Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1536: Sisters work together to fight the corpse emperor

"Yan Yi, what's wrong with You Wei?"

Ni Qingcheng and the others looked at Bai Youwei who was unconscious in Yan Yi's arms, and their eyes were full of concern.

Yan Yi shook his head.

"Sister Youwei is okay, but she passed out due to her injuries. Sister Qingcheng, you have to be careful. The Saint Crimson Corpse Emperor's strength is very strong, and the initial cultivation base of Sister Youwei is not his opponent."

The three women wrinkled their eyebrows at the same time.

"The Southern Continent has a lot of surprises for the deity. First there was Chu Tianhe, and then you group of unknown powerhouses. In terms of overall strength, the eastern and western continents are far worse than here."

The saint came from a distance.

The injury caused by Mu Wuqing's attack has been restored as the sacred judge absorbed the residual power in the air.

Once again, he resumed his calm and confident attitude, and with every step he took, the spear that was gathering in his hand increased by an inch.

The three women turned around.

Looking solemnly at the corpse emperor walking towards them.

Ni Qingcheng: "Are you sure?"

She said this to Mu Wuqing.

Among the three, only Mu Wuqing's strength broke through the emperor rank.

It was learned from Yan Yi that Bai Youwei, who was also an emperor, was not the opponent of the sage referee, and did not know whether Mu Wuqing could defeat the sage referee, so Ni Qingcheng asked.

Mu Wu's face was cold and solemn.

"I can't guarantee it. At present, my strength is a small class stronger than that of Youwei. I wonder if my mid-term emperor-level strength can deal with him?"

After receiving Mu Wuqing's response, Ni Qingcheng and Jiang Xiyu had the answer in their hearts.

Jiang Xiyu: "Yan Yi, leave here with Chang Bai and Youwei, and leave the rest to us."

Yan Yi was taken aback when he heard the words.

"Sister Qingcheng, you--"

Before Yan Yi could finish her words, Ni Qingcheng interrupted: "This is not the time to get angry. You Wei and Chang Bai both need someone to take care of them. We can't feel at ease without a person who is at ease by their side. Take them away. You must ensure the safety of You Wei."

Ni Qingcheng's words came with unquestionable orders.

Yan Yi opened his mouth, and looked at the holy judge who was approaching them step by step, and finally made a sensible choice.

"Three sisters, you must be careful."

"rest assured."

Yan Yi no longer hesitated any more, manipulating the airflow to bring Chang Bai, who was seriously injured and recovering, to his body. Without a moment of hesitation, he cleared an unimpeded retreat with his powers, and directly led the two of them and left behind.

"Can you go?"

When the saint saw Yan Yi's behavior, a chill of nine cold days struck Ni Qingcheng and the others.


The seemingly calm night sky, but at this moment an invisible confrontation began.

The shot was Jiang Xiyu.

Feeling a familiar force, she directly activated her mind to compete with her.

Two invisible forces collided in the night sky.

As the violent explosion sound spread, Jiang Xiyu, who stood beside Mu Wuqing and the others, suddenly backed away a few steps, and a blood spilled involuntarily from the corner of his mouth.


Mu Wuqing and Ni Qingcheng were shocked and looked at Jiang Xiyu with worry.

"It's okay. This sage avatar is really strong. I have entered the late stage of the extreme emperor's realm, but in front of him, I can't even resist the abilities he released for long. If I face this alone, I am afraid that it will not take a few minutes. There is no more power to fight back. Then you have to be careful." Jiang Xiyu wiped off the blood on the corners of his mouth, his eyes were extremely solemn.

Mu Wuqing and the others naturally did not dare to slack in the slightest.

King Kong glared at the sacred judge in front of him.

"Then let me see how powerful the so-called corpse emperor is."

Mu Wu's voice fell silently, and his whole body instantly enveloped a layer of flame.

Condensed from a sword of flames in the hand.

Suddenly, Mu Wuqing rushed towards the holy judge.

With a swing of the sword, the flame sword light swept out.

Scorching sword aura swept across the ground, wherever it went, the sand was ignited by the sweeping sword aura.


The sanctuary was blocked, and it was no longer possible to prevent Yan Yi from leaving.

As for other zombies, a strong man in the extreme emperor peak realm wants to leave, unless a corpse emperor above level 9 is present, and it is not a single existence, otherwise, it is impossible to keep the opponent at all.

