Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 182: Plan and decide

"Husband, are you back?"

In Villa No. 1, Shu Wang and the others are already having dinner.

Because Wei Xiao told Phantom in the morning that he might not be back today, so I didn't think Wei Xiao would come back and looked at them, so he didn't wait for him.

In the past, before his head of the family came, Shu Wang would not use chopsticks first.

"Did you keep my share?" Wei Xiao asked when he came to Shu Wang's back, bowed his head and kissed her seductive little mouth.

Shu Wang gave him a blank look.

"Go and add a pair of bowls and chopsticks to the Lord."

"Yes, Master Shu Wang!" The servant replied, and went to the kitchen to get Wei Xiao bowls and chopsticks.

Wei Xiao sat down between Shu Wang and Yan Chuan Huizi.

Seeing Xiao Wei Ling looking at Yan Chuan Huizi with big eyes in her arms, Wei Xiao stretched out his hand and squeezed her little face.

"Good girl, do you miss dad?"

Yan Chuan Huizi smiled happily: "Ling'er can't speak yet, even if she thinks of her master, she can't speak."


As soon as the mother's words fell, the little guy suddenly laughed.

With this smile, Wei Xiao's heart was almost cute.

"Look, didn't the daughter say that? I miss my dad very much!"

"Hehe...husband, do you know baby language?" Bai Youwei quipped.

Others looked at Wei Xiao, with curiosity in their eyes.

This is the influence of the head of the family.

What understands baby language? Anyone with a bit of knowledge knows that it is fake, not to mention that they are all adults.

But when Bai Youwei asked Wei Xiao, Jiang Xiyu and the others naturally acted like "Does her husband really know baby talk", and they were still curious from their hearts.

"Don't tell, don't tell." Wei Xiao pretended to be mysterious.

"Master, your meal!"

Wei Xiao took over the meal served by the maid: "Eat!"

The sweet dinner passed without knowing it.

At night, Bai Youwei and the others were doing their own things on the second floor. The hall was now completely handed over to Wei Xiao and his men.

Around Wei Xiao, there were not only the old cadres like Yi Jianfeng, Leng Chengfeng, and Lan Qiang, but also Wu Ming and Zhong Cheng who had just joined them.

"Master, call us, is there something to explain?" Yi Jianfeng asked first.

"What information did the soldiers who were investigating the movement of the corpse tide bring back?" Wei Xiao was most concerned about the movement of the corpse tide.

Yi Jianfeng organized a language and said: "According to the intelligence brought back by the soldiers, the corpse tide is now less than five kilometers away from our place. At most three days, we will face the impact of the corpse tide. We have arranged the defense, but I don’t know if there is anything else the Lord has to arrange?"

"Three days? Three days is enough."

After checking the time, Wei Xiao nodded when he found no problem.

"I’m calling you tonight because I am going to take you out to do something tomorrow. Of course, whether you can go out with me depends on your abilities. Chengfeng, Jianfeng, and Cun will be fine. It remains to be considered."

"The Lord can tell us what conditions are needed." Ming Yulan said.

"How many of you can drive tanks?"


Hearing what Wei Xiao said, everyone was shocked and at the same time full of confusion.

What do you do to drive a tank? There seems to be no tanks in the base except for two armored vehicles! ,

Leng Chengfeng's eyes shook when he thought of something.

"Master, are you planning to go to the battle base tomorrow?"

"Battle base?" Jing Tianzhong was surprised at first, and then dissuaded him: "Master, it is absolutely impossible. Not to mention that the battle base is more than 100 kilometers away from us. Even if we get there, it will be difficult to change in various ways. Weapons were obtained under the enclosure of zombies. The number of mutant zombies over there is simply unimaginable."

"Don't get excited, I didn't say I'm going to the battle base."

"What do you mean by Lord?" Leng Chengfeng was puzzled.

"It's actually nothing. I originally wanted to do something when I went out today, but something changed midway. I found a team of armed survivors in Fenghua District. They had heavy machine guns, bazookas, tanks, and tanks. Waiting for heavy weapons. It is a pity that so many luxurious weapons and equipment have been given to a group of thugs, and I want to get them over."

"Fenghua District? Is it the area where Haitian District is the past?" Wu Ming asked suddenly with excitement.

"Yes, why, there is a problem?"

Before Wu Ming could speak, Sedum Bell said sadly: "Master, when we and the officer were killed from the military base, we passed through the Fenghua District, and there were many casualties of our comrades. If I am not wrong, , The team of survivors in your mouth, the weapons and equipment they possess, are most likely left by us."

"There is such a thing?" Wei Xiao was a little surprised.

"It shouldn't be wrong. Zombies are only interested in flesh and blood, and they can't eat those iron bumps."

After doing it for a long time, it turned out that the guys held by Ba Xiong should have belonged to Wei Xiao!

It is even more important to let it go.

I borrowed something that should have belonged to me, Wei Xiao, now I'm going to get it back, isn't it too much?

"Master, it is very likely that our comrades-in-arms exist in this survivor team." Zhong Cheng said.

Wei Xiao's face suddenly became gloomy.

Upon discovering this, Zhong Cheng asked inadequately: "Master, did I say something wrong?"

Wei Xiao waved his hand.

"What you said may not be unavailable, but before I come back, I already have a plan to deal with that group. I will not give up my decided plan just because there are your comrades in it. You can only pray that they can survive the chaos. ."

"This, why is this?" Zhong Cheng puzzled.

"I never need to explain to anyone when I do things, you just need to listen. Okay, going back to the previous topic, how many of you can drive tanks?"

Seeing that Wei Xiao obviously didn't want to be entangled in this topic, Zhong Cheng and the others who responded in his heart, although a little uncomfortable, did not have any extra thoughts.

"Lord, we will all." Jingtianzhong said.

What he meant was the city of everyone who joined the base with him.

"Anyone else?"

Except for those whom Wei Xiao could be sure of, no one else answered.

In this way, the people who will be with Wei Xiao tomorrow are sure.

He, Yi Jianfeng, Leng Chengfeng, Li Cunyong, Wu Ming, Zhong Cheng, Sedum Bell, and Hu Shuixian, a total of eight people, seven men and one woman.

"Master, in fact, I will too. My skills are superb, and I have been a tank driver for decades." Lan Qiang said.

Wei Xiao directly chose to ignore him.

The armored vehicles were all driven by him as ordinary cars, do I need to say whether the Lan Gun would drive the tanks?

"You stay at the base."

Lan Qiang was very sad for not being selected, of course, it was just a joke.

Lan Qiang didn't report much hope.

But the master is also too witty. He can see through his superb acting skills at a glance. It seems that he still has to find a chance to learn more acting skills with Ling Qifen.

"Well, I will drive the tanks to gather at the exit of the city wall at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. Let's all go back!"

"Yes, Lord!"

Everyone got up and bid farewell to Wei Xiao.

Seeing that it was almost eleven o'clock in the evening, Wei Xiao stretched out and walked towards the second floor.


It is the phantom.

"Not asleep yet?"

The Phantom slowly came to Wei Xiao's side, and his small hand grabbed Wei Xiao's arm.

"Master, let me go with you tomorrow! Okay?" The Phantom shook Wei Xiao's arm, pouting her cute little mouth, with a pitiful look.

Wei Xiao was taken aback when he saw this.

Is this the phantom I know?


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