Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 405: Wei Xiao Crazy

"This thing is that, on Haixin Island, your people were secretly executed by my people when the zombies attacked the front base. The more than one thousand people on the island were all thrown into the sea to feed the fish. Oh! By the way, two days ago, there were a few helicopters flying from your base to the direction of Haixin Island. I thought you were among them. Now it seems that you escaped by a fluke, but it’s okay. You can get on the helicopter and escape. People, should be important to you, right?"

"you wanna die!"


Almost immediately after Nie Ao's words fell, Wei Xiao, who was unmoved no matter how excited Nie Ao was before, at this moment, no matter how tough his character was, he was completely taboo by Nie Ao.

Especially the words after Nie Ao undoubtedly touched Wei Xiao's Ni Lin.

Unlike Nie Ao's hysterical roar, Wei Xiao, whose whole body was horribly cold, burst out and sent out the Bone Mo knife in his hand. The blade plunged directly into Nie Ao's chest, piercing him through.

Wei Xiao finally got angry.

Nie Ao didn't expect that Wei Xiao, who thought he was cold-blooded to be inhuman, would actually have someone or something that he cared about.

He, who finally knew Wei Xiao's weakness, didn't care about the Gu Mo knife that Wei Xiao pierced into his body, grabbing the blade with both hands, letting Gu Mo knife cut his palms and let the blood flow all over the place.

Nie Ao smiled at Wei Xiao with an excited face: "I thought you were indifferent to everything. Now it seems that you are just a little stronger in your heart. Hey...it's a pity, on Haixin Island, I made arrangements. More than 300 people were lying in ambush. When my dad asked me to train dead soldiers in secret, he left me a batch of munitions brought back from Junlin Island, including anti-aircraft guns and stinger rockets (cannonballs with tracking capabilities). The nemesis of the helicopter, you..."

"Damn you!"

Before Nie Ao's words were finished, Wei Xiao pushed the Bone Mo knife that pierced Nie Ao's chest, and cut directly half of Nie Ao's body.

Nie Ao is doomed to survive. With blood spitting out of his mouth, he still smiled triumphantly and said, "You, your...people...They should all have been blown into dregs... Now rush over... Maybe you still I can find...find some stumps and broken arms...haha...haha..."

"I want your life, ah—"

Wei Xiao, whose eyes were red, and his whole body exploded with hair, threw away the bone knife and pressed him against Nie Ao, twisted his hands, broke his legs, then dismantled his limbs, tore Nie Ao's body with his hands, and finally unscrewed his head. ...


The real broken corpse is thousands of pieces.

But even so, the anger and pain in Wei Xiao's heart still couldn't healed.

As for Nie Ao, who was already dead and couldn't die anymore, the head that left his body had a triumphant smile on his face from beginning to end.

Nie Ao's wish to stimulate Wei Xiao did.

This may be the last struggle of being a loser.

I don't want to die with the enemy, but as long as it can make him uncomfortable and make him suffer, he is worth it.

Wei Xiao, who was screaming frantically, would have noticed if anyone was there, he once said that his tears belonged to the weak, but at this moment, tears of blood were shed in his scarlet eyes.


As Wei Xiao turned around and punched the cashier counter, his fist directly punched the cashier counter.

In this way, Wei Xiao still didn't stop his hand movements, even if the skin on the surface between the stretched hands was ripped apart by the sawdust, as if he didn't know what the pain was, he frantically beat the cash register in front of him.

Until the cashier counter was smashed by him, Wei Xiao was sad, **** and tearful, with a body that had always been tall and straight, unable to support it anymore, and he slumped on the ground.

I do not know how long it has been.

His emotions receded, the injuries on his hands recovered, and the calm and terrifying Wei Xiao stood up from the ground.

The pair of blood pupils that seemed to be irreparable, the black pupils blended against the white pupils, looked very strange and intriguing.

"No, I don't believe Wang'er and the others just left me like this. To find them, I must find them."

