Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 403: Miss the only opportunity

Base direction.

Chen Haojie and others on the city wall naturally noticed the movement inside the abandoned city.

"Civil trouble?" Lan Gun said jokingly.

"Probably not. Compared with the internal strife, I think someone is dealing with people outside." Fu Wanwan said.

"Someone is dealing with people outside...our people?" Chen Haojie's low tone suddenly became high-pitched.

As soon as he uttered his words, one of the elder members on the city wall immediately stood up and looked towards the abandoned city.

They are destined to see no one, but one thing is fortunate, that is, no one from the waste city area shoots at them again.

Some people straightened up and were fine, and others stood up one after another.

Chen Haojie pulled Shurou and looked at the abandoned city hundreds of meters away.

"Will it be ours?"

In the abandoned city.

"Everyone, in a group of six, spread out for me to find out and kill the hidden enemies, leaving none of them alive."

"Yes, boss!"

A team of more than two hundred people dispersed into 30 or 40 groups and spread out to all sides of the abandoned city.

Wei Xiao, who was haunted by ghosts, launched a guerrilla war with these people with the help of abandoned streets and broken wall houses.

In such a place full of ruins and coverings everywhere, for a person like Wei Xiao who is fast, agile, and horrible, it is simply an excellent hunting place.

Hiding in a dark corner.

"Quick, quick... let's go over here."

The foremost person of a small team ran past Wei Xiao quickly.

Just when the last of them was about to leave the place where Wei Xiao's figure was, Wei Xiao suddenly rushed out.

"Yes, I have……"

After discovering Wei Xiao, the life of the last member of the team had been taken away by Wei Xiao before he had time to shout.

The person running in front wanted to turn around, Wei Xiao sneered, and directly killed him with a knife.


The screams continued to spread, and in the blink of an eye, all of the six-man team was resolved by Wei Xiao.

Quickly collect the grenades and magazines from the members of this team.

"He's here..."

Other teams found Wei Xiao.

"The reaction is not bad!" Wei Xiao turned around and threw the bone knife into the air. With a pistol in each hand, he aimed at the person at the end of the street and shot violently.

"Boom boom..."

Bullets kept flying out of the muzzle. There was one enemy in front of him. Facing Wei Xiao's invincible firepower, anyone who appeared in front of him was shot and killed by the bullet.

The others who rushed didn't dare to come forward, and all wanted to wait for Wei Xiao to stop shooting before counterattack.

But their wishes are destined to fail.

The Gumo Knife that was thrown into the air by Wei Xiao fell. At the same time, Wei Xiao, who had stopped shooting, threw the pistol and grabbed the Gumo Knife.

The action is chic and confident, and smooth.

Those who waited for the gunfire to stop before they probed and prepared to fight back, when they rushed out, only saw Wei Xiao's figure disappearing on the other side of the wall.

"He's ahead, chase after him."

Coming to the back of the wall, Wei Xiao turned around and saw a small team rushing towards him.

Retracting his figure, turning the Bone Mo knife in his hand, he suddenly rushed out again, and rushed into the team at a speed that could not be as fast as Thunder.

A quick knife cut the mess, a face-to-face, and a team of six died.

As soon as the figure flickered, Wei Xiao disappeared again.

It's just a one-sided massacre.

The enemy could hardly even capture the corners of Wei Xiao's clothes, and the team that met him all lay on the ground for a few breaths. And the people who chased him had not fired a few shots, and a grenade killed them.

The screams continued to spread in the abandoned city. The more than two hundred people Nie Ao dispatched were all killed by Wei Xiao within half an hour.

"Boss, it's not good, it's not good..."

The person responsible for encircling Wei Xiao returned to Nie Ao and said nervously, "Boss, the enemy is too strong, and he killed all the people we sent out."

Nie Ao, who was eating, stagnated.

Cannibal eyes glanced at each other.

"What did you say?"

The younger brother trembled and said with a panic expression: "I, the people we sent out, were all killed by the enemy."



Another delicious table was overturned by Nie Ao.

Nie Ao, who jumped angrily, walked left and right in the restaurant, and cursed unceremoniously: "Trash, trash, a bunch of trash, more than two hundred people tell me that they were all killed by the enemy, you all Is it a pig?"


"Young Master, what's the matter?"

What else did the little brother want to say? At this time, Old Qi came back.

Nie Ao saw Lao Qi, his face was ruthless, and he took out a pistol and directly killed the younger brother who was responsible for besieging Wei Xiao.

Nie Ao, who didn’t look at all moved, said to Old Qi: “Some monkeys came here. This **** brought more than 200 people and they failed to kill each other. Old Qi, you go, go and kill them all for me, I Want them to die without a whole body."

Old Qi didn't understand the situation, but he didn't say much. He responded and took the two younger brothers and went out.

Nie Ao, with red eyes, said to the younger brother next to him again: "Ma De, go get me another table."

Outside, Lao Qi brought more than 100 people into the streets.

After discovering that the corpses of people on their side were everywhere in the streets, Old Qi's complexion couldn't help being a little dignified.

"Spread apart, don't be too far away, it will cheer me up."

"Yes, Brother Seven!"

"No need to look for it, I will give you some good things first!"

Before the people brought by Old Qi were scattered, a few chubby things fell among them from above a five-story restaurant.


Almost the first time he could see the things that appeared, Old Qi didn't have the time to remind others, turned around and pulled the two younger brothers to stand in front of him and lay on the ground.

"Boom boom boom..."


The explosion appeared immediately, and a team of more than one hundred people, at this moment, more than thirty or forty people were killed or injured.

Although the others were not injured, the impact of the explosion made them forget to find the enemy to fight back.

At this moment, Wei Xiao's figure came out from a corner of the hotel, threw the bone knife through the three people's body, then took out two small shots from behind, and shot at the people on the street.

Gunshots continued, and people continued to die.

Wei Xiao, fearless of any danger, walked towards the people on the street while ensuring that the firepower in his hand was uninterrupted.

The slightly charged bullets extinguished, and he immediately changed into a pistol and continued shooting.

Over a hundred people, almost all of them were killed by Wei Xiao in a matter of minutes.

"No... don't kill me... don't..."


After cleaning up the remnants, Wei Xiao did not leave a living.

When he walked to the three people who were pierced by the Gumo Knife, Wei Xiao threw away the two pistols in his hand and drew the Gumo Knife out.

"Boom boom..."


At the moment he drew his sword, a figure suddenly pushed the corpse away from the corner of the wall behind him and fired three shots at Wei Xiaolian.

Unable to dodge, all three bullets hit Wei Xiao's back.

Without any extra thoughts, he turned around and swung a knife with his backhand. The tip of the knife just touched the opponent's throat and made a huge opening directly in the opponent's neck.

"Ho ho..."

Old Qi covered the wound on his neck and stared at Wei Xiao with wide eyes in horror.

Wei Xiao's face was twisted, and he resisted the gunshot wound on his back and looked at Lao Qi.

Barring his teeth, Wei Xiao said coldly: "It's careless, but you shouldn't shoot me in the back. If it's the head, you will really succeed today."

Old Qi couldn't speak, as a large amount of blood on his neck could not stop gushing out, his body slowly fell to the ground.

If Old Qi could see Wei Xiao's back, he would find that the wound caused by the bullet to Wei Xiao was recovering, and the bullet that had fallen into his body had also withdrawn from the wound.

Ignoring the wound on his back, he took out another pistol from his waist, and Wei Xiao walked towards where Nie Ao was with the knife in his left hand and the gun in his right hand.

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