Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1459: Return to the Immortal City

Into the night.

In a small forest.

"Damn, I did a sneak attack again, just so desperate to kill Lao Tzu again? Isn't it just one and a hundred thousand zombies? How much hate and hatred?"

Wei Xiao was resurrected again.

Thinking back to the happy smile on the face of the holy referee at the last moment of the day, after a punch, Wei Xiao couldn't understand the excitement of killing the holy referee again?

In these three days, I have killed myself six times in a row without seeing him as excited as during the day.

If he didn't understand, Wei Xiao didn't think too much.

The purpose of coming to the African Emirates was achieved.

Wei Xiao, who had no need to continue wasting here, finally glanced into the distance.

"If you fight again, maybe it will be your final battle, right?"

Wei Xiao muttered.

That's right, it's you who live and die.

There is no second possibility for the death, Wei Xiao live, this is destined, and there is no room for negotiation.

after one day.

Immortal Sky City.

Wei Xiao has returned.

With Xiaojiu on the move, he has to make the Phantom to return home one step at a time.

On the same day, Wei Xiao, who came back, used his blood to construct the four avatars of the sage according to the memory in his mind, and then ordered the relevant departments in the city to copy and print a large number of images of the sacred according to these prototypes.

He wants to let all mankind know what the clone of the sacred judge looks like.


Wei Xiao also attached the agreement between him and the holy judge to the drawing with the image of the holy judge, in order to let people know that as long as you don't provoke the holy judge, even if you go with him, he will not hurt him. you.

Of course, it refers to the humans below the superpower.

"Lord, the West Pole has now completely given up like this?"

Wei Xiao helplessly said: "There is no need to defend this anymore, at least for now. I will let Yu Wei and the others bring back the remaining soldiers over there. You should also prepare for the heavy losses of the major armies in the Western Polar region and rebuild. For sure, what you have to do next is to get a group of people on top."

"Well, the reserve army is prepared for this day, and can restore the main battle force to its heyday at any time."

"Well, that's it, you all go down! The construction of the eight subsidiary cities must be accelerated, and this matter cannot be delayed."


Chen Haojie and the others answered, and then stood up to bid farewell to Wei Xiao.

From Wei Xiao's return to the end of the meeting, none of Chen Haojie and them asked about Long Ba.

It's not that they have a bad relationship with Longba, but they know that in the last days, it has become a habit to look down on life and death.

Isn’t it normal to die in the last days?

Chen Haojie after they left.

"Husband, Xiaoying and the others didn't come back with you?"

In the villa, the meeting was over, and Shu saw that the Phantom and their figures hadn't appeared for a long time, and couldn't help but care about it.

"By the way, talking about Xiaoying and the others, they almost forgot about it."

Wei Xiao remembered something, and said: "Shu Wang, you order tomorrow to let Jin Miaofeng and the others do the work. The two leaders of the Western Polar Region have fallen. I asked Xiaoying and the others to accept many survivors, and the number should be small. There will be less, don't wait for people to come and get in a hurry."

Shu Wang hesitated for a moment.

"About how many people are there?"

"There should be a few million, and the specific situation will have to wait for Xiaoying and the others to come back. But you can't go wrong with more preparation."

"Well, should I inform Jin Miaofeng them now?"

"Don't rush for a while. Xiaoying and the others won't be able to come back for ten and a half days. Some are time."

Yan Chuan Keiko said suddenly: "Master, has the problem in the southern mainland been resolved? Yan Yi and the others are not in danger, right?"

Speaking of Yan Yi and others, Shu Wang also reacted at this time.

If nothing happened in the Western Pole, Wei Xiao might still be in the southern mainland.

They have not forgotten Wei Xiao's purpose in going to the Southern Continent.

Now that Yan Chuan Huizi raised it, Shu Wang was also curious.

Wei Xiao smiled slightly.

