However, Lin Yu and the others’ luck is quite good, and the mutant beasts flying in the air at this moment are not high.

Most of them are only the eighth or ninth stages of the general rank, and the strength is higher, only the second stage of the king rank, about the third stage, this level of strength, although Lin Yu does not dare to guarantee that he can kill, but at least he can retreat with his whole body.

And Xiaobai, under Ling Xuan’s arrangement, has already flown into the depths of the clouds with all the women at this moment, and will not contact those mutant beasts for a while.

In this way, this catastrophe should be able to survive safely.

Lin Yu was alone, carrying the silver dragon, flying wildly in the air, to attract the attention of the mutant beasts, in this way, the chance of those strange birds finding the little girls would be lower, and their safety would naturally grow taller.

Flash close, the silver dragon attached to the armor breaking edge, the phantom shattered start, swish, countless guns covered a large area in front, all the mutant beasts in the area were interspersed with holes, the body was painful, lost the ability to fly, and fell from the sky.

In fact, to kill these bird mutant beasts, you don’t need to kill them completely, you just need to cripple them until they can’t fly, and these guys will automatically fall from the air.

At such a high height, falling down, it is naturally certain to die.

The large trees below are like inverted daggers, interspersing the bodies of mutant birds.

Even if they didn’t fall on the tree by luck, the impact of the high acceleration was enough to make these guys fall into meatloaf.

Even, even more coincidentally, the mutant birds killed in the sky fell from the air with a whoosh, and under the bonus of speed and altitude, it was like a meteorite bomb.

It can almost smash the mutant beast that is running wildly below to death, so that the efficiency of killing the mutant beast becomes an unknown number of times.

Lin Yu’s figure turned into an afterimage, speeding through the jungle, killing one mutant bird after another.

In order to improve his killing efficiency, Lin Yu wisely chose his own attack targets, he did not look for those powerful monsters, specifically looking for those targets that were not strong and could kill with one hit, this kind of target could not withstand his full force at all, just one click, you can make these targets instantly killed.

Of course, as a human being, Lin Yu had killed so many mutant beasts, naturally to cause the siege of the mutant beasts.

Led by several of the strongest mutant eagles, the mutant swifts emitted a sharp cry, and hundreds of mutant birds stopped advancing in unison, turned into a black torrent, and swept towards Lin Yu’s side.

It seems that they have changed their strategy and are ready to solve Lin Yu’s battlefield-stirring stick first.

Lin Yu looked around, his heart was beating wildly, this special…

Xiao Bai had already flown to the depths of the clouds with a few little girls, where there were only a small number of mutant birds, and Ling Xuan was holding the silver moon and circling with them.

As he was fighting, suddenly Ye Ningshuang let out a soft exclaim: “Oh my God, look below.” ”

The women stopped their attacks, looked down through the clouds, and suddenly saw Lin Yu being surrounded by a large area of mutant birds, and they were suddenly shocked.

“My husband is in danger, we are going to rescue him.” Qin Linger was the first to say.

Don’t look at her young age, but she is a ruthless person, knowing that there is danger ahead, and daring to break forward.

Ling Xuan was also anxious in her heart, but now in this situation, they only had one dead word when they went out, and quickly spoke out to calm the emotions of the women: “Don’t worry, he will have a way.” ”

Ling Xueya, Jiang Xin and the others still wanted to say something, but suddenly heard Lin Yu’s voice coming from within the sound transmission ornament.

“I’m fine, you guys hurry up and stay away, I’m ready to release the forbidden spell scroll.”

The forbidden spell scroll, which is sealed with a powerful forbidden spell skill, and if a forbidden spell skill goes down, the mutant beasts have to die a lot.

This is the best way to do it when it comes to face-to-face beatings.

But the question now is that Lin Yu is deeply trapped in the encirclement of these monsters, if he releases the forbidden spell scroll, will the forbidden spell skill also wrap him in the attack range?

Without much time to think about it, Jiang Xin and the others were about to reply, but saw that the group of monsters below had turned into a sea of fire.

Lin Yu had already released the Forbidden Spell Scroll.

The hot waves of qi spread out in all directions, and the clouds where the little girls were hiding were instantly dispersed.

“Xiaobai leave quickly.” Ling Xuan urgently ordered.

Xiao Bai Deling, agitating his wings, flew towards a higher altitude.

Below, as if it had turned into a sea of fire, hundreds of mutant birds besieging Lin Yu were ignited, emitting sharp cries in the air, and their bodies turned into large fireballs and fell from the air.

A single forbidden spell scroll solved most of them.

But what about Lin Yu?

Where is he?

He was gone, engulfed in fire like those mutant birds.


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