Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1097: Encounter

The two crystals appeared in a parabola in the palm of the boy, and the culvert table of the diameter of the Chuhan face did not change color. The guy’s eyes gave a smile to the dealer on the table, and the latter’s eyes flashed. Looking to the past for Chu Han.

Come on a fat fish!

“Buy big and buy small?” The young banker’s eyes on Chu Han’s eyes are all about fat sheep.

After Chu Han sat down, he glanced at the table and screamed at the corner of his mouth: "Buy and."

"Hey! Only size, no peace!" The young banker greeted him with a sigh of screams.

Chu Han carefully looked at the face of this person, and then thrown out a first-order crystal without saying a word.

The young banker frowned, but didn't care too much. It was normal to play at the beginning. After all, it was necessary to adapt to the strange environment. When the atmosphere came together, the average person would start to throw big money when he was hot.

The people around him saw that Chu Han had such a small family, and they all laughed at it. Some people even started to groan.

Chu Han was unmoved. Every time he only threw a first-order crystal, his eyes looked around the environment, and occasionally he looked at the dealer when he opened the market. It seems that he did not care about winning or losing.

This scene fell into the eyes of the young banker, and gradually began to be impatient. He no longer stared at Chu Han and began to turn to other players.

Unconsciously, after several rounds, Chu Han gradually saw a glimpse of heresy in this game. The authorities were obsessed with the observers. This group of players played in and ignored every start. The dealers won the big picture.

That is to say, no matter how bet, the dealer can always shake the party with the least bet.

Buy big buy small?

Ha ha!

This gambling is swindling!

The gambling on the table has become more and more fun, and many people have lost their money and started to borrow money from the banker before losing.

Chu Han has been observing in this process, but no matter how he looks, he does not see how the dealer cheated.

Finally, the night is thick, the dealer will accept the desktop, smiled and said: "Tomorrow, everyone owes my crystal, remember to pay off on time."

"Hey! I accidentally lost so much." A brave man had some distressed openings: "At the moment, there are no zombies to kill. I am going to find this crystal?"

"Hidden money?" I don't know who said this, and then the situation on the scene suddenly became strange and became very quiet.

Brush it!

Many people who lost their eyes were all looking at Chu Han. It is obvious that Chu Han has crystals, but he has a small bet every time, and there is not much to win or lose.

In other words, in addition to the big winners here, Chu Han has the crystals they want!

Chu Han suddenly blinked and looked around. The waiter in the store didn't seem to see this scene. He acquiesced to this behavior. The young dealer stood on the side with a smile and deliberately watched the show.

"He." Chu Han preemptively, pointing to the famous dealer: "He has more crystals on his body."

When the words came out, the young banker stunned, and then suddenly a strange smile emerged.

Many people also looked at Chu Han’s fingers in the moment, and some people hesitated, but they quickly pressed down. It seems that there are any concerns that seem to look at Chuhan again, and they are brought one by one. Murderous, it seems that the money for Chu Han is inevitable.

Chu Han saw this more strange situation, and suddenly there was a speculation that the dealer was either colluding with the store or had a backhand, no matter what, it proved the black of the store, and the situation here. Surprising.

Especially the group said, there are not many zombies here. It is obvious that the situation is complicated!

Just as Chu Han thought about it, one person was approaching, and the weapons in his hands were faintly exalted. The rest of the people began to gather together and sandwiched Chu Han.

"Kids, we don't want to see blood here, but when we know each other, we will hand over the crystal!"

"We don't have much demand, we can pay off debts."

"You look so well-dressed, clothes and shoes are clean, weapons are sharp, very rich?"

Chu Han looked down at himself. It was true that Xu Feng and the Hunting King were on the way. Instead, they played a soy sauce. The clothes and shoes were simple and clean.

Chu Han was sitting in the ground and chuckling: "Don't it be that the cleaner the body, the more dangerous it is?"

"Hey! How dangerous is it? Let us see and see?" One person said that behind, a dagger would have been 'brushed' out, straightforward.

Someone took the lead and the atmosphere was on the verge!

Many people who didn't participate in this incident suddenly hid far away. The store's second child directly pulled the table and chair to the side. It seems that this kind of thing is very common here, and the young dealer is even more capable. When I got to the side, I began to watch the bustle.

Seeing that the dagger has been cut towards his own artery, Chu Han’s eyes are alive, and the precision talent, speed talent, and strength of the sixth-order peak are released instantly.


The left hand was fluttering and the shot was exquisite. The blink of an eye was shot on the wrist of the man, and the finger was forced to force it in a moment, and the man's hand was almost cut off.

The man holding the dagger was panicked because he found that his arm could not lift his strength, and the dagger in his hand was uncontrollably released.

At this moment, Chu Han had already turned his left wrist, and fluttered the dagger. The backhand smashed the 'brush' and placed it on the man's neck.

The sharp dagger is only a line apart from the artery of this person!

This series of actions only occurred in the blink of an eye. Many people on the scene did not respond, and the hijackers became hijackers.

Chu Han did not move his body, but he sat there, even his right hand was still holding his main weapon, Shura Tomahawk, but the dagger in the left hand was cold, and a smirk was in his mouth. Hook up.

Playing daggers in front of him?

The assassination skills of the black mans are all taught by him!

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly condensed, and the group of people who had rushed to Chuhan suddenly stopped, and the people around them watched the crowd and didn’t dare to speak. The second in the shop where the table was wiped up, the eyes were full. The horror, the young banker in the corner was also in the same place, bursting in the eyes and shooting a surprise color.

The person who was used by Chu Han to carry the throat was suddenly sweating and wet, and the back was screaming: "Small, there is no eye to know Taishan, and the strong is forgiving, I will never dare again." ""

Chu Han’s eyes have not changed, just looking directly at the young banker in the corner: “Secret, Jiang Lingtian?”

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