Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1501: Fortunately, it is an energy clone

for a long time.

When everything is calm.


A figure fell from among the flying smoke clouds.

The phantom that had lost the world of law, and the phantom whose energy armor had dissipated, knelt on the ground like a white paper.

With blood flowing all over her body, she tried to get up several times but failed.

At the same time, 100 meters in front of her, Liu Xian'er's body was floating in the air.

The whole body is pierced with hundreds of holes, and the figure is thin.

The energy constantly surging toward the hollows of her body dilutes the clarity of her entire figure at all times.

When the missing places on her body are filled up, her whole person is already like a transparent shell, as if it will drift away in the wind at any time.

Looking at the phantom who was kneeling on the ground, Liu Xian'er's confused face was filled with shock and anger.


Unexpectedly, the full explosion of the Phantom will bring her such a terrifying loss to Liu Xian'er. With a grim face, she raised her hand to release the power to the Phantom on the ground.

But when she made her move, the abilities had just been mobilized, and Liu Xian'er's raised arm disappeared in the air.

As for the Phantom, there is an invisible force acting on her.

But the power is not great, even when this force is about to destroy her body, she disappears without a trace in an instant.

The Phantom was puzzled.

Did Liu Xian'er show mercy to her men?

Even more puzzled is yet to come.

When the Phantom discovered Liu Xian'er's situation, a pair of star eyes narrowed slightly.

What is Liu Xian'er?

How does her body seem to dissipate at any time?

"Damn it!"

Liu Xian'er found her arm disappeared, turning anger into anger.

"Just a little bit, just a little bit this emperor can ruin everything about Wei Xiao, but it's you, the **** phantom, you make this emperor fall short."

Liu Xian'er hissed hard, and the eyes that stared at Phantom Shadow were full of endless killing intent.

The Phantom seemed to have discovered something from Liu Xian'er's body, his eyes were a bit solemn.

"You are not the body of the Dark Night Empress?"

"What if I know? The emperor underestimated you. But it doesn't matter, even if the clone of the emperor does not have much extra energy at the moment, it is enough to kill you. Let Wei Xiao lose a beloved woman, the emperor. It's a worthwhile trip. Take it to death!"

Liu Xian'er's voice fell, and the whole body rioted with abnormal energy.

At the cost of depleting the body condensed by the last different energy below the head, above Liu Xian'er's figure, a giant with only a half body whizzed out.

Under the gaze of the Phantom, the giant gathered all the power in one punch, and then bombarded the Phantom's figure.



At the moment of crisis, on a barren ground in the distance, a giant beast broke out of the ruins.

The body over fifty meters is back between the heaven and the earth.

When the giant beast noticed the situation on the Phantom side, without a trace of hesitation, thunder burst out in his hand, and quickly condensed a huge rod formed by thunder and threw it directly.

The giant electric rod turned into a flash of lightning and broke through the air.

When Liu Xian'er sacrificed the giant body below the head and was about to kill the Phantom, the giant electric rod directly pierced the opponent's body.

With a "squeak", the thunder that condensed the electric rods bloomed like a lotus, instantly enveloping the giant's body, and annihilated it in the air.

"Asshole, who is doing bad things about this emperor?"

The last blow was destroyed, and Liu Xian'er was furious.

Liu Xian'er turned to look at the giant beast.

"Is it you beast?"

Seeing the general in the distance, Liu Xian'er was full of ferocious eyes.




Suddenly, an icy voice sounded in her ears, and Liu Xian'er had just realized something, before she turned her head, she was frozen by a cold light.


As an ice thorn hit the frozen head, Liu Xian'er's last body turned into countless fragments scattered on the ground.

"Oh oh—"

Liu Xian'er's clones disappeared, and at the same time, the vine army who was still fiercely fighting with the defenders in the Immortal City screamed unwillingly.

Whether it is vines or tree people, as if there is a terrible suction pulling them underground, they sink into the earth one after another, and finally disappear.


"Master (Xiaoying)——"

The general in the distance and the seriously injured Shu Wang came to the Phantom.

"Eldest Sister..."

Shu Wang came over and helped the Phantom Shadow up.

The energy armor on his body receded, and Shu Wang, who showed a pale face, asked concerned, "Is it all right?"

The Phantom was struggling, but still shook his head.

The two girls looked at the place where Liu Xian'er finally dissipated.

Shu Wang: "Did you kill her?"

Phantom: "No, only the clone of the Empress of the Dark Night is here. If not, the body who visits her personally will not be defeated by us in the end because we don't have enough power to use the means."

"What? Doppelganger?"

Phantom nodded.

She was worried and said: "Eldest sister, if I didn't guess wrong, the real Empress of the Dark Night, I am afraid that her strength has reached the true peak."

"What peak?"

"The corpse race is supreme. Our strength comes from the genes of the corpse race. Theoretically speaking, the corpse emperor rank is the ceiling of our strength. Today's emperor of the dark night is like a corpse emperor. In the future, the immortal city, including the owner, will be troublesome. NS."

Shu Wang: "How is this possible? My husband has defeated the corpse emperor with his own hands, even if the dark night female emperor reaches the height of the corpse emperor, she cannot be her husband's opponent."

"No, the master defeated the Supreme Envoy. Even if the Supreme Envoy is controlled by the Corpse Emperor, what he inherits is only the entire power of the Corpse Emperor..."

"Elder sister, don’t forget, your own strength is always limited, just like just now, only relying on my own strength, is not the opponent of the female emperor of the dark night at all, in the end, she was hit hard by mobilizing the power of nature to upgrade her cultivation to the emperor level. ."


After listening to the explanation of Phantom, Shu Wang was stunned, speechless.

Obviously, Shu Wang had already recognized what the Phantom said in his heart.

But she couldn't accept it for a while.

It can be said that the information about the corpse emperor collected from the immortal city is within their control. But now, the Phantom had told her that the real corpse emperor might not even be able to deal with Wei Xiao. Such an impact was not insignificant to Shu Wang.

Is Liu Xian'er who has reached the height of the corpse emperor really so strong?

The Phantom didn't know Shu Wang's inner thoughts, looked into the distance, and muttered: "The only hope now lies in the master. I hope he can still suppress everything with enough strength."


Wolf city.

In the room where Liu Xian'er was.


A mouthful of blood was spit out from Liu Xian'er's mouth.

With her face slightly pale, after a long period of silence, a hint of bitterness appeared on her face.

"Has it failed? As expected to be the second strongest in the world, it is still a little insufficient to rely solely on energy clones. This may be God's will!"

As he said, Liu Xian'er looked out the window with a poignant look, and smiled bitterly at the corner of his mouth.

"In the end, you still have to take this step. You should come to the door yourself soon, right? Haha! Fortunately, the world says that your Wei Xiao's strength is a mystery. This time, let me see how much your real strength is. powerful."


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