Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1073: Purpose discovery!

At the time of the whole operation of the Wolf Tooth Warfare, Chu Han had already penetrated into the place where he did not know. It was difficult to distinguish the position. He only knew that there were more and more zombies, the smell became more and more faint, and there was no violent violent. The breath is surrounded by the distance, but there is no end, it is always moving forward.

"If this is to start, I will die." Chu Han secretly said.

Not to mention the question of **** this massive zombie beast, just the horrible breath ahead, it is enough to conclude that the super zombie must be shocking and powerful.

I can't move on any more. I don't know if this group of zombies will go there. He doesn't know. It's not a problem to go on like this.

He is a human being, not an extreme existence of zombies. He needs to eat and rest.

A strong sense of crisis surrounded the heart of Chu Han, let him make a decision in an instant, and at the same time a faint light came in at the top, clearly showing the scene around the densely sacred beast.

Chu Han was indifferent and his eyes were sharp.

There is light, there is export!

Chu Han immediately groped for the light, walked through the muddy waterway, and climbed for a while to climb the slope. When the light was getting closer, Chuhan’s whole person couldn’t see the original, and the boots were all The man is sick and muddy.

Close to the exit, Chu Han found that the light is very weak, not the manhole cover of the sewer.

Wrinkled, he gently opened the iron bar above, climbed up and found that this is a room, there is a wide glass window next to it, the glass is broken, the bottom is a garbage and no Knowing that it is a human or a zombie wreck, it is obviously washed by a zombie riot.

"What a ghost place?" Chu Han climbed up, his brows wrinkled.

Without stopping, Chu Han quickly strolled around and found a door. When opened, it was obviously a scene inside the building.

His brow wrinkled more tightly, because there was a feeling of deja vu, and soon after a circle around Chuhan, he was shocked to find that it was a building built with thick glass outside, and at this time in front of his eyes. The exterior of the building on the other side of the dirt-filled glass.

There is a human remnant that he has seen not long ago!

Tao Jin's!

Here is where Tao Jin was imprisoned, and where he and Dong Rui are separated!

The momentary horror made Chu Han somewhat lost, he actually went around?


It should be that the group of zombies are actually going in this direction? !

Chu Han knows that the past is the edge of the forbidden land. After passing through most of the city of Anro, it is the place where the first survivors are stationed.

At the beginning, for the sake of insurance, Chu Han did not open the zombie zone of the big film, but separated it layer by layer, and circled the nearest urban area from the Spike base to the survivors. The whole area of ​​Anro City is an empty city without people.

It is this layer of insurance now, so that the situation at this time has turned around!

After knowing the geographical location, Chu Han immediately cleared the situation and immediately reasoned out the purpose of the super zombie.

It is the survivors who are far away in most cities!

Imagine the pride of the super zombies. After so many zombies were transferred from different kinds of control, how can it endure this tone?

However, the absolute control of the ordinary zombies has made it impossible to use it. After that, the whole city has become an empty city. Not only is the zombie rare, but human beings are not, and there is no wind and waves, so for a long time, Anro The city is safe and sound.

After the war, the operation of the Spikes Group in the city of Anro in the past two days caught the attention of the super zombies.


With such a notice, we found a large number of human beings at the other end of the city!

Humans, ordinary people who have not stepped into new humans, even if a zombie mosquito bites, it is possible to become a zombie, let alone the attack of a large number of zombies.

At this time, what is the most scarce zombie in the city of Anro?

Younger brother!

A large number of zombie brothers!

The number of survivors is tens of thousands, and if they are all converted into zombies, it can regain the dignity of being a super zombie and gain the dominance of the city of Anro.

So without a second end, the super zombies immediately mobilized all the remaining zombies. At this time, the humanoid zombies are already pitiful. They can only choose the zombies and then go to the place where the survivors are. .

Even the super zombies were smart enough to go underground, while walking and playing the channel, in order to avoid the scorpion of the fangs, it can be said to be well-intentioned.

Therefore, Chu Han will not be able to go all the way, and the surrounding zombies will gather more and more, their destination is far away, and it takes a lot of time to transfer.

After a moment of thinking, Chu Han’s mouth evoked a smile that was bound to gain. The super corpse led the young zombies to play tricks, but it was a pity that he discovered it in advance and followed him all the way. He finally found out. Breakthrough!

Most of the zombies are mosquitoes, and the order is very low, but the number is huge.

Their biggest weakness is speed. How fast can this group of mosquito ants go?

Super zombies want to attack heavily, they must bring all the zombies to the past, otherwise a batch of allocations is definitely not the best policy, and as a result, it will have to take care of the slow-moving zombies behind them, the overall speed Will fall.

At this time, the group of zombies have not even stepped out of the forbidden area that was banned by the fangs. They want to cross the majority of the city and reach the other side. It will not be able to reach it for ten days.

Therefore, time has become the biggest opportunity for Chu Han now!

After tomorrow, Shang Jiuyi will bring people to the city of Anro, and the al-Qaeda messengers will see the city that Chu Han has taken back from the zombies for the first time, but no one knows that the crisis is still there because of the distance. Far away, Chu Chu is lucky again.

Chu Han immediately left the place after thinking about it, and went to the direction of the wolf tooth group. He was very fortunate to let Wang Cai go to the premise in advance. At this time, the Wolf Tooth Group must be prepared, maybe it has already started the action. .

Everything is within the controllable range, and God is helping him!

However, the only super zombie is the biggest difficulty. It is still useless to solve the zombie attractant. The plan to kill all the zombies cannot be achieved.

I think that the Chuhan side of this place is anxious to think about countermeasures. The super zombies that can command so many zombies will be quite high, and the sixth order is bound to be more than seven or even eight orders!

However, Xu Feng was transferred from him to the assessment of the stone wall. At this time, the remaining high-end combat power in the Wolf Tooth Regiment is extremely limited. All the sixth-order new humans including Chu Han

Is there any effect?

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