Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1197: Surprised corpse thief

Wei Xiao heard the sound and looked down the city wall.

Noting the corpses of the Cyclops and Heavenly Corpses, Wei Xiao's brows suddenly wrinkled.

The corpses that were beheaded by the women and him, at this time their corpses were being taken away from the battlefield by the senior zombies, moving towards the rear.

Is this going to be brought back to the furnace and remade?

Not only the corpse, but Wei Xiao also discovered that on the battlefield, among the enemy corpses, there was a high-level zombies (third-level zombies) he had never seen before.

These zombies have sickle-shaped claws on their front limbs, four tails and two strong hind limbs, and their body is similar to monkeys.

They do not participate in the siege, but are only responsible for moving the corpses on the battlefield, and the number is still quite large.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiao's mood was not so good.

Is the corpse clan already able to use the strategy of "war to support war"?

While dispatching an army to attack the human base city, the dead zombies were transported back to the rear during the battle to "rebuild". This operation is slippery!

In this way, the number of enemy corpses will only increase.

If Wei Xiao remembered correctly, before this wave of corpses attacked the southern line of defense, friendly zombies had provided them with tens of millions of corpses.

The appearance of such "porter" zombies does not mean that after the enemy's zombies destroy the friendly zombies, not only has there been no reduction in the number of people in the true sense, but on the contrary, once the corpses of the friendly zombies are used, they will be added to them. Tens of millions of troops?

Phantom: "Master, this is in trouble."

Mu Wuqing: "There are such zombies similar to porters in the enemy corpse clan. No matter how many we kill now, we will only temporarily reduce the number of enemy zombies attacking the city. Once the mother corpse and the corpse king use these corpses to reproduce. Newborn zombie larvae have grown up, and everything we are doing now will be in vain."

"Continuous consumption, failure is destined to be on our human side."

We don't need them to explain Wei Xiao to understand this truth.

The corpse clan in the past also did this, but it was not instinctive.

Generally, when the war ends or retreats, the orders of the super zombies will be executed.

It is definitely the first time Wei Xiao and the others have seen such actions as fighting and zombies being responsible for "collecting corpses" at the same time.

Look at those "porters", they look professional.

Skilled movements, methodical division of labor, this is obviously the zombies that exist for "recovering the corpses".

This is not a good sign.

When the Great War broke out, it was already difficult for the human army to deal with the attacking zombies. How could there be more power to stop these "corpse thieves"?

What's more, they are hiding in the corpse group, doing the "stealth and petting the dog" business, and don't destroy the attacking zombies army, do you think you can rush into the corpse group to stop them?

Wei Xiao narrowed his eyebrows.

"Never mind the corpses of other zombies. The corpse of the corpse must not fall into the hands of the enemy corpse clan. Wu Qing, how many times can you perform the attack of the condensed fireball just now?"

"Husband, do you mean it?"

"Yes. Since we can't get the corpses of those corpses, we definitely can't afford the zombies."

Knowing Wei Xiao's intentions, Mu Wuqing said earnestly: "Probably it can condense seven or eight times."

"Well, don't let them take the body back and ruin them."

Seeing Wei Xiao's firm attitude, Mu Wuqing did not neglect.

The corpses of the Cyclops and Heavenly Corpses have already begun to be transferred, and if the enemy zombies are given some time, they will be beyond Mu Wuqing's attack range.

The threat of two types of corpses to humans has just seen Mu Wuqing and the others, even if these corpses were not transported back to be swallowed by the corpse emperor, but if the mother corpses were to eat them, who knew how many third-level zombies would appear?

Mu Wuqing began to condense the fireball.

One after another huge blood-black fireballs condensed in her headspace.

The scorching air wave raised the surrounding temperature dozens of times in an instant.

Not long after, seven fireballs with a radius of more than ten meters appeared on the city wall at the same time.

At the same time when the fireball was forming, I don't know when it started. Within a hundred meters of Wei Xiao and the others, there were no other fighters.

No way, the energy of the spirit fire is too terrifying.

The appearance of a fireball of the same size makes the low-level super fighters retreat three feet, let alone seven at the same time.

