Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 177: This group of people is unusual

Few people who can live to the present have never killed zombies. Dealing with zombies, they have summed up a set of fighting methods that suit them.

As long as it does not encounter a large number of zombies besieged, a team of more than a dozen people, with a cold weapon in hand, will not be a problem to deal with a hundred and eighty ordinary zombies.

"Everyone, hurry up. The zombies don't know when they will come back. Now, they can move as much food as they can."

On one street, a team of more than twenty people cleaned up the zombies that were scattered around, and then rushed into major supermarket stores to carry supplies.

Food and water are naturally the first to bear the brunt. In addition to these, clothing and bedding are also essential.

After all, winter is coming. If you don't collect more warm things, it will be difficult for some people to survive the first winter after the end of the world.


"There is a sound of cars?"

Just as these people were full of enthusiasm, Wei Xiao drove to the street among them.

"Others continue to carry supplies, Xiao Wu, you guys come with me!" A man who should be the leader of this team greeted several younger brothers and walked towards Wei Xiao.

"Outsiders?" The leader asked, standing in front of Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao turned off the car and sat on the floor with his feet on the floor.

At this time, the leader discovered that Wei Xiao's equipment was not ordinary.

Except for the outfit that looks very cool, not to mention the protection of the whole body, even the weapon is only the long sword made of jade behind him.

These people suddenly became less vigilant about Wei Xiao, and their expressions became natural.

"I ask you something..."

"Brother, I'm able to be patient, so I was alone in the end of the world." The leader came to Wei Xiao and looked around him: "Cow, this dress can catch up with the Terminator in the movie. Brothers will have nothing special. Do you like it?"


The leader answered the question. Unscrupulously teasing Wei Xiao, causing his group of brothers to laugh.

Wei Xiao's face was slightly cold.

"Can you talk well this way?"

I saw Wei Xiao grabbing his right hand to his waist and aiming a black pistol at the leader's head.


The boys were shocked when they saw this scene.

The leader who was ridiculing Wei Xiao before, let alone continue teasing Wei Xiao, it would be nice to make sure that his body does not tremble.

With a cold sweat on his forehead, the leader laughed and said, "Brother, if you have something to say, why not use a knife and a gun?"

"Do you listen to me speaking well?"

"Brother, I'll tell you everything you want, as long as I know. Can you remove the guy in your hand first, it's easy to get angry."

"Don't talk nonsense. Let me ask you, where can you get a big truck? It's best to use it."

Seeing that Wei Xiao was still holding his gun at him, the leader was full of tears.

"Big brother, I don't know about this. You can go to the industrial area to see, there may be a large truck you want over there."

"Who among you knows?"

The little brothers of the leader looked at each other and shook their heads one by one.

In vain.

I thought that I could get what I wanted from these people, but I wasted my time in vain.

Wei Xiao stopped his gun and was about to leave after starting his motorcycle.

"Made, still want to go?"

Just as Wei Xiao was about to leave, the leader who was closest to him suddenly turned sullen.


He was just about to use the blade in his hand to sneak attack on Wei Xiao, but before he could do it, a familiar gunshot sounded and the leader's head was pierced on the spot.

"Damn it!"

It was not Wei Xiao's shot.

Almost at the moment when the leader was shot, Wei Xiao jumped off the motorcycle and tumbled on the ground to hide behind a wall.


At this moment, the sound of locomotive engines in the distance spread.

What caught Wei Xiao's eyes was a heavily armed motorcade galloping towards them.

"The boss is dead, run!"

Those younger brothers who were obviously slower to react did not recover until a long time.

Someone exclaimed, and the survivors who were moving supplies suddenly dispersed.

"Oh oh oh……"

"Da da da……"

The convoy that appeared came to kill, and the people sitting in the car frantically took guns at the survivors who were on the run.

Many people who did not find a place to hide in the first time were shot and killed while fleeing, and the scene was chaotic.

"Clean up all the men who resisted, and the women grabbed them. Don't let them run away."

The convoy stopped.

From above, men with guns walked down.

They quickly dispersed and arrested the survivors who were on the run.

For women, they were all caught up and concentrated in one place, while men, if lucky, were beaten by them and brought back to the middle of the street. If they were unlucky, they caught up and shot them.

Wei Xiao's eyes were deep cold.

This is a group of thugs, but where did their weapons come from?

There is no room for Wei Xiao to think that someone has already walked towards him.

"A group of people who do not live or die." Wei Xiao snorted coldly, and took out two pistols in his hand.

"There is another person here."

When the figure was found, Wei Xiao no longer hid.

Leaping directly from behind the wall, the pistol was aimed at the person in the line of sight and fired in bursts.



I didn't expect that there was a thug with a gun in this group of survivors. In the first place, seven or eight people fell under Wei Xiao's gun.

Wei Xiao moved quickly and rushed to the opposite house to hide.

"Asshole! Kill him for me!"

Someone snarled hysterically.

In a blink of an eye, they lost seven or eight people. The other angry mob reacted, and the guns in their hands shot at the place where Wei Xiao was hiding.

The intensive firepower is beyond imagination.

These people not only have rifles and submachine guns, but they are also equipped with light machine guns.

Wei Xiao, who was hiding in the house, did not stay on the first floor. He turned over to the second floor and fired several shots outside through a window.

No guns or guns hit the thugs, but the thugs also paid three casualties.

"Pay attention to concealment, he is upstairs, kill him for me."

"Boom boom boom..."

Just as Wei Xiao was about to get rid of the commander, his pupils suddenly opened.

"Depend on!"

Gunshots different from conventional weapons sounded.

A heavy machine gun mounted on the locomotive fired wildly at the room on the second floor where Wei Xiao was.

Grandma's legs!

Who are these people, the equipment is even more gorgeous than his Wei Xiao?


Without giving Wei Xiao a chance to breathe, a sound that made Wei Xiao's hair frightened soon came from outside.

Wei Xiao made a decisive decision and jumped out from a window behind the second floor of the house.


This group of people is really not ordinary horror.

Falling on the ground and looking at the second floor engulfed by smoke, Wei Xiao's mouth twitched badly.

"Even a rocket launcher?"

I don't know how to describe these people.

With such firepower, Wei Xiao didn't doubt that they had an arsenal.

Wei Xiao hurriedly stood up, quickly shifted his position, and galloped towards the tall building not far away.

After the people outside used the bazooka, a group of people surrounded the building.

"Brother poison, no corpse was found inside. The person who killed our brother may have jumped out of the window and escaped." A report came from inside the house.

"Made, find it for me, never let him escape."


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