Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 936: Shocking scene

Ahead, on the ground a kilometer away from Sky City.

Following the horizon, a row of tubular objects appeared first in Ni Qingcheng's line of sight.

In a moment.

A neat row of steel behemoths came from the dust.

Tanks are a row of tanks that stretch for kilometers.

After that, more steel behemoths continued to emerge.

That wave like a torrent of steel entered the sight of everyone on the city wall, and the shock brought by the corpse knight had not passed yet, and the sight in front of them had surprised Ni Qingcheng and the others.

"Do you want to be so exaggerated?"

"There are more than a thousand tanks, right?"

"Sure, it's terrifying. How powerful are our allies?"

First came the helicopter group, then the zombie army, and now even the tank army appeared.

If you didn't see it with your own eyes, who would dare to believe that after the end of the world, when the crowded battle base was basically destroyed, there is actually a terrorist force in this world that is no more than a battle base.

Other than that, when the tank corps appeared in the sight of Sky City people, they believed that their allies were 100% combat corps.

"Mr. Wei gave us too many surprises." Liang Zhijun sighed.

Why are Li Guangliang and Canglang King not like this?

No wonder Wei Xiao dared to face the corpse clan power controlled by the corpse emperor.

With regard to the power he has shown now, Liang Zhijun has nothing to say that they admire.

Among them, the most shocking thing in their hearts is the dragon flying.

The Shen Guo base will join this plan, which can be said to be compelling.

Afraid of Wei Xiao's deterrence, they had to agree, but now, Long Zaitian knew that he should be grateful for Wei Xiao's persecution.

The strength of the allied forces is so strong, is the power of the corpse king still invincible?

He has no doubt now.

A month ago, Wei Xiao said that when dealing with the corpse emperor, there were not many of them in the kingdom of God, and there were a lot of them in the kingdom of God. People did not exaggerate these words.

The troops in front of them were approaching the base. With such a force, the entire deployment of the Kingdom of God could not increase the combat power.

At the same time, Long Zaitian was also very excited.

Phoenix is ​​so powerful, does he still worry about those people in Central China attacking the empty base of the Kingdom of God behind?


Without seeing the power of the Phoenix, Long Zaitian was always disturbed, but now, he is as stable as Mount Tai.

Sneak attack! Come sneak attack!

According to what Wei Xiao promised them a month ago, as long as the forces in Central China dare to attack the current base of the Kingdom of God, even if the base temporarily changes ownership, but waiting for them, they will be even more powerful.

Because Wei Xiao said that if the forces of Central China attack the now empty base of the Kingdom of God, the Phoenix Base will help them unify the entire Central China.

Although Long Zaitian knew that even if such a thing happened, Phoenix would not be able to hand over all the defeated Central China to them, but the benefits of the Kingdom of God as a victim would be unimaginable.

"It deserves to be a base that can disclose the secrets of genetic medicine and armed armor. With this strength, how many bases are there today that can be compared?" The dragon burned in the eyes of the sky.

Looking at the tanks constantly appearing from below the horizon, there was an unspeakable enthusiasm in my heart.

"Master Wei Xiao's strength, I don't know how to describe it anymore."

When Ni Qingcheng heard Leng Yu's words, he felt the same way.

"His strength is not accidental, but inevitable. Just ask such a force, what else does he dare not do in these last days?"

Everyone looked at the tank corps that appeared first with envy, jealousy, and fanatical eyes.

After all the tank corps appeared, heavy armored tanks, portable tanks, and artillery units followed suit.

"Missile launch vehicle?"


"I'm numb!"

Seeing something more shocking, the people on the city wall had no other color on their faces except for shock.

Wait for all the weapons and troops to leave.

The armored vehicle troops, transport troops, infantry, and corpse groups that appeared behind, to Liang Zhijun and the others, did not feel much.

As someone said, they are numb.

Of course, there are exceptions.

Such as the appearance of female soldiers.

Looking at the tens of thousands of heroic and brave female soldiers, I don't know how many people look at them.

However, he has no literacy, and the phrase "fuckin" travels the world.

The appearance of female soldiers made many people crazy.

"Let's go! Mr. Wei should be in the team, we can't neglect."

At this moment, Liang Zhijun's attitude towards Wei Xiao has changed drastically.

If it was said that it was awe and fear more than a month ago, then it is true worship and admiration now.

Personal strength is unparalleled, and he also has an army capable of changing the world. Such a person, if he does not hug his thighs, he is destined to only look up in the future, and he is the kind of existence that can only look up far away.

Compared with Wei Xiao, they suddenly discovered that what they have achieved today is simply not worth mentioning.

The distance between the two sides is like a gap between clouds and mud.

Hearing what Li Guangliang said, everyone agreed.

The end of the world is an era that emphasizes strength.

In this era, even if you kneel and lick the strong, no one will gossip you, but feel that you have the foresight and are capable of bending and stretching.

Everyone did not neglect, turned around, and left the city wall one after another.

Below, Wei Xiao and the others quickly drove to the gate of the city.

Millions of zombies lined up outside the city wall, and millions of zombies gathered behind. Looking down from the city wall, there was a sea of ​​people as far as the line of sight was. The corpses were like the ocean, and the army was shocking extraordinary.


The city gate opened wide, and Ni Qingcheng and his party came out of the city.

Outside, Wei Xiao, representatives of the corpse clan, Aizu Ninja sword and others got out of the car.

Ni Qingcheng first saw Wei Xiao.

I haven’t seen him for a month, even if Ni Qingcheng is not a person who is easily emotional, but after many days of separation, once again I saw the man who saved her in the heat and gave her a sense of security that she would not have after the end of the world. There is a sense of tenderness and longing on the bright jade face.

Wei Xiao also noticed her.

A smile appeared on his face.

With the people on both sides looking at each other, Wei Xiao escaped from Bai Youwei and the others and walked straight towards Ni Qingcheng.


Seeing Wei Xiao coming, the Canglang King wanted to say something.

However, Liang Zhijun stopped him before he spoke.

The Canglang King looked at Liang Zhijun in confusion, as if asking him what he meant?

Liang Zhijun was very angry.

This idiot, something that anyone with a wink can understand, he actually wants to take part in it?

If it were not for the sake of belonging to the same base, Liang Zhijun would not bother to stop him.

"The husband and wife have not seen each other for a month. What are you joining at this time? If you want to say hello, you should wait for the husband and wife to stay together before you go! Now in the past, you want to find it uncomfortable?" Liang Zhijun whispered.


The Cang Wolf King also noticed at this time, as if no one else did anything except he wanted to speak.

Don't other people want to indulge in Wei Xiao and get close to him in the first place?

Obviously not.

Then why don't they say hello to Wei Xiao?

Seeing Wei Xiao walking towards Ni Qingcheng, coupled with Liang Zhijun's explanation, the Cang Wolf King who suddenly understood in his heart, could not help but sweat a little on his forehead.

Nodded gratefully to Liang Zhijun, feeling a sense of fortune.

Seeing that the Canglang King had understood what he meant, Liang Zhijun smiled lightly.

Not to the point of hopelessness.

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