Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1061: acting

Chu Han’s loud voice is not small. The al-Qaeda messengers who had just run away before have heard it clearly. The crowd gathered at the door not far away, and they were stunned and watched the high-rise of the wolf teeth. At the same time, speculation and discussion are spreading.

"I feel a little surprised." Lu Chuxue's eyes are sharp: "You didn't find that Chu Han was violent, but he never got out of bed, and his legs were always in the quilt."

When this was said, everyone remembered it, and the wrong place was also coming out.

"You mean? He was seriously injured, which is serious enough to affect the combat power?"

"I feel a lot like it. Otherwise, there is no reason why it is so strange. The top of the wolf is afraid that the actual situation will be less, or it will not be driven out."

Murong Yucheng was shocked and looked at Lu Chuxue’s woman.

At this time, suddenly, a person who was obviously a base doctor walked quickly, and walked in the room of Chuhan. There was no cover in this scene, and the crowds of the al-Qaeda who gathered here suddenly talked about it. .

"Doctor?! It seems that it is really strange!"

"Hey! I didn't expect Chu Han, a generation of Xiongxiong, to have a serious injury in bed."

"What to do now, is this big news?"

"When the doctor comes out, let's ask Chu Han's injury. If it is really serious, I am afraid that the alliance will be discussed again."

"I have some expectations. The news of the serious injury of Chu Han will be leaked. What is the momentum of the Spikes?"

"Not only that, I am afraid that the survivors who come to go will also go clean? To know the reputation of this wolf, it can be said that it was supported by Chu Han. If there is something wrong with it, it will soon be a thousand miles." At the ant hole."

Lu Chuxue looked at the discussion of the people, and some of them had no bottom. In fact, she did not expect this to happen when she came here, and Duan Jiangwei’s attitude...

Just as everyone was thinking and different, suddenly a burst of loud noises were heard, and everyone who listened was once again.

"Admiral Chu Han, where are my most advanced medical instruments?"

"I have thrown it! You want people all over the world to know that Laozi is lying here and can't get out of bed?!"

With two words coming out, all the messengers suddenly shrank, and sure enough...

The high-rises of the group of wolf teeth that were driven out were also stunned and stopped to stop.

At this time, the dialogue inside the house was ringing again, and it was obviously another round of fierce confrontation.

"Know it, you know, whoever makes you want to overdo it..."

"What do you specially shut up for Laozi!"

Something has been smashed.

At this time, all the people outside the house are already dumbfounded, one by one.

Hey, what about?

Longitudinal desire? !

Just when the three views of the crowd collapsed, the noisy noise in the house came out again, and the voice of He Feng’s persuasion sounded together.

"I said General Chu Han, I am a doctor, you should listen to me..."

"You **** me!"

"Chu Han Admiral! But it is a circumcision and a skin. Every man has to go through it. Don't be so excited... Hey! Admiral Chu Han! Admiral! Don't be jealous..."

Hey! Hey!

It was another sound of something, and then everyone heard the sound of '啪'. The doctor who had just entered the plane flew out of the sky and fell to the ground with a dog mud, accompanied by obvious inside the house. It is a roar of Chu Han:


The doctor climbed up with a grievance of patted clothes, and then left behind with a slap in the face, leaving the people with a bleak back.

At this time, everyone who was eavesdropping outside the house was dumbfounded, especially the group of base ambassadors who had just been discussing whether Chu Han was seriously injured. Their three views have been destroyed.

Lying trough!

No wonder Chu Han will avoid people, no wonder he will lie in the bed. Can not get up and down the bed, it turned out to be this!

your sister!

They are all men, and there is nothing to hide them. They also made such a big fire and scared away the messengers of the Beijing base.

A group of people had a burst of white on their faces, and then Murong Yucheng took the lead to open the door: "I left first. At this point, the base is empty, so there should be a place to live. I am not in a hurry, waiting for Chu Han to summon." Now, you are free."

"I, I also went to find a place to live." Lu Chu snow red face, completely paralyzed.

The rest of the people are even more dazzling and squinting. Well, there is no secret, but General Chu Han does not want people to know that he is just an adult...

So a group of people immediately went clean, and the high-rises of the Spike base were also eccentrically leaving. It is not difficult to imagine how long it will take. This shameful news will be spoken as a talk of survivors. According to legend.

Although this incident made General Chu Han very angry and unhappy, but after all, it is not a matter of unspeakable. Many survivors in the base will regard any small thing of General Chu Han as a gossip, which is also their closeness and The way to love this base leader.

Maybe it will also celebrate the true rite of the admiral Chu Han.

Finally, in a completely quiet zone, there are only two people in the room, Chu Han and He Feng. At this time, He Feng will gamble on the abolished door, and then he turned to look at Chu Han.

Chu Han is still lying on the bed, but unlike the violent temper in front of everyone, this time his face is very pale, he looked back at He Feng, cracked his mouth and revealed a smug smile.



A mouthful of blood spit out, splashing a large sheet of sheets!

He Feng quickly stepped forward to stabilize Chu Han, and the voice also shook with a trace of imperceptible: "What is the injury?"

"Cough!" Chu Han spit out another blood, the whole person is very weak, but the voice is calm and terrible: "Can't die."

A hard feeling is so faint, even if it is seriously injured in the bed, even if a group of people break into the door, he can wake up at a time, instantly bury a room of medical instruments into the dimensional space, and then fight for the old man Such a play.

No one knows how embarrassing this process is. If He Feng and the informed doctor reacted quickly enough, maybe the messenger has already caused a big deal.

“I was in a coma for a week?” Chu Han knew that she could wake up because the 20% recovery period had arrived, and the back-to-back system really helped a lot!

"You can count the time without consciousness. You guys are simply non-human." He Feng smiled and said carefully: "There is nothing wrong with the base, but how long can your injury get out of bed? The messengers are not a group of soft persimmons. They will have a few days of patience and no one knows."

"Hey!" Chu Han screamed coldly: "This is not easy. They have messengers coming over. Do we have no foreign ministry? Tell them that they are generals. They usually have to fight and fight, and they have no time to slap them."

After He Feng’s sigh, he couldn’t help but slap his head: “Fuck! Why didn’t I think of Lao Tzu?”

"Stupid! You will also give me a roll, I will rest!"

"You are still addicted to fire..."

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