Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1101: August

Chu Han’s gaze gradually brought a touch of color. It appeared straight and ordinary in Jiang Lingtian’s remarks, but Chu Han knew that Jiang Lingtian’s ability was too malleable.

The principle of changing things?

This is a bit of a bad day!

Xu Feng did not quite understand the amount of information in Jiang Lingtian's short sentences. He simply saw the face that was similar to Jiang Lingruo's abnormality.

In August, the whole process was holding paper and pen on the side. As for what Jiang Lingtian said, Chu Han’s eyes revealed something, and he did not care.


"What about you?" Chu Han suddenly looked at August: "What is your ability, you should also be intensive?"

Although Jiang Lingtian and August’s skills are both good, they are obviously weak in physical fitness, especially in August. Don’t look at him like a haha, always smashing the crowbar, but from the beginning Chu Han’s awareness It’s a bit strange.

Too obvious!

In August, I didn’t expect Chu Han to ask him suddenly at this moment. After he snorted, he touched his nose and said, “Hey! My little ability is not a shame, or Jiang Lingtian’s power, that’s what’s right, oh Admiral Chu Han, signature and signature!"

"The ability to transfer topics can be, the ability to move emotions is even more okay." Chu Han said that he looked at August in an unclear way. He said: Unfortunately, Laozi’s spiritual talent has already reached the sixth-order peak and is not affected by you.

After Jiang Lingtian broke his name, Chu Han noticed that the atmosphere on the scene was faintly wrong. The more he went, the more emotional it was during each time. It seemed that something was ignored. What is being deliberately enlarged.

And this turning point is exactly when August is rushing to sign!

Jiang Lingtian and Xu Feng did not notice that only Chu Han, who had been accustomed to overall control, was not aware of the first time. This place is still in the village. Although the zombies were almost hacked by the group, the zombie’s rancid The taste is still scattered everywhere and not scattered.

But at this moment, they can't smell these flavors, only the sesame flavor in August is very obvious.

Secondly, Chu Han noticed carefully last night that in the small space of the gambler, the wine smell was strong and unexpected, as if entering the venue, you can forget the original darkness in the end world and completely integrate into this small world. With the sound of the scorpion constantly shaking, the spirit is suddenly confused, and I can't help but want to sit on the table and start a round of bets.

"Well, it's really amazing. My sister doesn't have no reason to worship you." The tone of August was flat and reached out to Chu Han: "I formally introduce myself, the name is August, and the ability is to confuse the five senses."

When the words fall, the scent of the sesame cake fades in an instant, and the smell that originally had it is also filled, even the sky is gray.

Obviously just confusing in August, not just the sense of smell!

Xu Feng was shocked and stunned, and he was full of horror. He looked at August and was full of horror. Even his seventh-order peak was deceived. It shows that the eccentric ability of these intensifiers is not small. watch for.

Chu Han’s eyes flashed, and I couldn’t help but re-recognize this person in August. It’s bold enough and powerful enough!

Just as Chu Han and Jiang Lingtian and August met each other here, there was a big riot in the place where the king was hunting.

The large stone that was surrounded by the fishermen’s villagers did not know what mechanism was triggered under the strange behavior of this group of people, and began to violently oscillate in the same place.



The frequency and scale of the vibrations are not small, and there is even a growing trend, so that Chu Han and others who are not far away can feel the trembling of the earth under their feet.

“What happened?” Jiang Lingtian was shocked, then immediately looked at August: “Have you done?”

August was also a panic: "I didn't do anything, it wasn't me!"

"It’s a fish village!" Chu Han immediately noticed the direction of the vibration, and ran to it first.

The original Hunting King was making up, and the sudden shock made him startle, but he just blinked, but he was shocked!

In front of me, there is still a huge weird stone. When it vibrates and rotates in place, it gradually begins to have a tendency to rise.

The most frightening thing for the Hunting King is that the more than one hundred fishermen who had been gathered here before, but now the world has evaporated!

No one!

"What happened?" Chu Han just came to see the situation in front of him, and the unstoppable shock: "What about the fishermen?"

"No, no more!" Hunting King began to stutter: "I just stunned for a while without blinking. I felt this after the earthquake. Nothing except this big stone! The group disappeared. Alright!"

The Xu Feng, Jiang Lingtian and August three who arrived later were also scared for a moment, and they were so strange that they encountered it for the first time. It was even more terrible than when the last days broke out.

"It is impossible to disappear without cause." Chu Han began to think hard.

It is a pity that the vibration of the big stone in front suddenly began to intensify. The ground cracked open and the crack spread all the way to the foot of Chu Han and others. The vibration was so strong that the two intensifiers immediately stood still.

"First withdraw!" Chu Han immediately ordered that he did not encounter this situation in front of him, and the danger coefficient is too high to stay here.

A group of people quickly evacuated, because Jiang Lingtian and August were intensifiers, and the order was not high, Xu Feng and the Hunting King simply smashed one.

Chu Han opened the way at the forefront. This is a very shock that has been expanding indefinitely. It’s been a while, and the entire fish village’s territory has started a strong earthquake, and there are cracks in the mouth. On the ground, even the wall houses have fallen, and they have not bottomed out.

The situation is so urgent. For the whereabouts of the 100 people in Yucun, Chu Han can only be put down for a while.

Let's escape and talk!


The road ahead is a crisis. Several people rushed all the way until they reached a place far away from the fish village. Only then did the shock of the rear be relieved.

It’s just that when they look back, they suddenly find out that there is a fish village in the back, and the whole has become a strange place where there are horrible cracks everywhere!

And because of the huge vibration, the loess dust in front of the eyes, can not see the specific situation in the distance, can only watch the huge sound of each banging rumbling after a huge sound, it seems that a large part of the place seems to explode like a mushroom cloud.

"This daytime is not an earthquake. What is the situation?" The hunting king looked at the distance with a lingering fear and could not understand the situation at hand.

And just then, a voice suddenly sounded behind them.

"Hey! Chuhan?"

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