Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1083: Take it with you

This is a group of warning teams in the base of the Spike. They wear uniform uniforms and wear uniform guns. The two are grouped and stand alone in the room without expression.

"Yuan Min?" Murong Yucheng held Go, and asked the two guards guarding the front door.

The members of the guards of the guards looked up and looked at Murong Yucheng, and they said nothing: "Military heavy ground, noisy people, etc. must not be near!"

Murong Yucheng stunned: "Isn't it here yesterday that I met with the Foreigners of the Weapons? How did it become a military heavy?"

"Yesterday is, it is not after today." The guard who answered was still serious, even faintly holding the gun: "Not a soldier at the base of the wolf, please leave immediately. Today is a day of handover. If you still appear tomorrow." Here, the bullet is waiting!"

Murong Yucheng is completely stupid, what is the situation?

Good end, how did you start to catch people, they did not receive any news at all, and what is the handover?

Murong Yucheng is not a person from the base of Nandu. In the face of such a situation, he quickly took out his badge and showed his identity. Then it took a lot of effort to understand things.

Just such a question, Murong Yucheng never understood, suddenly became shocked!

“Migrating to downtown Anro?!” His face was astonished: “All survivors, and the management of the Spikes? The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also went? Today?!”

The last two words, Murong Yucheng, were sprinkled with water, which shows that he was shocked to what extent.

"Yes." The soldier nodded blankly: "Since you are the messenger of the South, please go to the City of Anro to find the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This is the military base of the Wolfs. Members of the non-Spider Wars are not allowed to enter!"


Murong Yucheng’s neck was so disgusting that the whole person was completely brain-destroying. Overnight, just one night’s time, what happened to Grandma’s grandmother?

Also, the group of people actually lived in the city with survivors, a city full of zombies?

An unprovoked anger slammed into the heart of Murong Yucheng, and directly rushed out of the Tianling cover, too chaotic!

How many zombies are there in the city of Anro?

Even if Chu Han is more powerful, the Wolf Tooth Warfare is even more powerful, and it is impossible to kill all the zombies, even if it is really powerful enough to kill the zombies and corpses, then those zombies?

At present, human beings can only live in a single base. They dare not and cannot enter the cities they are familiar with and yearn for, because of the massive zombies in the city.

Small, mixed, can't be cleaned up!

At this time, he was told that the management of the Spike and all the survivors had to stay in such a dangerous city, and there was no news, and all the people suddenly appeared.

How does this make Murong Yucheng accept?

Chu Han is simply too messy!

With anger, Murong 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕 慕The management and the survivors broke into Chu Han’s brain powder.

The thing that sent you to death is so unfortunate!

A group of people rushed out of the base gate and planned to go to the city of Anro to take out Chu Han and ask him to understand. This kind of thing he decided not to report on his own decision. If it caused the death of a large number of survivors, who is responsible?

But when the messengers headed by Murong Yucheng just came out of the base, they met a group of people who were ready to go. The number was huge and many people were quite familiar.

The headed person is Shang Jiuyi. She is dressed in a strong suit and is covered with a suit jacket to cover the coldness of the morning, revealing the gas field of the strong woman.

Around Jiuyi's is a team of escorts, all equipped with complete equipment, but also highlights a tough gas field, it seems that as long as anyone dares to approach Shang Jiuyi, they will immediately shoot people into horses.

Later, it is a large team of management staff. At this time, the management of Spike has already been subdivided, and the relevant groups have stayed. The rest of the clerical activities are all followed by Shangjiu to Anro. Help her manage the city.

Members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who have been dealing with the base ambassadors for ten days have stood in the crowd, and they all are well-dressed and seem to be attending important meetings.

The rushing out of the various bases of the ambassadors on the spot, stunned and looked at the spectacular situation in front of them. There are too many people, one is this one. This group of people is too strong. The second is that everyone wears a dog. The third.

what the hell? !

Murong Yucheng was the first to bear the brunt, and he went forward to Shang Shangyi’s opening: "You, you, ah!"

The impact is too great, the anger value is too high, so that Murong Yucheng can't speak directly, and the latter can only start to chaos. The rest of the messengers who are shocked by huge information behind can also express the most primitive voice to express Your own intense emotions.

Shang Jiuyi’s eyes flashed through the banter, and directed a group of people in front of him: “The messengers of the bases? You haven’t left yet!”

The phrase ‘you haven’t left’ directly caused many people to almost die of old blood. How many days have they lived at the Spike base?

Chu Han did not see them, and it was not seen. Shang Jiuyi and other high-ranking bases were not seen. The alliance’s affairs dragged on and on, so that they could grow mushrooms quickly. As a result, they were still working and surviving. Those who went to settle in Anro City without a word.

And the most irritating thing is, Shang Jiuyi actually forgot them completely?

After ten days of hard work, what time did they want to be? !

Everyone was so mad, so that the previous blame Chu Han was irresponsible and couldn’t say it to his mouth. It was really caused by 10,000 points of damage.

"Oh, yes." At this time, a member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs pretended to be amazed. He smiled and rushed to the road: "I forgot to say that there is a group of messengers in the wolf, this time moving to the city of Anro. Celebration, they are also guests, witness it?"

"It makes sense." Shang Jiuyi nodded with the cooperation, and then the corner of his mouth hooked, tone and language are intriguing: "That take it."

"Yes." A group of security guards went straight up and pushed or forced the messenger to go on a trip to the city of Anro.

Murong Yucheng and others have been completely speechless, can not say a word, did not understand the situation is secondary, the main thing is just what is the sentence of Shang Jiuyi?

‘With it’, still ‘吧’?

What is the tone and the word? Gifts!

Although managing the wolf base for a while, but whether it is identity or status, Shang Jiuyi does not have this sufficiency and talk to them like this?

Many people have gone crazy in their hearts, swearing that this alliance with the Spikes will be invalidated. Going back, it is necessary to explain the situation to their bases and break away from the wolf teeth!

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