Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1565: The moment Chu Tianhe longed for came

Killing Wei Xiao personally has long become Chu Tianhe's obsession.

Obsessed with obsession.

Don't look at Chu Tianhe's reminder through the night that the hatred of Wei Xiao was transferred to the immortal city, but whenever the words "Wei Xiao" appeared, it would become a lingering pain in Chu Tianhe's heart.

No one hates Wei Xiao more than Chu Tianhe, and longs for Wei Xiao to live.

What he said just now was not just pretending.

If there is a way to resurrect Wei Xiao, there is no doubt, even if Shu Wang and the others do not agree to resurrect Wei Xiao, Chu Tianhe will not agree.

Chu Tianhe's hatred of Wei Xiao has been distorted.

It is a kind of unstoppable heart that doesn't reach the goal, if it can't be done by hand, it will be lingering forever.

Yun Ning: "Husband, no matter how unwilling you are, it won't help now. Wei Xiao has fallen, and no matter how entangled you are, you can't make him come alive. But Wei Xiao still has an immortal city, which is his life's painstaking effort. Destroying her will not be enough to offset the hatred Wei Xiao brought to you, but at least it will allow you to have an explanation for the sisters who died tragically in Wei Xiao's hands."

"I think if those sisters are alive in the sky and know what you have done for them, they can rest in peace."

Chu Tianhe was silent for a moment.

"Yeah! People are already dead, what's the point of my entanglement? Since there is no way to retrieve the pain he brought me from him, let him leave the immortal city, and his woman will pay for it all. !"

Quickly adjusted his mentality, Chu Tianhe returned to his seat.

"By the way, is the night still in Jiutian City?"

Although half of the supplies were taken away last night, he himself did not leave Jiutian City.

If Chu Tianhe wanted to unify the candle-lighting in the south, if he could get Ye's support, it would definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

Seeing that Chu Tianhe was no longer entangled in Wei Xiao's affairs, Yun Ning shook his head while he was relieved and said, "He disappeared early this morning. He should have left."


"Is he eager to develop his own power?"

"Husband, although Wei Xiao is gone, we must be more careful about this night in the future. This man is not small, and in the future, it will inevitably become our confidant."

Yun Ning could see clearly.

After all, Ye's strength lies there.

What's more, there is an extremely mysterious force behind him, which cannot tolerate Yun Ning's carelessness.

"I know. Now the Immortal City is still there, and there is no conflict between us. After the Immortal City is destroyed, there is no need to exist this night. How can people snoring on the side of the couch, this world is destined to have only one master. "


Just as Chu Tianhe's voice fell, a series of rapid footsteps came from outside the palace.

Not long after, a female guard hurried in.

"Your Majesty, the big thing is not good."

Chu Tianhe looked at the female guard who appeared, and her brows were slightly frowned.

"What happened?"

The waitress looked panicked.

"Yes, someone is attacking Jiutian City."



The outermost part of Jiutian City.

A figure stepped into the air from a distance.

The body was wrapped in a gilt black robe, and he was wearing a gilded jumpsuit. He looked straight ahead with a cold look, holding a knife in one hand, and moving forward, turning a blind eye to the humans who spotted him and pointed along the way.

The warrior guarding the walls of Jiutian City spotted the presence of the incoming person, and the guard shouted to stop him on the spot.

"Who? Don't you know that Jiutian City prohibits flying? Come down to me right away, otherwise, I will kill you without mercy."

Arriving at an altitude of about 500 meters in front of the city wall, the visitors stopped and stood in the sky.

A stern face under the hat lifted up, his sharp eyes staring straight ahead.

"I have no grievances and no grudges against you, and I don't want to kill more. This trip is for one person. Give me way, live, stand in my way, and die!"


Hearing Wei Xiaoniubi's booming words, the guard laughed angrily.

"Second Captain, blow him down for Lao Tzu."

He was also a violent defender who gave orders directly to the warriors in charge of the energy turret on the city wall.

As soon as his order came out, there were two turrets charging up on the tower.

In the huge running mouth, the gleaming energy is quickly converging.