"They are all right, and they have established themselves in the Southern Continent. In addition, the only wild corpse emperor over there has become their bag, and the future development will only get better and better."

"That's good, as long as they are okay, everything is fine." After Yan Chuan Huizi heard what Wei Xiao said, his hanging heart could finally let go.

"Where is Chu Tianhe? Did you go to see him this time?" Shu Wang asked.


Wei Xiao didn't wait for Shuwang and the others to come by, and talked about what he had encountered in the Southern Continent with Shuwang and them.

When they heard that Bai Youwei and the others were almost wiped out by Chu Tianhe's sneak attack, the second daughter was afraid for a long time.

Fortunately, Wei Xiao arrived in time, otherwise they couldn't imagine what would happen.

Shu Wang: "I didn't expect Chu Tianhe to have grown to this point in just one or two years. This person's luck and perseverance are really beyond the reach of others."

"Sometimes luck is also a kind of strength. I left Chu Tianhe at the beginning, and now it seems that the results are good. The Corpse Emperor has already appeared, and I have no absolute certainty to win the strength of his body, plus his independent consciousness. Doppelganger, maybe they will need their power to deal with the corpse emperor in the future. Of course, the premise is that he is sufficiently knowledgeable."

"What if Chu Tianhe doesn't want to be an enemy of the corpse clan?" Shu Wang asked.

Her worries are not aimless.

Because of the hatred between Wei Xiao and Chu Tianhe.

It was like a deep hatred of the sea, enough to make Chu Tianhe do some things that the law of heaven cannot tolerate.

Wei Xiao knew what Shu Wang meant, and sneered: "If that's the case, then he doesn't need to live anymore. He can't even tell the importance of this, so leave it to me to trouble you?"

"You just have to know it in your heart."

"By the way, let me tell you something." Shu Wang turned around.

"what's up?"

"It's about potion five."

"During this period of time, through feeding those first-level zombies transported back from the southern continent, ninety-two giant zombies have been born on the corpse cage. Because you are not there, Professor Bokang and the others are afraid to advocate for the final step of training. Now that you are back, can you let them make potion No. 5?"

"So many giant zombies?"

"After all, there are two or three hundred thousand first-level zombies, and there are very few giant zombies."

"Then let Professor Bokang and the others execute it! Hmm..." Wei Xiao said, thinking of something, he took out a potion from his arms.

"This is?"

Seeing the genetic medicine in Wei Xiao's hand, Shu Wang's heart trembled.

"The Frost Potion, obtained from the Southern Continent, matches your abilities, so I brought it back to you."

"Thanks husband!"

Shu Wang was not polite, and happily received the No. 5 potion from Wei Xiao's hand, and sent a enthusiastic kiss.

Wei Xiao smiled and looked at Huizi Yan Chuan: "Huizi, your medicine will be given to you after the new batch of No. 5 medicine is extracted. This time, you and Xiaoying will each have two medicines."

Yan Chuan Huizi knew that Wei Xiao was considering her feelings.

Yan Chuan Keiko, who is not a jealous person, shook his head.

"No master, I don't need to do anything. There is no need to waste genetic medicine on me. I am willing to share my share with Xiaoying and Shuwang."

"What is given to you is yours. They need it. I will naturally find a way for them."


"Okay, it's getting late, daughter-in-law, shouldn't it be time to perform your duties?"

Wei Xiao showed an unkind smile on his face.

They were all old husbands and wives. Wei Xiao smiled. Why didn't Shu Wang know what he wanted to do?

Shu Wang pretended not to understand.

"Husband, what responsibilities do you perform? Washing and cooking or squeezing your shoulders and back?"

Wei Xiao grinned his teeth when he saw Shu Wang's knowingly asking.

"Giving birth!"


She stood up and hugged Shu Wang directly. In her exclamation, Wei Xiao glanced at the shy-faced Yan Chuan Huizi.

"Keiko, did I carry you away or did you follow?"

"Ah...oh! I'll go by myself."

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