Some angry saints swung their guns to disperse the oncoming flame sword energy.

"They are gone, then you can leave it to the deity!"

"It depends on whether you have this strength."


Mu Wuqing's figure approached, and the sky full of sword shadows greeted the holy tailor crazily.

The referee wielded the spear in his hand to fight with him.

The gun swept the flames, the sword cut the cold light.

In the fierce confrontation, within a few breaths, the two sides have made no fewer than a hundred shots.

"Let's go too!"


Ni Qingcheng and Jiang Xiyu are about to join the battle, and the corpse army on one side will not watch their supreme being bullied by others.

The seven corpse emperors directly released their abilities to the two girls while roaring.

The supernatural abilities that change the world and the earth, in all directions, are like rushing torrents and waves sweeping towards them.

"It seems that we need someone to contain the corpse emperor." Jiang Xiyu said.

"Let me do it!"

Mu Wuqing's strength was weaker than Jiang Xiyu's.

She doesn't know if dealing with the sacred judge will become a burden, but if she is dealing with an eighth-level corpse emperor, she is comparable to the tenth-level corpse emperor.

Compared to her, Jiang Xiyu, who is stronger than her, will obviously be more effective in helping Mu Wuqing than her.

Jiang Xiyu didn't argue either.

Leaving the corpse emperor to Ni Qingcheng, she dodged to avoid the corpse emperor's attack and joined the battle circle where the sage judge and Mu Wuqing were.

Jiang Xiyu wandered around the edge of the battle circle, minimizing direct contact with the holy judge.

In the case of Mu Wuqing's main attack, he constantly released his thought power to interfere with the shooting frequency of the holy judge.

Under the interference of Jiang Xiyu, the saint referee's offensive on Mu Wuqing slowed down.

Jiang Xiyu interrupted every time he repelled Mu Wuqing who just wanted to chase after him.

Unable to deal with Mu Wuqing with all his strength, the holy judge wanted to solve Jiang Xiyu's troublesome person for the first time.

But Mu Wuqing would not give him this opportunity.

With his strength reaching the middle stage of the emperor rank, Mu Wuqing has been able to bring a lot of pressure to the sage referee.

The confrontation between the two sides is inseparable, and it is almost impossible for the holy judge to deal with Jiang Xiyu alone without Mu Wuqing.

the other side.

Faced with the seven corpse emperors alone, Ni Qingcheng, Qigong combined with the use of wind power, under the siege of the seven corpse emperors, although it did not have the upper hand, it also formed an effective check on the corpse emperor.

Especially Ni Qingcheng's use of the supernatural power of wind.

The large-scale storm swept the corpse group, except for the seven corpse emperors who could compete with them head-on, those zombies below the level of the corpse emperor had no chance to approach the battlefield.

The battle between the strong is so cruel.

Without a certain amount of strength, rushing into the war circle will only cost his life in vain.

Although there are many corpses, they can do nothing but surround Ni Qingcheng at this time.

Those unwilling roars seemed to vent the anger in their hearts.

Look at Mu Wuqing and the others again.

In the confrontation between the strongest combat power, facing Mu Wuqing, a powerful opponent, while the saint brought some damage to the opponent, he also left the damage given by Mu Wuqing and Jiang Xiyu. .

This is what Bai Youwei had never done before.

According to this sign, it is not difficult to guess that the strength of the avatar should be between the late emperor rank and the peak.


Accompanied by a powerful explosion.

Together with Jiang Xiyu, Mu Wuqing, who also competed with the holy referee with different abilities, exploded suddenly after the abilities released by the three parties reached a critical point.

The surging air wave lifted both sides.

Under the powerful impact, the three powerhouses were all seriously injured and fell to the ground.

"Human, you angered the deity by sinking to the bottom."

The body was full of scars, and the awkward sage stood up from the ground.

At this moment, his eyes were full of anger, and blood purple waves were diffused all over his body.

In the entire space, there are a large number of abilities scattered in the air that merge into the body of the saint like a river.

Mu Wuqing and Jiang Xiyu got up.

When they looked at the figure of Sheng Cai, their eyes showed shocked colors.

"How can this be?"

The injuries on the holy referee are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What's more terrifying is that as the extraordinarily abilities remaining in the air continue to pour into the body of the holy judge, Mu Wuqing can clearly feel that the aura of the holy judge is returning to its peak state.

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