Wei Xiao finally whispered to Nie Ao's words, holding a glimmer of hope, and then walked to the Gu Mo knife to pick it up, and walked out of the restaurant.

One side of the base city wall.

Chen Haojie and others, who have been paying attention to this direction since the explosion in the waste city, noticed that there was no movement in the waste city.

Everyone is staring at the direction of the abandoned city, hoping to make more movement there.

They were highly concentrated, standing tallest and seeing the farthest Leng Chengfeng, suddenly shouted.

"Someone has come out."

His call undoubtedly made everyone more focused.

I saw that from the abandoned city, a black figure that occasionally appeared under the ruined wall slowly approached their sight.

The figure of the person who came out became more and more obvious and clearer. When he completely appeared from the waste city on the ground where zombies were piled up, Chen Haojie and others, their eyes were frozen, and their faces were all shocked.

What a familiar figure, what a burly body.

The appearance of this person is like a huge vacuum cleaner, engulfing time, space, and everything around, making the entire area fall into the audible level of fallen leaves.

"Lord, Lord..." Chen Haojie trembled, his eyes filled with disbelief, and his face was full of ecstasy.

He felt that the person he saw in front of him was too fantastic and unreal. Even if he knew the identity of the person in front of him, he couldn't convince himself to believe it.

As the world passed by for a moment, finally...

"Lord, it's the Lord, the Lord has come up to save us..."


A hysterical cheer sounded over the city, and then all the surviving people on the city wall raised up to the sky and let out a earth-shattering roar.

"Long live the Lord!"

"Ahhhhh... I'm completely crazy!"

"The Lord is better than the cow—"

Everyone is using their own way to vent their excitement and excitement at the moment.

It can be said that there are so many ugly and crazy people, they seem to be crazier than zombies, and crazier than lunatics.

Wei Xiao naturally noticed a scene on the city wall.

He raised his hand and motioned to the people on the wall to be quiet.

It’s strange to say that everyone who can hardly control themselves, seeing Wei Xiao’s movements, as if they had said in advance, they all stopped the roar, controlled their trembling body, and stood quietly on the city wall. Above, staring at Wei Xiao not far away with a fanatical color in his eyes.

Wei Xiao's expression was cold, his eyes glowing red, without a trace of emotion, he rushed to the people on the wall and said: "The base is safe, and all of you who survived are safe. But now I need someone who can sail. , Who will sail for me?"


Shouted in the air.

Leng Chengfeng, with a look of excitement, replied. He looked at the flames that were still burning under the city wall, and even the corpse oil was burned out because of too many corpses. Leng Chengfeng jumped from the highest point and quickly walked on the city wall. run.

Until he found a place where he could leave the city wall, he quickly found a large number of deceased's clothes on the city wall to form a rope, and then came to the ground by the rope of the clothes.

It can be seen that, apart from Leng Chengfeng, many people on the wall hope to sail Wei Xiao, but Leng Chengfeng is the first, and the identity of the power holder is there, other people who are inspiring have given up. .

Wei Xiao glanced at Leng Chengfeng, who was running towards him, and looked at Hero Chen and Lan Qiang on the wall.

"The rest of the base will be left to you. Stay alive and wait for me to come back."


Chen Haojie, Lan Qiang and others responded powerfully.

"Master!" Leng Chengfeng, a foul-stained face, came to Wei Xiao's side, with a smirk on his face.

Wei Xiao didn't say a word to him, turned around and walked towards the Haixin Bridge.

Leng Chengfeng didn't care either, shrugged, and followed Wei Xiao away.

"Oh oh oh..."

"We have won!"

"Great, we won, we all survived."

"The Lord never abandoned us, long live the Lord, long live the base..."

The two of them turned around, and the peace on the wall could no longer be kept. People who were going crazy for a long time, the emotions that had not been fully released broke out at this moment.

Chen Haojie is the same with them.

Now, no one on the wall cares about other things, everyone is venting their inner emotions.

They even think that the Lord at this moment should also be happy.

Unfortunately, what they don't know is that their lord, their souls are floating, and their hearts are dripping blood.

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