Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1092: This group of people, there is a problem

“Anxious to go home?” Chu Han couldn’t help but squat down, and then a complicated smile: “Where do you have a family in the last century? The place where you live is home.”

For this group of survivors who are refugees, Chu Han does not think that they have the ability to form a home. Since they have been forced to live in the wild forest, what do they want to go home?

The former residence of mankind in the civilized era, except for the city of Anro, is already the world of zombies.

"You don't know the strong, we have been living on the coast for generations, and we have been fishing for generations." The old man began a long story, a bitter tear.

"Which knows that the pattern is coming, a tsunami directly ruined our villages, and the coastline is rising and hard to force us to the heights. We originally wanted to find a place to live and wait for the sea to return, but I did not expect The residents of other villages have become zombies, constantly chasing us, we really have no way to escape all the way, and finally hide here."

"But we can't do anything except fishing. We don't know how to fight zombies. In this end, we will survive in the gaps. Hundreds of villagers are dead in disease and hunger. In the end, only a hundred people are left to live. ”

"Hey! We can't go back on our own, so wait here, wait until this road is covered by plants, there is no way, and time will be so much more than a year."

Listening to the old man's slogan, the Hunting King can't help but wonder: "So you see us on the road of Sanyi, just follow it?"

"Yes, that's right! That's it!" The old man's eyes brightened, and he said with surprise: "The end of this road is a place. We were not sure if the three strong people are on the same road with us. Seeing that they are halfway, it is definitely our hometown to continue walking! The three abilities are outstanding and the combat strength is strong. I hope you can help us!"

After Xu Feng and the Hunting King looked at each other, they rushed to the old man: "Since it is on the way, it is just a matter of raising your hand. Today is a little late, are you too anxious?"

"Oh! Yes, it is too urgent for us." The old man smiled embarrassedly: "The main reason is that the hometown is too strong!"

"But old man, you have to be mentally prepared. Today is not a civilized era. What is your hometown now, but no one can guarantee it." Hunting.

The old man was silent for a while, then he firmly said: "No matter what it becomes, we have to go back."

"Let's do it, let the people in the village don't rush, don't worry, it will start sooner or later." Xu Feng finally made a decision: "Remember not to bother us, our boss is not good."

"Good! Certainly! Thank you for the three strong!" The old man was ecstatic, turned and walked with the good news to the crowd, and there was a lot of cheers coming from behind.

Chu Han looked at this scene from beginning to end without a word, and the depth of his eyes made people unable to understand.

"What's wrong?" Xu Feng was keenly aware of something wrong. He whispered, "Is there a problem with this old man?"

The Hunting King also came together: "Or we don't care if they pull down?"

Chu Han shook his head, and the light flashed in his eyes: "You two have just heard that the old man said, hundreds of people in the village died because of illness or hunger, and after being forced into the highlands by the tsunami, Got to the zombie group."

Xu Feng and the Hunting King both frowned, and then looked at Chu Han without knowing it. "Hear, what's the problem?"

"Big problem." Chu Han's expression was not shocked, and the tone of calm said the biggest doubt: "At the time, did you find any problems?"

“Time?” Xu Feng began to recall after he slammed: “In the story told by the old man, the first is the end of the world, then the tsunami, they transfer their positions, encounter zombies, hide here, and finally die a lot of villagers, now they are left More than 100 people."

The Hunting King nodded at the side: "Yes, it's complete and perfect."

"So..." Xu Feng still didn't understand: "Where is the problem?"

Chu Han shook his head helplessly, and said: "The last person died, or died of illness and hunger. The death of hundreds of villagers is at the end of the story. Are you not surprised at the beginning? The last days The first problem encountered by this group of people after the outbreak was the tsunami. Under normal circumstances, shouldn’t it be that the originally familiar person became a zombie?”

When this was said, Xu Feng and the Hunting King were on the spot, and they couldn’t speak for a long time.

Yes, the moment when the end of the world broke out, the most common thing that people encounter is the change of the three views is that the relatives and friends become zombies, and in the first night of the global darkness, the first batch of human beings became zombies up to 80%, anywhere Nothing is spared.

But in the old man's account, but did not mention these at all, but after the tsunami crisis, this used the word 'actually', describing the human beings in other villages into zombies.

Explain that they escaped the tsunami crisis in the last days, and discovered that there were zombies. Before that, hundreds of people in the old village did not become a zombie? !

Xu Feng and the Hunting King, who thought of this, couldn't help but be shocked. In the state that the zombies are now completely common sense and things, the old man is unusual, so they can't help but shudder.

Chu Han took a look at the group of people behind him. The coldness in his eyes was like a hail: "If this old man is not deliberately lying, it is this group of people who have problems!"

Xu Feng and the Hunting King focused on the head, and they were afraid after a while. They secretly thanked Chu Han’s acumen for their agility, otherwise they could not find this doubt.

Now that you have preparedness, everything is much easier, so let’s see what the group is all about!

In the next few days, Xu Feng and the Hunting King continued to open the road in a quiet manner. There was no change from the usual situation. For the day when the group found that something was wrong, it was not mentioned.

With Chu Han for a long time, they have already practiced the ability to stand still!

As for Chu Han, it is still a big day and behind the two people, usually do nothing, eat and drink like a big man.

As long as the group of people behind them do not make any wrong move, the three will be completely unchanged!

Finally, on the fifth day of such peace of mind, when the road ahead was getting closer to the coast, the group of people behind it suddenly burst into a stir at dinner time. A group of people were pulling and pulling. Some young people who seemed to be high horses seemed to be I wanted to come to the Chuhan three people, but I was dragged by the old man who had spoken to Chuhan before.

It seems that the words are fierce, as if they are quarreling. Although they are not close to each other, they have heard how the three senses of Chu Han have been heard. There are also several key words that cause their curiosity and ideas.

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