This is not the first time Wei Xiao has visited Jiutian City.

But last time he hadn't been transformed, only with a mortal body, even if he was powerful, but the hardware was too poor to withstand the attack of the energy cannon.

But now it's different.

After going through the "catastrophe" and being protected by purple and white electric light, and the physical body reached a terrifying height under the tempering of thunder, now Wei Xiao is not afraid of these black technologies that once made him retreat.

Before the turret on the tower fired, the sheathed long knife in Wei Xiao's hand was taken out.

It wasn't the Emperor Sword, but Bai Youwei's weapon, and it was also the Emperor Wu.

No way, Wei Xiao’s previous Emperor Sword had been lost in the non-Chief Continent, Fengwu Heavenly City was destroyed, and the spare Emperor Sword was also missing.

Unable to find his own standard equipment, Wei Xiao could only find this emperor killer from the hands of the women.

With a long knife in his hand, Wei Xiao Hengkong, with an indifferent expression, slashed it out.

The blade of a large number of purple and white electric lights cut across the city wall in front.

Hearing a loud bang, the one hundred-meter-long city wall in front of Wei Xiao was turned into ashes and disappeared.

"Oh my God!"

"Get out of here!"




Originally, those people who were watching the theater outside the city saw this scene, and their brains were cut off for a while.

As for the city wall destroyed by Wei Xiao, the soldiers on the wall had already been wiped out.

Some of the fighters on the two sides affected were injured and screamed, while some immediately entered a state of fighting.

The wall was destroyed, and the strong came.

The alarm bell in the city rang suddenly.

The surrounding walls of the originally peaceful city became boiling for a while.


The Nine Sky City side quickly organized its battle.

The war broke out, and from the front, intensive firepower poured frantically at Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao didn't evade.

The purple-white electric light on his body spread out toward the front like a raised ball of light.

The rapid spread of lightning engulfed large swathes of city walls in an instant.

At this moment, the soldiers in it felt that the surrounding environment suddenly became quiet.

Obviously, you could see the energy cannonballs and energy beams fired by the weapons in the hands of the companions constantly shooting towards Wei Xiao's figure, but there was no sound in their ears.

But this is not the scary place.

What shocked them was that after the light wave swept through just now, all of their movements became slow and uncontrollable.


"what happened--"

Only Wei Xiao, who was unaffected, approached the city wall.

When he walked in the courtyard, walking like a rain without a drop of rain, entering the city from the missing wall, the soldiers who turned their heads took tens of seconds to complete, suddenly exploded.

"Boom boom boom——"

The wall above the city wall returned to normal.

Thousands of troops guarding a city wall all turned into a rain of blood and spilled inside and outside the city wall.

"How can this be?"

"Ability person, he is an ability person!"

The soldiers who came to support from other directions saw this scene, and each one was frightened to death.

Facing the figure that Wei Xiao kept approaching the highest castle in the city, they didn't even dare to attack again for a while.

"What are you waiting for? Kill him for me."

Some generals roared.

Take the initiative to shoot at Wei Xiao in the sky.

The energy beam shoots out from the energy weapon in his hand.

His actions were undoubtedly a signal, which immediately caused other fighters to follow suit.

Another wave of intensive attacks arrived.

But Wei Xiao turned a blind eye.

All the energy beams directed at him were blocked by a layer of purple-white electric light three meters away from his figure.

Wei Xiao, who was constantly approaching the highest castle, his eyes condensed.

The air is surging in the sky.

The endless waves of air gathered in the headspace of Wei Xiao, turning into blood red in a blink of an eye.

"Swish swish—"

With these air currents condensed into a blade.

All areas where energy rays came to Wei Xiao were baptized.

Whether it's the Nine Sky City fighters, the buildings in that area, or the innocent citizens.

All were destroyed under the sweep of Scarlet Blade.

Two consecutive shots brought shocking destruction to the citizens and soldiers of Jiutian City. For a while, the soldiers who watched Wei Xiao approaching the main castle, even if they wished to shoot Wei Xiao down, did not dare to take another shot.

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