In order to deal with the Queen of Nature in the North, Wolf City joined forces with the Polar Bear Border Force and the Four Holy Cities in the North to send more than 9 million troops. Wan Dajun went straight to the natural queen's lair.

After beheading the corpse emperor, based on the Phoenix’s experience in dealing with the corpse emperor, Wolf City also used the bones of the corpse emperor to create an extremely large number of No. 5 armor-piercing bullets.

Compared to the dozens of No. 5 armor-piercing implosion bombs that Chu Tianhe had against the corpse emperor outside the territory, the Wolf City Alliance had more local tyrants.

Thousands of gunmen are equipped with this type of "nemesis" of level 4 and above zombies.

In front of the No. 5 armor-piercing bullet, the defense of the top zombies was like a fake to them.

There is no need to consider the issue of ammunition. Among the corpses, the corpses, which are extremely difficult for the human race, can only hate the original in the face of the rain-piercing bullets.

After losing the corpse and the army of zombies, the Queen of Nature is also a powerful individual in the face of the scheming and resourceful human forces.

Relying on their abilities, when the two armies of Wolf City finally launched a siege on the Queen of Nature, they sacrificed a lot of third- and fourth-level super fighters, but the result of this casualty was the demise of the Queen of Nature.

The battle between the coalition forces and the Queen of Nature of the North was fought for more than half a month, and finally ended with the victory of the coalition forces.

When distributing the benefits, according to Xiaoyue Sirius's intention before leaving Wolf City, it was to take the opportunity to annex other coalition forces and further strengthen the strength of Wolf City, but this idea was finally stopped by Liu Xian'er.

It was not that Liu Xian'er didn't want to further expand the power of Wolf City, but that he had many considerations.

On the one hand, it is because the strength of the polar bear border base is not weak, and this country has the largest storage of taboo weapons in the world before the end of the world. No one knows that after the end of the world, they have established a base in the territory of the polar bear. How many taboo weapons.

If they were forced to choose to smash to the end with Wolf City, there would be no place where Xiaoyue Sirius would cry.

On the other hand, it is the corpse clan.

They already knew the news about the corpse. After all, the biggest enemy of the human race is the corpse race.

Knowing that the human race still has to engage in internal consumption under the circumstances of its low power, this is not what a far-sighted power leader should do.

Out of overall consideration, Liu Xian'er persuaded Xiaoyue Sirius to give up the idea of ​​"internal fighting".

When distributing benefits, among the coalition forces, the wolf city and the four holy cities, which belong to the Longxia forces, have obtained the most zombies, among which corpses, mother corpses, and fourth-level zombies are the main ones.

In addition to obtaining a large number of high-level zombie corpses, the two major forces on the edge of the polar bear also obtained a complete data of genetic medicine extraction from the hands of Xiaoyue Sirius.

This is a transaction, and it is also a condition for the polar bear frontier forces to give up 70% of the top zombies and super zombies.

In general, this cooperation of the Northern Allied Forces is quite complete, and all forces have got what they want.

Of course, it is Wolf City that gets the most benefits. The complete gene of the Queen of Nature is the most precious existence among all the spoils.

Xiaoyue Sirius is undoubtedly the biggest winner.

Central China Wolf City.

"Xian'er, how do you feel?"

"Very well, I feel that I am stronger than I have ever been before. Husband, look..."

A piece of training ground.

Liu Xianer, who had absorbed the No. 5 potion and became a fifth-level warrior, under the gaze of the high-level members of Xiaoyue Sirius, among the raised hands, in the barren training ground, a large amount of grass and trees broke through the soil, and at a speed visible to the naked eye. forming.

The scope is small, but the effect is extremely shocking.

This is the ability of the Queen of Nature to control all kinds of vegetation in the world.

In particular, once the trick of "all the forests" is performed, within a kilometer of a radius will instantly turn into a batch of dense forests, and all the vegetation in the forest will become a killing weapon.

When Xiaoyue Sirius and the others dealt with the Queen of Nature, this ability also caused them huge casualties.

If it weren't for Xiaoyue Sirius to finally create a tornado to drag the corpse emperor, I am afraid that they would have to pay more to kill the natural emperor.

At present, Liu Xian'er has just acquired this ability, and the effect is naturally not up to the step of the Queen of Nature, but as she grows up, it is only a matter of time before she surpasses the other party.

"Okay, hahaha... Now Xian'er has control of the abilities, so we also have two ability fighters in Wolf City. Over time, surpassing the undead will no longer be a dream."

Xiaoyue Sirius hugged Liu Xian'er in the past, with indescribable excitement on his face.

Liu Xian'er put away his abilities, looked at the excited Xiaoyue Sirius, and said tenderly: "Husband, thank you, without you, Xian'er would never be a fifth-level fighter in this life."

Xiaoyue Sirius: "Do you still need to say thank you to me? If you really want to thank you, then give me a big fat boy as soon as possible and open up branches and leaves for me exclusively."

Liu Xian'er was shy at hearing this.

Bai Xiaoyue gave Sirius a glance.

"Wolves are here! They are ashamed."


To say Liu Xian'er is also great.

Xiaoyue Sirius, as the wolf king of Wolf City, is there any woman around him?

Not to mention that there are countless beauties at the same level as Liu Xian'er, but compared with her, there is absolutely no difference.

But with such a man surrounded by beautiful women, Liu Xian'er can stand out in just a few months and capture the sincerity of Xiaoyue Sirius. This ability, I have to say, it is indeed from that place. Women, the grasp of men's minds is too great.

Of course, to say that Liu Xian'er only relied on her own beauty to achieve this step.

She can occupy a place in Xiaoyue Sirius' heart, the most important thing is her scheming.

Do you know what she did when she came to Wolf City?

The first is to secretly obtain the support of Liang Zhijun, Canglang Wang and others, and then pretend to serve Xiaoyue Sirius on the face, and with the support of Liang Zhijun and others, help Xiaoyue Sirius to disintegrate the original from Sky City in a short period of time. The forces have nepotism, and they have successfully integrated them into the wolf city, obedient to Xiaoyue Sirius.

Secondly, she has a very clear position on herself. After becoming the woman of Xiaoyue Sirius, no matter what she does or who she sees, she will always consider the problem from the perspective of Xiaoyue Sirius, and will not dare to go beyond. This makes Xiaoyuetian The wolf was very satisfied.

The last point is her own disguise.

A good wife, mother, and sensible person, to Xiaoyue Sirius, it is all tied to one person, physically and mentally.

As for the women before Xiaoyue Sirius, ha ha! After Liu Xian'er entered the city lord's mansion, he only needed to understand a little bit, but they didn't take them seriously.


Naturally because Xiaoyue Sirius once had a love affair.

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