The soldiers who could not bear the temperature of the fireball naturally chose to stay away from Wei Xiao and the others.

"Chief Wei what are they going to do?"

When the shocking scene appeared, the eldest sisters cast their eyes, but they were also full of surprise.

Mu Wuqing's face looked a little pale after extensive use of supernatural powers.

She gritted her teeth and insisted on controlling the fireball. When she felt that her body was about to reach its limit, she stopped the output of the flame.


"Swish swish..."

Without wanting to delay any time, Mu Wu snorted and threw out the seven huge fireballs in the headspace.

Scattered in all directions, mainly with fireballs scattered at the location of the corpse's corpse, instantly formed seven huge waves of light that swallowed everything in the front corpse group.

The scorching air wave and the shock wave of terror swept everywhere.

The collision and squeezing of energy, the power generated by the explosion again, even the defenders on the wall, many people were lifted off by the aftermath and fell to the ground.

For an instant.

On the open ground outside the city wall, there appeared seven open areas with a radius of several hundred meters.

One by one, the place where the fireballs fell was a thousand meters away.

Except for the burning blood and black flames, none of the life forms remained inside.


Noting the terrifying and destructive power of Mu Wuqing's attack, everyone except Wei Xiao and the others were dumbfounded.

Do you want to be so scary?

After witnessing Mu Wuqing and the others' previous offensive methods, everyone had already understood the horror of the supernatural beings, but until this moment, they found that their understanding of the supernatural beings was still too superficial.

With one blow, hundreds of thousands of zombies were wiped out in ashes.

The terrifying destructive power, even the eldest sister who was the leader of one party, couldn't help swallowing secretly.


After Mu Wuqing's move, the whole person felt a lot weaker.

She was slightly pale, and if Wei Xiao didn't hug her with her shaking body in time, she might fall down.

Panting in Wei Xiao's arms, Mu Wuqing said weakly: "My husband, I tried my best."

"You did very well."

"Sister Wu Qing, how are you?" Bai Youwei got up, came over and asked with concern.

Leaving Wei Xiao's arms, Mu Wuqing smiled softly: "It's okay, it's just a little bit of strength, just take a rest."

"Huh, stinky husband, I don't know that I feel sorry for Sister Wu Qing at all. Do you think Sister Wu Qing is weak? You are so cruel." Bai Youwei pretended to be angry and yelled at Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao scratched her little nose.

"Take care of your sister Wu Qing."

"Chief Wei, is she okay with Wu Qing?"

The eldest sister came to Wei Xiao and the others, looked at the weak Mu Wuqing, and asked with concern.

Mu Wuqing didn't say a word, just gave a relieved smile.

Wei Xiao said calmly: "It's okay, you just need to prepare some food for them."

The eldest sister nodded and immediately explained.

"You don't need to worry about us here, just do your command. The enemy zombie army has not retreated yet!"

The eldest sister didn't wait much.

Knowing that Mu Wuqing was okay, she returned to her position.

Below, Mu Wuqing's full shot did not cause much damage to the enemy zombies, and also destroyed the corpses of the four corpses.

The casualties of hundreds of thousands of zombies and the army of corpses attacking the city wall are nothing but a drop in the bucket.

The war did not end because of the death of the corpse, on the contrary, the sacrifice of the corpse, the strength of the enemy's zombies to attack the city was even more crazy.

A few hours later.

Relying on the accumulation of corpses, some zombies finally came to the city wall on Wei Xiao's side.

The eldest sister, who had never been able to use her abilities, faced the enemy zombies that rushed up the city wall, pressing down on the face mask in front of her, with two knives in her hands, leading a group of doomsday warriors and zombies to fight on the city wall.

Wei Xiao didn't go anywhere, even if the defenders in other directions suffered heavy casualties, he did not lend a helping hand.

He and Phantom are responsible for protecting Bai Youwei and the others.

Wei Xiao is in charge of the battle, and the Phantom is in charge of propping up the shield to protect the three women (including Ai Luoer).

In a battle alone, none of the zombies who were killed can only approach the Phantom and the others.

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