Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 262: Forget the past

"You are going to go, don't hurt Laozi." Dulang directly rebuffed Master Li.

"Boss Wolf, are you afraid of Wei Xiao?" Master Li smiled maliciously.

Lone Wolf knows that Master Li is a radical technique, and he does not take it seriously: "Yes, I am afraid of him from head to toe, unless you give me a forbidden weapon, and it has been buried under Wei Xiao’s feet and is only waiting for me. Detonate outside, otherwise, let me help you deal with Wei Xiao, don't even think about it."

Unexpectedly, Dulang's answer was so simple, that even if Master Li had a lot of tactics in his mind, there was nothing to do.

Fearing that a person would be so scared that he would need to use taboo weapons to eliminate him, Master Li couldn't imagine what the lone wolf had experienced in Wei Xiao's hands.

But Master Li is not someone who gives up lightly.

"Boss wolf, don't you think Wei Xiao wants to rob you?"

When the lone wolf heard the words, he was taken aback, and his gaze at Master Li suddenly became cold and severe.

Facing the lone wolf cannibalistic eyes, Li Shiye trembled in his heart.

Did you say something wrong?

The lone wolf gritted his teeth and said: "You'd better not do anything to Wei Xiao, otherwise, I will be the first to lead someone to flatten your giant axe gang."

After leaving a word, the lone wolf didn't say goodbye to them, turned and left with anger.

Master Li, this can be regarded as a pot or a pot.

Back then, the lone wolf could not even bear his own woman and Wei Xiao and the others.

That incident was the pain of a lifetime for the lone wolf. It is strange that Master Li, who happened to hit the wound in the lone wolf's heart, was not hostile by the lone wolf.

Lao Tzu can tolerate even the woman who cares most about leaving with others. What else can't be tolerated by Lao Tzu?

With the departure of the lone wolf, their meeting was meaningless.

"Let's go! It's too late to go back and stop your own people. When they appear in front of Wei Xiao tomorrow, it's too late for you and I to stop them."

If their people wanted to go with Wei Xiao, really, Long Feihong couldn't help it.

Because no one has a big fist.

If you can't beat it, naturally you can only endure it.

Master Li sighed when he saw that the leaders of the two forces who could not tell him helped him get rid of Wei Xiao.

He himself was not sure to deal with Wei Xiao. As for the people he bought a few days ago, they had no idea about Wei Xiao after the first battle in the battle base.

Dealing with a person who uses a third-level zombie as a cabbage and still has a well-trained army to protect you, you are afraid that it is not the old birthday star hanging himself, are you tired of life?

The plan to deal with Wei Xiao ran aground, and Li Shiye completely gave up.

This evening, over there in the apartment.

It's really going to go, Mu Wuqing and the others are packing now.

When Fu Wanwan and others were helping Mu Wu clear them, they were discussing the gains of the past two days one by one.

In general, everyone moved a lot of people. They didn’t make any promises of high-ranking officials and good food. They are all normal treatments for the villa base, but these treatments are enough to make many people feel excited. .

"Millions, I heard that your team has gained the most, how about it, is there any hope of breaking through three thousand tomorrow?" Lan Qiang asked.

Pay a million and smile: "You'll know tomorrow."

"Also foolish. Don't forget, your 2000 points should be counted together with the overflow part." Chen Haojie said abruptly.

Paying a million instantly felt like a few million crits.

Sure enough, everyone wearing glasses is a sinister villain, and under that gentle face is full of bad water.

"I know--"


The night passed quickly, and a new day came in the blink of an eye.

At about 6:40 in the morning, Wei Xiao and the others set off from the apartment.

On the side of the convoy, the team leaders, Wei Yangtian, Wu Yuncong, and Zhao Niu, have already begun to assemble the team.

"Quick, quick, they are over there."

"That's Boss Wei's motorcade. They are leaving. Stop them."

Wei Xiao and the others just came to the convoy. From the base, a large number of refugees and members of several other forces emerged from all directions.

There are a lot of people, estimated to be about four to five thousand.

Good guy, more than two-thirds of the people at Dawn Base are here.


Finding so many survivors rushing towards them, in order to ensure the safety of Wei Xiao and the others, Wei Yangtian shouted loudly, and immediately, the assembled team quickly dispersed, establishing a line of defense in front of Wei Xiao and the others.

"Boss Wei, don't shoot, we are all people who come to take refuge in you."

"My lord, we are not malicious, we just want to go with you, you must not shoot."

The survivors who ran in the front hurriedly stopped and explained aloud.

At the back of the team, they paid a million to see this scene, and the corners of their mouths turned up.

This time the guarantee points doubled is stable.

When they think of going back to the base, they can get a good sum of points, and they all smiled on their faces when paying a million.

"Lord, look at this?"

Wei Yangtian asked Wei Xiao.

"Don't shoot, take a look at the situation first." Wei Xiao said calmly.

Wei Yangtian took his orders and signaled the soldiers on the outermost periphery not to act rashly.

"Boss Wei, wait, wait!"

Long Feihong and the others came afterwards.

All of them seemed to be in a hurry, as if some gold and silver jewels were robbed, and they could not wait to rush to Wei Xiao and the others.

"Stop, we will shoot when we get closer." Seeing that Long Feihong and the others had plans to break through the blockade to find Wei Xiao and the others, the soldiers in charge immediately issued a warning.

The lone wolves stopped and showed anxiety on their faces.

Looking at the surrounding crowds, Master Li and the others didn't know what it was like.

They had understood Wei Xiao's purpose last night, but they still underestimated the temptation of the villa base to these people.

For the time being, the others are only in the slum area. According to the information obtained by Master Li and the others, almost all the people in that area have arrived, and that is more than half of the population of the base.

In addition to refugees, their younger brothers from other forces also ran away a lot.

Realizing that the situation was serious, they couldn't sit still anymore, and followed these little brothers non-stop to stop Wei Xiao.

Lone Wolf felt that the scene before him was so familiar, and his memory was still fresh.

"Boss Wei, give a way out! If you take everyone away, how do we people maintain the operation of the Liming Base?" The lone wolf said bitterly.

Before Wei Xiao could speak, the refugees who listened to the nonsense of paying millions and others last night called Wei Xiao the first time.

"Boss Wei, we all went with you voluntarily. Please save us. If we continue to stay here, we will be starved to death."

"I beg Boss Wei to take us away. We are willing to do anything, as long as we can eat enough, please."


The scene was spectacular, with thousands of people kneeling down at the same time.

There are old people, children, and women with babies.

Seeing this scene, the lone wolves were angry and anxious.

These **** refugees, are they going to rebel?

"Boss Wei, you have to take so many people away, which will inevitably bring a burden to your base. Why don't you pick a part and leave the rest to us?" Master Li said.

He didn't dare to say anything cruel.

Last night, because he was going to deal with Wei Xiao, Lone Wolf almost turned his face against him. Without the support of other forces in the base, the people of his Great Axe Gang were not at all Wei Xiao's opponent.

More importantly, among the people who are going to go with Wei Xiao and the others today, except for those refugees and civilians, his Great Axe Gang has the most people.

The thing that Master Li couldn't bear most was that Scar and Tyrannosaurus were among them.

If these people were to leave, would the Great Axe Gang still be one of the three major forces in the Dawn Base?

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