Physical body, soul, will, a small improvement!

The energy in the body increased three times, and the converted energy also increased accordingly.

With the ancient star and Yuanxing Avenue in the perfect state, the original foundation of the body, each level of improvement is extremely amazing.

Now, he has transformed the Damo Chaos Body into an explosion, although it is not as durable as those Chaos Gods,

but compared with ordinary Chaos Gods, the energy link is completely not empty.

In addition, the universe in the body has been upgraded to the ninth dimension, with the earthly branch universe core as the core connection, whether it is energy explosion or recovery, there is a significant increase!


All energy-type Hongmeng fruits have been absorbed.

Finally stopped at the fifth-level Supreme Heavenly Venerable, 24%.

"Sure enough, my strength is still too strong." Wang Ye sighed.

The foundation of the body is too huge, and the energy required for the level upgrade is too much, including the maximum increase of each level of the universe in the body.

The further you go, the more difficult it is.

These five Hongmeng fruits, let the Supreme Heavenly Venerable without bottlenecks absorb them, and you can easily reach the highest level.

Including the Supreme Powers, they can easily upgrade several levels.

But I only upgraded half a level.

But it is precisely because of this that I have a stronger combat power!

Can easily cross levels to kill strong enemies!

"The Hongmeng Fruits in Yimu Creation Realm are almost gone." Wang Ye knew.

There are still four left, which are not of much help to me, so there is no need to exhaust them.

At least leave a root for Huang Yingjun.

"Among the other nine Creation Realms, only Jiamu Creation Realm has the possibility of a large number of Hongmeng Fruits." Wang Ye was thinking carefully.

If I guessed correctly, there is also a Hongmeng Divine Beast King there?

Ask around and see if there is any way to get some more Hongmeng Fruits.

After all, this thing is hard to come by.

In the short term, it can quickly improve my strength level.

Including the divine body, soul and divine will foundation.

"There is still a Hongmeng Fruit of the will burst type left." Wang Ye saved it.

I don't know what it is for now, but it's never a bad thing to have one more trump card.

"Long-term cultivation still depends on the secret method of cultivation and talent siphoning." Wang Ye thought to himself.

No, I now have another way.

Will refiner!

Wu Tian's bloodline!

By consuming one's own will, it turns into the purest energy and improves the level of strength!

It is very easy to match with talent, a perfect match!

Give it a try!

Wang Ye's heart moved, and his will burst out instantly!

At present, his basic will has reached the limit of the strongest in the universe, and he is still one step away from the Chaos God.

It is not so easy to cross the big level.

However, with the basic talent of extreme will, it can be easily crossed.

"Although the extreme will can only improve one level, the basic improvement can be further strengthened, and it is simple and unpretentious." Wang Ye felt the increase of the extreme will, especially without any consumption of himself, which was very comfortable.

Chaos God's will!

Swish! The star core energy is consumed.

With the blood of the will refiner, it flows through the body, turns into pure energy, and is quickly absorbed.

The absorption speed is slower than that of the Hongmeng Fruit and the Chaos Fruit.

But it is much faster than the orthodox practice!

The efficiency is very high!

The consumption of star core energy is also very fast!

Swish! Swish!

The secret patterns of Wang Ye's will artifact and the creation artifact light up, superimposing the amplification.

Void Will Technique!

Will rises to a powerful Chaos God!

Star core energy, intensified consumption!

The will refiner's bloodline bursts out with all its strength, and the cultivation speed is increased by ten times!

The efficiency is quite high!

Come again!

Wang Ye's divine contract bursts out!

A wave directly breaks through the top Chaos God!


Star core energy, more than half is consumed in the blink of an eye!

The will refiner's bloodline absorbs energy to the limit!

The efficiency is very high!

Fifth-level Supreme Heavenly Venerable, 25%!

In a short period of time, the strength level is increased by 1%.

Wang Ye sighed.

This 1% is insignificant compared to the improvement of the Hongmeng Fruit.

But it is a long-term improvement!

As long as I can solve the consumption of star core energy!

Compared with the rare Hongmeng Fruit, there are more natural treasures that can restore the energy of the star core.

They can be bought at a price, but the recovery effect of natural treasures of different levels is different.

Yimu Huanglonghuang has quite a few here.

He kept the Hongmeng Fruit tightly, and he should not be so stingy with ordinary Chaos Fruit.

"In the future, as the will is improved, the energy of the star core will increase, and the speed of cultivation will also increase accordingly." Wang Ye now knows why Wu Tian's cultivation speed is so fast.

This is a shortcut to cultivation!

It fits perfectly with his innate bloodline.

Including the improvement of will, it can also bring about various other enhancements.

The strengthening of the universe in the body fits more powerful artifacts of creation, and the combat power is strengthened by will, and even has the ability to kill with will, etc.!

Now, I have it too!

"Divine body, I have the Chaos God-killing Power, which can kill ordinary Chaos gods."

"Divine soul, I have the Ten Thousand Souls Beak, which can also kill ordinary Chaos gods."

"Divine will, the will-killing method of Annihilation Impact is slightly weak, and the star core energy is insufficient, but my will can now burst to the top Chaos gods, so it should be able to kill ordinary Chaos gods."

Hexagonal humans, online again!

Now that I have encountered a Chaos god opponent, as long as the opponent has a weakness, I can seize the soft spot.

In the foreseeable future, it will not be a problem to obtain Hongmeng points stably and persistently.

It's just that there is no particularly outstanding part among the three.

Not to mention killing powerful Chaos Gods, it is difficult to kill the third-level Chaos Gods at present.

"In terms of the divine body, the Chaos God-killing Power must be at least upgraded to the skilled level before it is possible."

"In terms of the divine soul, it is necessary to activate the blood of the Fadu God Clan and comprehend the ultimate innate secret method of the divine soul."

"In terms of divine will, either one's own will breaks through the Chaos God, or-"

"Take down Tiangan Yuxin!"



Outside the Wood Dragon Cave.

God Poki, waiting for the gods to get numb.

Wang Ye, no news!

Contacting Wang Ye through consciousness, but being blocked by an invisible barrier, completely unable to contact.

It seems that if he is alive, he will not die normally.

But he just doesn't show up!

"Follow me!" God Poki gritted his teeth, stopped waiting, and broke into the Wood Dragon Cave again.

He has a large number of Chaos Gods under his command. Although he can't beat the local dragon, with his strength, he should be careful and concentrate the team's combat power, and death will not happen again.

If Wang Ye can be saved, he should be saved!

After all, without Wang Ye, he would have come here in vain!

However, it was empty!


Wang Ye was not there, and Yi Mu Huang Long Huang was not there either!

Just an empty nest!

The place was empty!

After searching again and again, nothing was found.

God Poki and his men looked at each other in astonishment and confusion.

What on earth was going on?

It was fine if Yi Mu Huang Long Huang was missing.

Where were Wang Ye and his men?


They were practicing.

Wang Ye and his five companions were enjoying unique benefits.

Since Yi Mu Huang Long Huang arranged for Wang Ye to practice here, he naturally did not lack the four God Qiong Hua.

He was very friendly to God Qiong Hua, Ling Si Jun and Zuo Qin Qin.

He just felt some unreasonable disgust when he saw Yu Hang.

Hum! Cunning human!

He stole so many Hong Meng fruits from him!

If it weren't for the face of the fairy, he would have turned against him long ago!


"This human has a really high level of comprehension." Huang Yingjun stared at Yu Hang, feeling jealous for no reason.


This human was able to enter the Yimu Tianji Dao in such a short time!

It's incredible!

"Humph, it's just a coincidence!" Huang Yingjun would never admit that there are humans who are better than him in the comprehension of Yimu Tianji Dao.

Suddenly, he was slightly startled, and saw the familiar green light on Zuo Qinqin's body, and his dragon pupils shrank.

But this time he didn't feel unhappy at all, but smiled softly.

"Yes, yes, yes, very good, remember this feeling, and continue to comprehend." Huang Yingjun instantly turned into his original form.

The green light enveloped Zuo Qinqin, once again helping her to personally comprehend Yimu Tianji Dao.

"I gave you a good guide!" Huang Yingjun narrowed his dragon eyes.

"Well, that must be the case!"


Wang Ye didn't practice Yimu Tianji Dao.

Although his comprehension was very high.

But practicing this thing now is useless.

He needs the combat-oriented Chaos Tianji Dao more, not the auxiliary-oriented one.

Through the VIP channel, Wang Ye was familiar with the Heavenly Stem Tai Chi Formation.

Although he could not master one tenth of the Heavenly Stem Tai Chi Formation like Yimu Huanglonghuang, as long as he was familiar with and adapted to it, it would be fine.

Whether he could control it or not was not important.

After all, even if Yimu Tianji Dao realm was as high as Yimu Huanglonghuang, he still could not get the Heavenly Stem Yuxin.

"The Heavenly Stem Tai Chi Formation is really big." Wang Ye walked the path that Wu Tian had walked.

The difference was that Wu Tian did not get the help of Yimu Huanglonghuang.

But he did.

[Good popularity].

Quickly master the operation of the Heavenly Stem Tai Chi Formation and every possible danger.

After his own will reached the top chaos spirit, although he could not get close to the core, it was not a big problem to wander outside for a while.

Get familiar with it bit by bit.

Practice with the intention refiner.

In the lair of Yimu Huanglonghuang, the natural treasures and chaos fruits that restore the energy of the star core have been plucked out in just a few hundred years.

Wang Ye's strength level has also been raised to the fifth level of Supreme Heavenly Venerable, 61%.

The speed of cultivation is quite amazing.

But what is even more amazing is the perfect adaptation and familiarity with the Heavenly Stem Tai Chi Formation!

Now, even if he closes his eyes, he can easily walk out.

He can even stay in the Heavenly Stem Tai Chi Formation for a very long time!

"After that, this will be my home court." Wang Ye has a complete plan.

He is determined to win the Heavenly Stem Yuxin!


"What?" Huang Yingjun widened his dragon pupils and was shocked.

"You are leaving!?"

Wang Ye nodded lightly: "Thank you Dragon Emperor for your hospitality these days, I am very grateful."

Who wants you to be grateful!

Huang Yingjun was so angry that he trembled!

After taking the Hongmeng fruit, take the Chaos fruit!

After picking the fairy grass spirit plant, even the natural materials and treasures are not spared!

After pulling so many things, now pat your butt and leave! ?

Are you still a human being!

"The fairy, she--" Huang Yingjun suppressed his anger and squeezed out a few words from his teeth.

"Of course she went with me." Wang Ye showed a friendly smile.

"I%* # !" Huang Yingjun was instantly furious!

The dragon horns, dragon tail, and dragon scales were all revealed!

The golden light merged with the emerald green light, and the true body was revealed at the same time, and the peak chaotic god's will fell with a bang!

Wang Ye was not moved at all, still smiling at Huang Yingjun, and suddenly said:

"Dragon Emperor, are you willing to go with us?"

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